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The random musings of a Rum soaked Canadian River Otter

Entries in this blog

I said goodbye to an old friend to-day....

My constant companion since May 2015, we'd spend evenings together, drinking by the fire pit or splashing and cavorting around on warm, sunny, summer days. Always there for the family, at BBQ, eating times, our constant companion and testament to summer fun. Lazy afternoons in the heat. Cold drinks shared after chores done. The occasional skinny dip, on warm moonless nights. The odd cigar and glass of rum, shared between us and the stars. But time marches on. The seasons change. It was inevitabl



Halloween is Almost Here!

Halloween:  The one day of the year I can dress in Cosplay costumes, strap on a sword and tail and bound around the office at work. 



Irreverentiam Canadensis

Ok, so grade nine Latin was probably a decade or two before most of you furries were born.  But once upon a time (in a galaxy far, far away) Latin was standard fair for anyone trying to get a Grade 12 or Grade 13 high school diploma in the Commonwealth.   For those that are curious, Irreverentiam Canadensis is a very loose translation of "The Irreverent Canadian."   Now you know. ^.^ 



The Monster Under My Bed

JiveGuru has launched a delightful new web comic at http://themonsterunderthebed.net/ Its semi-NSFW. Some panels do include nudity and suggested sexual contact. Published most Sundays, this is the story of a young boy that meets and becomes infatuated with the young monster that is in "monster training" under his bed. And how she quickly becomes infatuated with him. Its a well drawn, well dialoged "fish out of water/coming of age" story that reads well and is a visual delight to the eye. But w



An intro to Irreverent - meme style

Stolen from another Fur....hey, its a meme! A - Age 48 B - Biggest fear Dying of cancer C - Cold or warm weather? Hot! Its the Heat and Humid together that make Toronto summers great! D - Drink you last had Iced-tea. E - Extraterrestrials, do they exist? Frank Drake seems to think so, good enough for me. F - First thing you did when you woke up Shaved and showered. G - Ghosts, are they real? No. H - How tall are you? 175cm (5'9'' for you Yanks) I - In love with someone? Yep, my life ma



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