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Rant: People who induce wrath.


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It's a common enough problem. We are, of course, surrounded by idiots of every shade of stupid on a daily, hourly, basis. 

My problem isn't with that. I can handle just plain stupid people, or rather, people whose stupidity renders them unthreatening. The kind of stupid that makes you go "Awwww, bless your heart" and pat them on the head. Stupid people like that are just like dumb puppies, really - maybe they need a little correction, but that's about it. 


My problem is with people who have taken stupid, and have turned it into...something horrible. 


The rage. The sheer, visceral, insane fury that I feel when I see these people, when I read what they've said, what they believe. Whenever I read something political and right-leaning these days, I imagine myself in ragged leather fringe, with an axe in either hand, screaming, berserk, cutting a crimson path through all the stupid things that make me see red. 

As if violence would stop it. It's wonderful to fantasize about, though. :3

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The myth that politicians are idiots is perpetuated by victims of the "above-average effect" who are too naive and prideful to even entertain the idea that hiding how intelligent you are could be beneficial.

Most people do not like to feel stupid, they do not welcome even the appearance of being condescended to and they are insulted by their own ignorance. The more down to earth and relatable you appear to them the more they will like you because you appear nonthreatening.

Politicians know this, they are the masters of this sideshow. Do you really think a demographic full of people who hold law degrees from the most prestigious academic institutions in the entire country and literally run the free world are all room temperature IQ, average normies that would otherwise be working at Walmart at age 50 if they didn't just happen to stumble into representing millions of people? I'm not saying they're all Stephen Hawking, but they're probably significantly more intelligent on average than the general population. They just know how to play dumb well enough to fool idiots into liking them and well enough to fool you into thinking they're actually stupid. Just about the only time they ever genuinely make fools out of themselves is when they get caught doing something improper like doing a rail of coke off of the erect penis of a male escort.

Go look at some of Donald Trump's pre-2008 interviews where he calls conservatives a bunch of gullible morons who would fall for anything, repeatedly represents himself as "just another rich liberal globalist" who is politically indistinguishable from Bill Clinton, and contrast that with his actions now.

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Everyone's a complete retard, except in the places where they aren't.

This isn't one of those places, is it? 

And to be perfectly honest, I'd much rather not give the likes of Ted Cruz, Trump, etc, credit that quite frankly they don't deserve by saying they are in any way intelligent, because if I had to admit that I might as well just go and get a lobotomy, thus ending the necessity for me to be aware or productive. 

It's my dream that these kinds of people have their tongues cut out and force fed to them. Publicly. 

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This isn't one of those places, is it? 

I mean more in the sense of if you listed every single field of knowledge in the world, you would know literally nothing. However in select few fields you aren't basically retarded in, you're a genius by comparison.

Of course it's a pretty simplistic way of looking at things and doesn't factor in things like logic skills and shit like that, but who the fuck cares since I'm always right anyways.

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Reading this, a particular group of far right extremists in the UK spring to mind. They're called Britain First, and they share bullshit Facebook videos about how the country should be whiter and rid of Muslims. 

People on my friends list like and share this crap. And you know, life's too short to get pissed off by these things.

Tl;dr- The world's full of bullshit anyways and getting angry at isn't even worth it.

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This isn't one of those places, is it? 

And to be perfectly honest, I'd much rather not give the likes of Ted Cruz, Trump, etc, credit that quite frankly they don't deserve by saying they are in any way intelligent, because if I had to admit that I might as well just go and get a lobotomy, thus ending the necessity for me to be aware or productive. 

It's my dream that these kinds of people have their tongues cut out and force fed to them. Publicly. 

Yeah the problem is that just because an idea is unsettling to you doesn't invalidate it whatsoever.

Smart people can be bastards too, and if anything they're the most dangerous types of bastards.

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You should see my Facebook feed. Most of it is coworkers and former coworkers from various job up north in the oilsands.

They're all good people, but holy sweet mother of fuck are some of them on about shit that they don't know about. 90% of them are still blaming Trudeau for the price of oil.

Every fucking day I shake my head.

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3 hours ago, Brass said:

hey bby not my fault if I make your butt angry 

My butt is so angry it is literally eating my shorts.

Soon it will start tearing holes in the couch. 


People make me mad. And of course politicians are the guilty ones in this, as I've said. And it makes me even madder that I can't change them. Because, y'know, if I were in a position to, I would. It would be the highlight of my life to not only enforce, but to LITERALLY force change by whatever means necessary. Unfortunately, the methods by which I would do this would be liable to cause comment. And likely, my own trial and eventual demise. 

To those people everywhere who say "Who needs to be accepting? Rejecting everything has always worked for us.", I would just like you to know the depth of my hatred for you. If I met you in the street, I would be hard pressed to stop myself from choking the life out of you. Just going off the deep end and doing something violent and unpredictable is sounding better and better all the time. I mean, EVERYONE is doing that nowadays, right? 

Nobody has the right to be stupid. Nobody has the right to hold an entire country's progress back. These are not rights, they are delusions, and they must be stopped. 



Oh. Hi, NSA. Didn't see you there. Want some fried chicken?

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