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Anyone know how to get the greenlight for a charity to fursuit at?


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While I've not done it before I imagine it'd entail contacting the person organising the event you want to suit at asking if they want someone in a fun suit there to liven the mood.  They'd probably want to know why you're interested and if they're feeling arsey why you think it'd help them, then they'd hand you some health and safety forms.  Anything else I'm not sure about, but these things are probably to be expected.  Sorry I can't help any more.

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Contacting the head of the organization, for starters. A better way to ensure that they'll let you is to have a resume with a list of past volunteer experiences sent to them. Mind you, some will ask to run a background check, especially if you are working around children.

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I've done it before by being with a cat rescue that was attending a charity event. We had a donation jar and the only money I recall getting was some change from kids that liked my suit. 

If you are working around animals and kids though, learn cues so you can watch out if they are scared. The best method is to cover your eyes and turn away (in my experience). I did this whenever a dog was unsure, though there were a few who loved the suit from the get go, lol (I've noticed that cats tend to be more chill about suits and love falling asleep when you're holding them in suit).

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I've found it helps to have a) connections, b) references, and/or c) something that looks like a charitable organization that you belong to.

People are more likely to say "yes" if they know you, can talk to people who know you/your work, or perceive you as a kind of professional who is being held accountable for their work.

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