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Rant: my family are pricks


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A few days ago I was invited to go to a gun range along with my father, my sister, and the guy who's hosting this outing. several handguns and rifles were up for use. I was beyond excited, I wanted to see how well my knowledge from various firearms held up by using them for the first time. Last night im told "we're still good for tomorrow", tomorrow came, I woke up at a decent hour, I showered, got dressed and waited... waited some more. noon hits and I ask my father "when are we going?" to which I get "we're not going, he cancelled". I buy lunch and I ended up footing the bill for 5 fucking chicken sandwiches that weren't for me.

Later on the host came by and said "hey I called earlier, your father had a cramp and couldn't go", my response? I lost my shit. I asked why out of four of us assholes, why one with a fucking stuck fart equals the entire thing being called off, no one really could answer, on top of my father fucking lied to me.

Then I got to thinking, when hasn't anything been fucked up by a family member?

My father wakes everyone up at random, makes me buy random groceries and food with MY limited budget per month (I got bills and food to buy myself fuckers), constantly bitches whines and complains about everything and never shuts up.

the shittier sister of mine has two boyfriends, her parents are tip toeing the entire thing and it's pissing me off, as im ordered to "go change the wifi password" every other week because the parents wont just take her phone or laptop away, I have to fucking change the password on 20 devices + whatever a random guest brings over, over her bullshit.

the less shittier sister has this dog, this dog is not potty trained, actually he's not trained in anything other than tearing everything up, shitting and pissing all over the house, drooling all over the floor, and randomly knocking you over, father's dogs (2, 3 in total) are the same thing.

my mother? she chain smokes, she's 90% scream, 10% action, ive been waken up or had conversations interrupted over her "parenting" the shitty sister, she'll also complains about the state of my room (it's clean-ish but not to her high fucking standards) and has me do something to the yard at retarded times. trees are still full of leaves and im told to go mulch that shit up, one day later it looked like I did nothing, mind you I have the flu during this so im coughing, throwing up, running a fever, ect. and im having to go add that to my list of suffering.

I've had friends who drove up to see me, my family turned it into interrogations of me and them, and they eventually chases them off (who are you? where do you live? why did you come here? can I see your ID? what did you bring? what are your intentions? how long are you going to be here? do you have a criminal history? ect.) mind you, I never gave these people my address, I meet them in public places and family somehow finds me. the two sets of friends from both of those incidents? they never talked to me again, they wanted nothing to do with me.

This one guy I dated, im still haunted by that, it was the best 5-ish years of my life and every step of the way, it was fucked with.

  • several times the internet was shut off because "you're talking to strangers", went as far as banning my pc use at school at the time
  • I had personal property stolen by family (for "reasons" they never told me), I had a very important flash drive that contained EVERYTHING I had, I had pictures, logs, ect. irreplaceable and of high sentimental value, the flash drive was stolen, later given to me, and come to find out, it was improperly stored and was destroyed, everything was gone.
  • plans were made for me to move in with this dude two states away, he came here at his expense, I tried to do this in secret and it back fired bad, I eventually moved in and was later sent back, over family's bullshit
  • a printer was gifted to me and it developed a physical fault while he was here, we both (safely) dismantled the printer and narrowed it down to a bad wire, as we were fixing it, family came in, freaked out and took the printer despite repeatedly telling family what we were doing.
  • also while he was here, family started a massive fight over a "missing can opener" (someone dropped it behind the stove and is still blamed on us to this day)
  • without this guy in my life, said life would've ended about 8 years ago, he was the only person I could trust, the only person I could talk to, the only person who wouldnt dick me over
  • 6 years ago after attempting to live with this guy, family proceeded to harass us by putting out an arrest warrant for me and him. reason? the phone died half way through transit (15 hour bus ride) and they freaked out, one month later im sent home because I couldn't get a job, that marked the end of our relationship
  • that entire event I relive on a daily basis, in 100% detail, from start to finish like im forced to remember, this has lead to massive depression that I have to manage 24/7/365(6) or I begin jumping off into the abyss of depressions and episodes that requires outside interventions to stop
  • despite all of that, to this day family brings it up still, setting off more episodes.

Rex was a dog I had since my child hood, he was the only other thing I could go to for comfort when I started to spiral into deeper depression after all this shit, he was taken from me on the first day of 2016, some lazy fuck let him out and went back to watching western reruns, rex was struck by a car, miles from home, and died with a stranger who got out and was with him when it occurred, the very same fucks who let him out don't blame themselves and have the gall to cry and shit while making me bury him, and im barely keeping it together, I didn't eat anything for a week.

with all of that above with the personal hell I still deal with from the time with my ex, my life basically stopped in 2010. im 25, I stay in what's basically the only "safe" place I have, in the very same room where this all began, hardly taking care of myself, the room's a mess, no motivation to get a drivers license, or any attempt to move out, what little spikes of motivation to fix shit I can get are gone within minutes because of these assholes.

I can safely say, for the first time in a long fucking time, I was excited for something today, and it was taken from me, by one asshole relative.

Also excuse the random run on sentences and terrible formatting, it was either type until I let out enough steam, or start putting holes in the wall.

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It sounds like one fuck of a situation, I couldn't imagine being in that position, and I really feel for you.

The only thing is, how are you stuck in that position at 25? I'm 25 too, and I do my own thing because I can. There isn't a legal tidbit of fuck-all holding you back from walking right out of the door, and never talking to anybody again if you don't want to...

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1 minute ago, Wrecker said:

It sounds like one fuck of a situation, I couldn't imagine being in that position, and I really feel for you.

The only thing is, how are you stuck in that position at 25? I'm 25 too, and I do my own thing because I can. There isn't a legal tidbit of fuck-all holding you back from walking right out of the door, and never talking to anybody again if you don't want to...

I hardly feel motivated to go through the effort of doing the search of finding a place, the paper work to get in, and the paper work required to change my address while I risk my only income doing so (hurray weird incomes)

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1 minute ago, Draconas said:

I hardly feel motivated to go through the effort of doing the search of finding a place, the paper work to get in, and the paper work required to change my address while I risk my only income doing so (hurray weird incomes)

Income for an impairment of sorts, then?

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1 minute ago, Draconas said:

yeah, car accident around highschool makes standing/sitting a random game of chance, some days I can be active, other days it's excruciating pain standing up

If you want to get the hell out of dodge for certain, you should consult legal counsel to take a look at your options. You sound like you really, really want to get away from living at home, which I don't doubt one bit being a fellow '91er. Usually consultations are free, and they'll shoot a price at you after looking at your case.

You definitely have options to get way away from home, and you should look into them.

You managed to survive a bad car accident, you can handle something like this.

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damn, and i thought my family was obnoxious.  turn all that frustration into motivation, dude.  i know a lot is easier said than done, but it can--and must--be done if things are ever going to get better.  and the sooner you light a fire under your own ass, the better, because i've been trying to work myself out of a similar situation for years and i ain't getting any younger.  you'll feel a lot better when you gain some independence and don't have to deal with all that mess.

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I'm 25 and I just love living my parents.... said no human, EVER.  The reality here is that humans are not evolutionary, biologically, or socially adapted to live with their parents into adulthood.  The fact that you are miserable living with them is the least surprising thing I've read all day.  You owe it to yourself to find your own space and independence.   Take Wrecker's advice here, there are programs to help you but you need to look into it.  Things won't get better until you take the first step.

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