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This game. This. Game.

Who here is gonna get this? Whether you've got yourself closed beta access, pre-ordered the game, seen characters you really wanna play or have any comments, post it here!

D.VA looks like so much fun to play. And Mei. And Roadhog. And Junkrat. And Lucio. And Zarya. This is gonna be good.

What do you all reckon to the $40 price, anyways? Considering Blizzard have confirmed in-game purchases and skins already.

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It has two of the same big issues for me that Battleborn has currently: price tag and no characters I feel I can really get into. It's not just the abilities and style of play, I also need to feel the character itself and it's hard to come by something like that when there's not a fuckton of things to choose from forcing the creators into making something similar to what I look for because they want each character to be different in some fashion. I'm also not really feeling hyper competitive games right now. The only PVP game I have enjoyed recently (despite my sucking horribly at it) has been Rainbow Six Siege.

I do love the idea of a FPS MOBA, but it's just not something I'm gonna pay that much for, especially since I haven't been able to try Overwatch yet and only randomly got into Battleborn's CTT. Honestly, I feel like whichever one lets you try the game for free (if either) will be the bigger success (even though BB is $20 more) just because there's probably many people in my same shoes who don't want to pay for something they're not sure about, especially considering the main people they're going to draw to the game will be MOBA players who currently get their fix for free~

Edited by Kinare
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Tracer does look fun to play but overall i can't really get excited for Overwatch. None of the characters that i've seen really do anything for me from a design perspective (save maybe Reinhardt but i haven't really seen how he plays) and i feel the same way about the levels i've seen. Ultimately gameplay is all that matters but i'm not paying £40 just to find out how it plays, plus in game purchases for full price games is kinda a dick move on the part of publishers as far as i'm concerned.

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I've been excited for Overwatch since it was announced! I even own an Overwatch jacket :v

The price is fine. People that complain about games having a price-tag, as well as an in-game store system are kind of overly entitled, to be honest. When it's cases of a game being released that is half a game, and then has DLC content to play that should have just been in the base game... that is bad. But games where the store literally only exists for purely cosmetic things really is fine. Especially in Blizzard games, where they're going to keep providing good content updates for all their games... Except WoW. RIP WoW; 1 year of HFC ohgod it's SoG all over again.

Something I like about Overwatch is the art style and animation quality. It's so good! As for heroes I'm interested in, I'll go with Hanzo, D.Va, and Roadhog. That Roadhog bellybutton tho

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People that complain about games having a price-tag, as well as an in-game store system are kind of overly entitled, to be honest.

I hate the price tag on this one, but I don't hate price tags in general and I've been known to blow a wad of cash on cosmetic shit. I don't expect really good games for free, but I would rather play the free alternatives if forced to pick one, even despite the first person thing lacking in them. More power to those of you who do want it, but if the game can't suck in a lot of the people who do play the free alternatives then it won't survive all that long.

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