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Something I've been enjoying for some time now and I really just wanted to post about.  Sweet, simple, stability.  Not being caught in drama, not in unstable relationships, not trying to claw my way through college while trying to keep a sharp career focus, not counting what's going in and out for the sake of making tuition.  Most things in life are just nicely balanced with no major worries and keeping myself from sinking energy into things that make life overly complicated.

I see the total opposite all the time and I just feel so glad that I'm past it.  People desperately leaping from relationship to relationship, conflicts in friendships, focusing obsessively on things that should be low priorities, worrying what other people think rather than trying to be happy with themselves, throwing any roommate they can into their home while others filter out in an attempt to keep it afloat, trying to fit some artificial expectation that they think makes them 'successful'.  A million variations on those things...  It seems like a lot of people caught get in a brinksmanship game with themselves. Honestly, it's amazing that most people don't just crack when going through that stuff.

Edited by AshleyAshes
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57 minutes ago, Rhíulchabán said:

Congratulations Ashley! I know how important a small island of stability can be in a sea of worries, so its always good to see other people find their stable island!

Get the fuck away from my island!  You think China is territorial!?  I'll will fuck you up!  Stability Island is a sovereign state of the Duchy of Ashlica! D:

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1 minute ago, Rhíulchabán said:

This island is property of the Rhiulchaban Reich now, forfeit your home or die rebel scum!

You can't handle Stability Island!  It's beyond you!

Also, I totally need that island to tcore my super classy non-furfaggoty at all hoodie that I just ordered for $150 CAD!


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1 hour ago, Rhíulchabán said:

This island is property of the Rhiulchaban Reich now, forfeit your home or die rebel scum!

This island, wherever it may be, has since Roman times been a principality of the Alexanderian Dynasty, and if you don't gtfo my island, the spirits of the angry dead will come into your room while you're sleeping and blow their noses all at the same time. 

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Stability must mean going on furry forums and starting hypothetical arguments over islands.


Im envious, however, of your situation. I want to be done with school with a well paying and good job and buy stuff I like and just do life and have fun between labor. 



But alas, how long until the squidward effect takes over?

Will you always exist in such a comfortable cycle? Or will you bore and get sad and purposeless? Will you find a new goal to reach to? Will you find new things to want to embrace?

I always wondered this myself. I feel like even with stability there will be one or two things I'll always strive for better and better 'til Im dead

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