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Found 4 results

  1. [Mod Vae] Got a piece you've never finished, but you'd sure like to show it? Got a piece you're working on that you're just dying to share RIGHT NOW, without spamming up your personal art thread / galleries / etc? Post it here, and let people see what you've been up to! Do not embed anything NSFW. All NSFW material must be placed under a link and warned for accordingly. (OP botched due to issues with the limitations of the forum software. Posts salvaged from a hidden thread. Mind the rules.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I started this bigger project the other day and have abandoned it for smaller ones.... we'll see if I keep going. I started a color test for it and everything.
  2. So made some good headway on this project so I'm finally posting it, lol. It will be a fullsuit and for my boyfriend to wear to Fanime this year, so late May deadline. Here is the creepy start: If it doesn't look dumb at first, something is wrong. X D (I also frankensteined in an old abandoned base of mine with fresh foam to save time). Anyways, I forgot to take inbetween pics soooo... I took some artistic liberty and threw in some extra cat and alien features. I'm going to change a few things (like the top of the head) but otherwise it is good to go. Eyes are going to be 3D. There is extra foam layers to give the glasses good room (Four layers vs my normal two). We are using white fur instead of light purplegray and the purple for his tail lready arrived. I really like how it is shaping up. : )
  3. This post isn't going to be as flashy as my first post from FAF, but anyways.... My current fullbody suit project is a Yellow Xweetok (from Neopets). Since the creature has such a large head, I buffed up the base's size as well: The Foam base is built on top of a bike helmet to help with support and size. Markings have been doodled on but the head is still going to get some foam work done on it. The eyes are going to be follow-me eyes with plastic scleras and foamies for the 3D look. The visible areas are buckram painted with acrylics. Eye wip: I'm pretty sure I finally found the right fur for the project and I've begun work on my duck-tape-dummy. More to come later.
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