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Canadian Thanksgiving!


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Same here.  Gonna relax a bit, stack some firewood, clean the garage, close the pool and then cook......32lb bird.  Lots of family coming over.


That sounds like a grand day.  Winter is coming! 

  Monday is Columbus Day here down south.  

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So I have always wanted to ask this: Is this celebration rooted in the original Thanksgiving of the pilgrims from The Mayflower and their settlement at Plymouth Rock or is this a different celebration?


Canadian thanksgiving is the original one. The Americans copied it. You can tell because Canadian thanksgiving happens before American thanksgiving. 

Your white house is white because we burned it down and you had to repaint it. 

You're welcome.

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So I have always wanted to ask this: Is this celebration rooted in the original Thanksgiving of the pilgrims from The Mayflower and their settlement at Plymouth Rock or is this a different celebration?


Yes, its a tradition the Loyalists brought with them to British North America during the mass migration after 1776 and the second smaller migration after we burned down the Whitehouse during the War of 1812. ;)

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United States Thanksgiving was the first nationally recognized holiday in the United States. The First president, George Washington signed it into law during his tenure in 1793 or so.

The war of 1812 pretty much leveled Washington D.C. at the time and it had to be rebuilt soon after. Though is was there before the war, It was after the war that the most prestigious Marine Corps base in all of the United States there, called the Marine Corps Barracks was well fortified. The best Marine Corps color guards, drill team and bugle corps is also there. Just to qualify to be in the raffle to get there you have to have top 2% in your Marine Corps group, no parking tickets and no brushes with the law.

I was very interested in the US Marine Corps and after earning Eagle Scout, I was Gung-Ho to go into the Marines after high school. I did not make the physical. They thought I had a heart murmur.

So it was a loyalist holiday then? That is funny considering that the Pilgrims who boarded the Mayflower did so because they wanted a new land wherein they could practice their religion freely without having to conform to the monarchs of Europe and their shifting religious affiliations between Protestant and Roman Catholic. It is always interesting to see and read what everyone thinks about it.

Happy Thanksgiving then.

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