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Review the last movie you watched


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I love these kinds of threads because they make me aware of awesome things I'd never heard of otherwise. Doesn't matter if it's a new release or a classic.

I watched Suffragette last night. It was very suspenseful and emotional, and they didn't take too many liberties with the history for the sake of a movie, which I appreciate. However, they used shaky cam for EVERYTHING which was totally unnecessary. Walking? Shaky cam. Casual conversation? Oh you better believe there's shaky cam! I'd recommend it though. A very uplifting movie.

Edited by Ometochtli
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The last movie I watched was "The Little Panda Fighter" as part of last week's Furries Ruin Everything TV viewing. I don't think I've sufficiently recovered to provide any sort of review that can be consumed by the public.

If I have enough time tonight after volunteering I am probably going to be dropping "Tomorrowland" into the bluray player. I thought it got rave reviews but then it vanished from the theaters seemingly overnight, which makes me wonder if it was a case of (*gasp*) Disney trying something different and getting spanked by the public for deviating from formula.

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Jungle Emperor Leo (2009). It was like watching Jurassic World, plot wise. It was weird as a film. Sometimes it was ridiculous and stupid, and the it was very clear who the good and bad guys were. At others, it was emotionally strong and made a good effort to have a good mix of conflicts to keep things interesting. It was okay I guess.

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Watched Hotel Transilvania 2 at the theaters yesterday evening. As much as I liked the first one, this looked much more like a straight-to-DVD sequel that somehow ended up being shown on the big screen. No plot, weak jokes, and maybe it's just me but when some cartoon character mentions selfies and youtube poop videos I just cringe.

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The Martian (2015) [trailer]

Ridley Scott really hit the nail on the head with this one. Someone must have slapped the shit out of him after Prometheus, and he actually listened. Matt Damon plays an initially extremely forgettable astronaut, who after a dose of plot-progression, is stuck on Mars. Rather than go for a walk outside without a suit, he knuckles down and attempts to create a kind of life on the barren planet, trying to address problems like "Oh shit, I'm going to need food, huh". A really great dramatic film, lots of suspense, and it has fucking Kristen Wiig in it. 

You don't know who that is? She's this lady.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GyES-BNlUY

Fantastic. Anyway, the film does a really great job of being both dramatic and having some perfect comedic moments- Matt Damon really pulls it off. I don't think another actor could have done the role as well as he did. And yes, I do have a thing for Matt Damon, but it's still really well done. 

In conclusion, the movie will make you ask questions like "Why is Sean Bean alive?" "How many people actually know who Glorfindel is?" and "Why does the space-toilet vacuum-wrap each of the crew members' poops individually, and why are they labelled? Why is there no urine at all?"

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Mad Max: Fury Road

Holy hell am Ilate to a good watch. I couldve watched it months ago but I was ignorant and naive about this.

I mean damn, all the work they put into visual characteristics of the people is amazing, super creepy vibes and such.

Those vehicles are something damn near awesome and everything was just all forms of damn near epic.

the downside, which is my fault really, is I couldnt pick up on the plot. Im bad at that with action movies and wished there were subtitles to follow along, I may have to rewatch it to understand what was going on fully. I just remember tons of explosions and shiz.

Also...unconventionally attractive characters. Damn Furiosa and Nux were hot.

But yeah, overrall a good watch. I feel dumb for not knowing what mad max was and I feel I should really delve into the other ones and the story more

Watched Hotel Transilvania 2 at the theaters yesterday evening. As much as I liked the first one, this looked much more like a straight-to-DVD sequel that somehow ended up being shown on the big screen. No plot, weak jokes, and maybe it's just me but when some cartoon character mentions selfies and youtube poop videos I just cringe.

Well...the first one was kind of cheesy too IMO, but watchable. I didnt expect a sequel to fare better, cant say Im surprised.

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I was rewatching some stuff.

I just finished this movie about some individual who was born with amazing powers.
These powers were kept in check by hiding this being away from all people and prying eyes. Watched while in isolation.
One day they broke free and ran to a desolate place and created a castle for which they could dwell.
The other main character is now on their way to said castle to find out what the situation is.
Enemies who also came to the castle start attacking.
A conflict arises between two opposing sides. The denizen of the castle, and the outsiders seeking battle.
During an attack the other main character gets caught in the crossfire and is subsequently "frozen" solid.
The power of love from this main character's "partner", in the form of a tear, breaks the curse and everyone learned a lesson:
Love triumphs all.


Pokemon: The First movie was great. 

Edited by Vaer
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Well...the first one was kind of cheesy too IMO, but watchable. I didnt expect a sequel to fare better, cant say Im surprised.

I think the best part for the first movie is the animation style (stretched eyes, and crazy expressions typical of Tartakovsky...); it's a novelty compared to the rest of 3D animations, so even a forgettable plot becomes decent when it goes hand in hand with something new. The second didn't have this animaion "novelty" factor, so the shitty plot had no place to hide. :P

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