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its 3am here right now and this is literally what happens to me all the time, if i stay up early in the morning juuuust once it can fuck my entire pattern up, its just a case of fixing it right, sometimes my sleep pattern goes backwards and im going to sleep at 10-11am just make sure it doesnt get to that point because then your only option is to stay up and loop around to like 9 at night and believe me..that bed is one seductive bastard 

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I went to bed at 10:30 just about last night...but didnt get to sleep until around 1:30. Not really insomnia since I do eventually get to sleep...but for whatever reason it often takes me much longer than it should, or so it feels like. People fall asleep within the first few minutes but it takes me a bit longer to fall into a deep sleep phase xP

Your sleep pattern doesnt sound as bad as it could be though, maybe with some effort it could be adjusted?

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not sure if I'm an insomniac or not, but if I am it seems to attribute more with waking. I got into the habit of staying up til 2-4 in the morning and even after fixing my schedule to going to bed around 11-12 after about 3 weeks it reverted back and I just wouldn't get tired til around 2. Sometimes even if I am exhausted I'll just be awake until 2 unable to sleep; I also can't sleep if I know other people in the house that I live in are still awake, it's like I can sense their activity and get paranoid and tense about it. Anyway, regardless of when I fall asleep, I almost always wake up around 8 or 9 am and just won't be able to fall asleep after that, even if I've only gotten like 5 hours of sleep. It's exhausting.

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