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What do you do to...


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What do you do to inspire yourself?

What do you do to crush anxiety?

What do you do to keep yourself going?

What do you do to improve yourself?

What do you do to help others?

What do you do to lift another up?

What do you do to push yourself?


Panic. Let it run its course.


Harsh criticism.

What I can.

What I can.

What I can.

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Look at other stories or ideas in movies, video games, and/or tv shows

Listen to old podcasts

I really don't know an exact answer to that. I just keep trying until something clicks

Ask for critiques from any and everyone

Give them my honest opinion on their works

Tell them they have plenty of time to improve and get better. That's there's no rush and they should go at their own pace.

Force punishment on myself if I dont get something done, such as not playing my video games or not having a snack when I want one

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What do you do to inspire yourself?

What do you do to crush anxiety?

What do you do to keep yourself going?

What do you do to improve yourself?

What do you do to help others?

What do you do to lift another up?

What do you do to push yourself?

  • Look at other artists work or just...go outside and have a nice walk. 
  • Snuggle my pets and do things I enjoy. Drunk tea.
  • Same as the above. Do things that calm me down and make me happy. Get my personal space too.
  • Grow a thicker spine and practice. 
  • Listen to them, be there for them, and send them nice things~<3
  • SAME AS THE ABOVE-- Cept I also send them motivational or things to de-stress. uvu
  • This is the same as the 3rd question! So same answer as that.


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What do you do to inspire yourself?

What do you do to crush anxiety?

What do you do to keep yourself going?

What do you do to improve yourself?

What do you do to help others?

What do you do to lift another up?

What do you do to push yourself?

Music and Daydreaming

Music and Daydreaming

Work for yourself, your vision

Take the time to study, watch some cartoons and study how they do things. From how they paint a bush to how a hand or paw lays in a position. Study what you see that you like and see if you can apply it.

Be supportive but not stupid

Listening being non judgmental helps

Very very difficultly but much quicker when for another.

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What do you do to inspire yourself?

What do you do to crush anxiety?

What do you do to keep yourself going?

What do you do to improve yourself?

What do you do to help others?

What do you do to lift another up?

What do you do to push yourself?

Look at the art o those who inspire me to do better.
Cry it out, take a hot shower, step away a bit, take a nap, smoke, etc.
The hope of a better tomorrow.
Practice things I know I suck at [damn Backgrounds].
Give advice/critique as requested.
Praise their accomplishments, it'll pass, just ride the wave.

"                                                                                        "

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What do you do to inspire yourself?

What do you do to crush anxiety?

What do you do to keep yourself going?

What do you do to improve yourself?

What do you do to help others?

What do you do to lift another up?

What do you do to push yourself?

Browse art, look at pictures/movies, watch painting videos. That sort of thing.

Wait and try to do easy disposable things I don't have to worry about, like gestures. Go for a walk along the beach.

I don't know what this means. Food and coffee?


Depends on the others.

Again totally depends on them. I bought a premium membership for someone on DA a while ago; their page filled up with fancy weirdness overnight. It was funny.

I'm inherently self-critical. I need to encourage myself more than push myself.

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