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Not an Introduction

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Hi. When I joined a while back, I didn't introduce myself. The thing is, Introduction posts tend to suck, and I didn't know yet if I'd stick around here or not; so I didn't bother with one. But now that I've been here a good while, and been enjoying my stay, I feel like sharing a little bit about who I am with you guys. 

So anyway, I'm a guy in my 20's, and not terribly exciting. I live in the midwestern US, in a stagnant little town right on the Canadian border. I'm not super social; I'm downright reclusive as a matter of fact. I clean hotel rooms for a living; it's nothing special, but the work is alright and it pays enough. I'd like to be self-employed but I don't have any marketable skills and I'm riddled with apathy. I am a Christian, but consider myself nonreligious. My goal in life is to feel at peace.

Yep, I'm a furry obsly. If you haven't figured it out by now, my 'sona is the silver kitsune you see in my icon. I haven't really been part of the "fandom" for real long, but I know my way around. I'm not into fursuiting, but I'm getting progressively more used to it. I've never been to a convention, but I'd kinda sorta maybe like to sometime. I'm not sure what I'd do at one, but people say they're fun, soooooo........ 

I have an imaginary pet fox named Bob. Only I can see him. He says hi. 

Some hobbies, interests.... I've always been fascinated by technology. I know my way around a computer quite well, and I'm pretty much my fam's IT guy. I'm especially fascinated by GUI/UX design. I love music and keep a nice collection going; in fact, I wrote a little about that HERE. I play a mediocre guitar too. Classic movies are another thing I collect; Kubrick, Scorsese, Coppola, all that good stuff. Video games are fun. I'm not quite a "gamer", but I like to play when I'm feeling into it. It's strictly Nintendo for me, I don't need no Xbutt. I play pool sometimes; I'm fairly good, but I don't play enough to keep the rust off. Oh, and I like to read about quantum physics. 

So that's a little bit about me. I can be a shithead sometimes, but I'm a pretty nice guy. If you're curious about anything please feel free to ask. 

Edited by Endless/Nameless
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30 minutes ago, Mr. Fox said:

Hi, I'm Mr. Fox. Bob says you're lying, I can see him, too.

And thanks for all the likes, my e-peen greatly appreciates it.  



U were good in that movie one time. 

Well... Bob tells me you smell funny.  

*likes post* You like that don't you?? 

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5 minutes ago, Endless/Nameless said:

U were good in that movie one time. 

Well... Bob tells me you smell funny.  

*likes post* You like that don't you?? 

I really was, wasn't I? You should see me in part two, Fantastic Mr. Fox: Mr. Fox strikes back. Coming to a cinema near you!

And he's just jealous of my amazing deodorant.

O bby, stroke it, stroke it gud.

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