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The pope's releasing a rock album

Sarcastic Coffeecup

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RIght, so normally when you think of religious music you think of chants and other kind of normally boring music, BUT THIS POPE'S DIFFERENT, for he's releasing a rock album in November. And best of all, it's PROGRESSIVE ROCK, which is, y'know, my jam. I gave a listen to the first single they've released and it sounds surprisingly good. Basically prog/post rock with excerpts from his speeches. Evidently they hired some progrock artists to aid in this all.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but the pope seems like a cool guy now and I'm waiting for the album. It has an unique vibe to it.
 That's still not saying I'm a devout believer of the christ and all that, never have been, but this is a cool trick they're pulling off.

You can listen to the first single here https://soundcloud.com/believedigitalitaly/wake-up-go-go-forward/s-DONtr

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I mean if any pope or any other equally important religious figure were to release a fuckin' rock album, it'd be Pope Francis.

Seriously how can anyone hate him? He's like Mr. Rogers levels of radical.

yeah but he supports europe accepting refugees

fuckin EU scum shill

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