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LoL - A Summoner has reconnected...


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So I only started playing LoL again recently (went on a really long hiatus because the guys I had been playing with was not good at support, and was really bad at teaching anything and just got really mad at me every time I played.  Now I have a two man team I play with and we bot/jungle combo and I can actually do more than ADC bottom.  Have had a lot of fun so far in the last few months don't always get online (so only level 16 atm)  But slowly gaining hahaha.  (mostly because I want to play Kindred)


Anyways  fave champion? build?

Have a weird use for a champion that most people don't think of?


Am on NA Server under the summoner name Fuin Elda.

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That's similar to my experience when I started playing. The person teaching me got frustrated waaay too easily and playing with me wasn't fun for them anymore.

My favorite champ is Jayce although I barely play him anymore. And I normally just get a tear, some armour pen, trinity force and bloodthirster.

Before Soraka got reworked a friend and I ran Soraka and Sona duo mid and never lost a game with it.

And I'm on the Oceanic server under Revates if anyone want to add me.

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NIce. my buld tends to be huricane, bloodthirster boots and shiv.... but if it goes a while boots with homeguard and either riuned blade, or black cleaver


Jungle is a fairly standard build Hunters machete upgraded with Devour and boots. asap then it depends who's giving us trouble on what front in terms where I go from there. most of the time it's either magic resist or armor penetration that's required.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oo, I stated playing LoL a lil bit ago. It's a bunch of fun. Must say the community doesn't seem to be as toxic as it's made out to be, either. Though I expect that may change when I eventually jump into ranked matches haha.

Nah I've played LoL on and off for a while, the community is pretty abysmal. Once you get higher in levels and eventually get paired with "smurfs" (alternate accounts made by people who want to pubstump newer people because they get shit on at their own level) who will teach you how to make ample use of the 'mute' button. If you don't have perfect CS, play 100% on-meta (in like a level 8 normal game), and die for literally any reason you have cancer and should go die you filthy nigger faggot or something.

For real though just have fun and learn at your pace while ignoring faggots who act like this or this, you'll be fine. tfw ur husbando is shit tier atm t-thanks rito


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A friend of mine had me play LoL with him for a bit and I tried really hard to get to level 30 so I could play ranked, I even put money into the damn game (both boosts and skins). Can't force myself back into it though. He doesn't have much time to play, so I really have no reason to try getting better at it. Mainly can't stand to play it for the same reason I quit Dota 2: horrible community. The LoL community seems to be twice as horrible and the smurfs thing really bugs me, more than half of the players I get put up against seem to know what they're doing and I'm still very much learning the nuances of the game, plus everyone always thinks they're superpro and calls top (most of the time I get put with shitty top players ftw), so I'm forced to play a role I don't really want to play. By force I got pretty ok at jungle with Warwick and I could probably get better at jungle if I tried harder, but I just don't enjoy it in LoL like I did in Dota 2. Probably the pressure of having to act so early no matter the champ is what bugs me most. I could be good at top if I got to practice it because many of the champs and the play style of the role is similar to what I did in Dota 2, but alas... I did enjoy playing one guy as ranged carry and was pretty good with him, but at the time he was apparently due for a nerf and I was told not to get attached to him, so that sucked and further made me want to quit. Can't recall his name off the top of my head.

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