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Freedom Wars, God Eater, and other MonHun-like games


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It was recently announced that God Eater 2 is coming to America for PS4, Vita, and PC, and that the original God Eater was heading to PC as well. Initially Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate turned me off of these Hunter-like games, as I didn't really like its lack of story or its in general combat and control-scheme. However, I recently started playing Freedom Wars since it was $5 brand new during the Thanksgiving sales last month and its turned out to be a fantastic and fun game. It actually feels like a solid fast paced squad-based ARPG. So now I'm interested in trying more games out in the genre (or whatever you'd call similar styled games). God Eater has me interested now, especially since its getting a PC port. So I was wondering how each of these games are different, and also if anyone played any games like this. Do you guys like any Monster Hunter-styled games besides MH itself? How are each of these games different? What's your favorite?


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I actually didn't know there were other games like it out there. I too dislike the controls of MH, but deal with it because the games are awesome enough. Might check out these games myself if I ever get the spare time and proper cravings for them.

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I'm a big time Monster Hunter.  And 4 is the best of the series by far.  It's also super easy to get into, has PROPER Online co-op.  I've not played any of the clones, but I'd be interested in trying the one for PC once it comes out.  I have tried the demo for Toishideken or some such whateveritscalled on PS4... It's... not good.

But I highly recommend MH4U. It's never about the story, i's about your personal skill progression and experiences.

Feel free to add me on anything, Steam, NintendoID, whatever. Same name. (save for PS4 where I had to go by 'FoxSlug' for reasons)

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On 26/12/2015 at 1:26 AM, shadowsinhiding said:

I love freedom wars and God eater so fucking much.

in terms of gameplay freedom wars is the best hands down. But compared to some others its a bit easier.

 If you wanna know something about these kinds of games ask me.....I'm sort of an expert on monster hunter style games

I discovered I had an unredeemed 30 days of ps+, so used it to nab Freedom Wars for free for a month and I'm really enjoying it so far but I would love some tips of how to go about various things when it comes to materials and how much I should be donating to the greater good on a regular basis.

Edited by Naesaki
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Just now, Naesaki said:

I discovered I had an unredeemed 30 days of ps+, so used it to nab Freedom Wars for free for a month and I'm really enjoying it so far but I would love some tips of how to go about various things when it comes to materials and how much I should be donating to the greater good on a regular basis.

No problem....heck if you even wanted i could help you online!

donating can be pretty useful....gives you points so you can buy certain licenses. My advice there would be to horde all your shit and then donate them when needed. i wouldn't recommend donating on a daily basis until post game when you want to help your city. I'm with London btw :3 

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8 hours ago, shadowsinhiding said:

No problem....heck if you even wanted i could help you online!

donating can be pretty useful....gives you points so you can buy certain licenses. My advice there would be to horde all your shit and then donate them when needed. i wouldn't recommend donating on a daily basis until post game when you want to help your city. I'm with London btw :3 

I've joined the London Panopticon as well, UKFurs ftw :D

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Apparently GE2 will be 60FPS on Steam even though the Vita and PS4 versions are 30.

By the way, is anyone getting this? I'm going to need people to play with when it comes out and all of my IRL friends think the game looks bad.

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