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Rant: Cringey videos meme


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Yeah, I get it. People are dumb. Unnaturally so, that it gives you the 'cringe' feeling. So much so that it's hard to be empathetic to their plight caused by their own ignorance.

However, Cringe has become something of a meme. We had a thread awhile back on the meme of 'life hack'. Originally, it started useful but then people started using it to be cool and the 'hacks' ended up pretty dumb and useless. Cringe has ended up the same way. I don't blame people for giving the natural response to someone who has failed so hard that they basically committed social suicide, they should know better...or at least learn to know better. Or learn to learn to know better if they can. Not everyone is going to be nice to you, and they  won't if you can't learn to behave in a proper format.

But with the memeing of cringe, people have taken to snooping through things and trying to find stuff that they define as 'cringey' on purpose. This leads to...well...being judgmental over something that's not that big of a deal. 

Let me explain. Yes these would qualify here ...anotherexample

...and I'd still give these people leeway since they're either dumb kids (kids are dumb and weird, it's natural...they'll grow up and cringe the hardest at their own idiocy), or not all there mentally, which isn't their fault and it can't be blamed. If anything someone should have never gave them access to a camera, if they can help it. Youtubers aren't very understanding of these kinds of things, though. 


One I didnt find all that cringey was this ...just a couple of kids/teens playing/larping in a parking lot. It actually looks fun, seems like something I'd do as a kid :P Yeah it looks/sounds ridiculous, but it's not a huge production, naturally. Just a game. And it's not necessarily the most awful videotape. The irony of this cringe is people are sitting on their computer, in a dark room, surfing youtube cringe videos and laughing at other people playing outside and doing stuff physically and actively with friends. So much cringe. Wow.

Maybe it's just me because I don't really proactively find reasons to laugh at or judge people for their interests or what they do with their life.

Edited by WolfNightV4X1
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I've never really understood why people like watching things that make them cringe. Like, why watch something that makes you uncomfortable? And in some cases I don't really like how people make fun of some of the people in such cringe videos; it makes sense sometimes, but other times its just people having fun enjoying themselves or people who are just super innocent. A lot of things that people call cringe are really mean-spirited in some cases. That said, there are cases when people who should know better are legitimately being awful and cringey, and I think its understandable why some people might feel the need to tell them off.


One I didnt find all that cringey was this ...just a couple of kids/teens playing/larping in a parking lot. It actually looks fun, seems like something I'd do as a kid :P Yeah it looks/sounds ridiculous, but it's not a huge production, naturally. Just a game. And it's not necessarily the most awful videotape. The irony of this cringe is people are sitting on their computer, in a dark room, surfing youtube cringe videos and laughing at other people playing outside and doing stuff physically and actively with friends. So much cringe. Wow.

I prefer this version. Honestly it looks like a lot of fun. I don't find it cringe or worth making fun of, but I do think its kind of funny and silly. I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with getting a laugh out of what other people are doing, as long as its not in a "making fun of them" kind of way.

Edited by Battlechili
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I've never really understood why people like watching things that make them cringe. Like, why watch something that makes you uncomfortable? And in some cases I don't really like how people make fun of some of the people in such cringe videos; it makes sense sometimes, but other times its just people having fun enjoying themselves or people who are just super innocent. A lot of things that people call cringe are really mean-spirited in some cases. That said, there are cases when people who should know better are legitimately being awful and cringey, and I think its understandable why some people might feel the need to make fun of them or tell them off.

I prefer this version. Honestly it looks like a lot of fun. I don't find it cringe or worth making fun of, but I do think its kind of funny and silly. I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with getting a laugh out of what other people are doing, as long as its not in a "making fun of them" kind of way.

The problem is in some cases it's obvious that they should know better and sometimes it isn't obvious. So to be taken with a grain of salt, I suppose. I think its typically older people that need to be talked to about why they're assholes with bad mindsets or ignorant that need to be reevaluated.. I just wouldn't be mean-spirited in laughing at them either.

The "dont make fun of rarity" kid is cute and I'd hug him and say "Shhhhhh, stop talking", he's just kind of dumb innocence personified.

Edited by WolfNightV4X1
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I've never really understood why people like watching things that make them cringe. Like, why watch something that makes you uncomfortable? 

That's like asking why play a game or watch a movie that scares you. The uncomfortable feelings are the best in entertainment. 

Me personally, I love cringe videos because I think they're a great form of humor.

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Nothing can make you cringe more than when Riley starts to cry in the middle of the classroom in Inside Out.  You're like 'No... Don't!  We've all been there, it's happened to all of us, but don't!  You'll never live it down!  SUCK IN THE TEARS RILEY!  .......Oh god she did it and now I have all the gut wrenching feels! D:'

Edited by AshleyAshes
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However, Cringe has become something of a meme. We had a thread awhile back on the meme of 'life hack'. Originally, it started useful but then people started using it to be cool and the 'hacks' ended up pretty dumb and useless. Cringe has ended up the same way.

Pretty sure the average quality of most things goes down when they become popular. It just kind of inevitably attracts people with a passing interest who don't really have anything worthwhile to contribute.

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Some people find certain vines in this furry compilation to be cringey, but some of them are cute and funny

Others though are in fact a miss...

Most normies woulddub all of these cringe cuz furries :P

I thought a lot of them were cute and funny, though. The one with the girl that had a moving jaw fursuit head and singing was neat except she didnt have armsleeves or handpaws and it totally killed the magic!

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