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I Almost Died Today. Awesome!


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Long story short I had an appointment I had to go to before work which since I can't drive means I have to harness the slow miserable power that is public transportation. Eventually I had to cross the street so I specifically walked up to crosswalk, and waited until the two rows of car stopped to let me go because they're sensible people who don't have brain damage. Anyways I run past and some fuckwit on his fucking phone sees everyone stopped at a crosswalk and says to himself "Oh shit people stopped, better fuckin' book it" and right as I pass the two cars I see this fucker racing towards me. Luckily he managed to pry his eyes away from his phone and skidded to a stop, only avoiding getting hit by literally having to fucking jump and roll out of the way like some bullshit action movie.

Suffice to say, I was not happy. At least I had the opportunity to give him little piece of mind so really that's the important part of all this. Don't text and drive kids, or I'll repeatedly kick your testicles until they come out through your fucking mouth and if you're a girl I'll find a way because I'm fucking angry.

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Get his license plate number. There are ways you can get his home address to ship him some glitter in the mail for revenge. Do it for Toshabi!


Also, I'm glad you didn't Pastry-kun!

I should have, but I had a bus to catch and I'm not letting some retarded chucklefuck make me late for work. I told him to go fuck himself and flipped him off so really that's all that I really want. I want him to realize how retarded he is, even if it barely registers because he's braindead.

Glad you're okay, I know how scary moments like that can be. :c

Shit was cray mang. At least I now know that my instincts in that kind of scenario are fucking terrible and would probably get me killed since you kinda want to jump into their windshield as opposed to y'know, getting yourself in prime position to get steamrolled by a Civic.

At least it felt badass. Probably because I don't know how stupid I looked.

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I dunno I think unless you're performing stunts it's probably best trying to jump out of the way rather than favour being embedded in any particular part of the car.

Well given the option of being mangled under 2 tons of metal and french fry crumbs and jumping into a windshield I'll take the windshield. This is assuming of course you don't have time to jump out of the way which I did so did just that, albeit in a really dumb way.

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As much as I dislike the idea of a car going over me I have to wonder if being run over or scraped along the road is actually any worse than being caught in a net of broken glass. Actually now that I think of it maybe the best solution is to just hit the frontmost part with your head and hope you don't live to experience whatever comes after. :|

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As much as I dislike the idea of a car going over me I have to wonder if being run over or scraped along the road is actually any worse than being caught in a net of broken glass. Actually now that I think of it maybe the best solution is to just hit the frontmost part with your head and hope you don't live to experience whatever comes after. :|

Safety glass is fairly cushy (considering your other options) and the logic is you'll roll over the car as opposed to under it if they keep driving, which still sucks but doesn't involve having your head crushed under someones car. I mean it's gonna fucking hurt regardless, so I might as well live through it.

Taking the bus sucks. 

You should get a car.

I need a license first, which I don't have because I'm lazy. Also I can't afford a car anyways.

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Safety glass is fairly cushy (considering your other options) and the logic is you'll roll over the car as opposed to under it if they keep driving, which still sucks but doesn't involve having your head crushed under someones car. I mean it's gonna fucking hurt regardless, so I might as well live through it.

I saw that tested on a TV show once and after the car was going over [some relatively low speed for a car] instead of rolling over it became more like turning the windscreen concave with your body. I forget the exact speed now but this was being done by a live person in protective clothing so I'm certain it wasn't very fast.

I think it was a replica of a similar, decades-older attempt when the glass had just shattered and someone had been seriously injured. I remember checking to make sure my 70s car didn't still have its original windscreen after that...

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