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Fuck greyhound


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I hate greyhound. They always find some way to fuck you. They don't give a shit about their customers, they just wanna squeeze every dollar out of you they can. They always find some new way to fuck me every time I ride with them. Today I bought a ticket online from Seattle to Corvallis. There was a bus transfer in portland that was a three hour layover. The bitch who drove us down said I didn't need a reboarding stub to get back on. Okay? I guess you know whats up. I chilled at a bar for a few hours, went to get on, and sure as shit they wouldn't let me on without a ticket. Had to shell out an extra 30 bucks to get home. I'm so done, I'd rather ride my bike with a wooden stake up my ass than deal with greyhound's bullshit customer service one more time.


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I know your pain, there.

Something like this happened to me about 6 years ago on the way back from Mexico. Somewhere at one of the stops before Dallas, the idiot driver took one of the wrong stubs off my ticket sheets. While the rest of my family I was with at the time were getting on the next bus, I was being refused to board due to no stub. Long story short, I was stranded in a Dallas bus station for nearly a whole day until I could get wired some money to get home.

Edited by ZorroValdez
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Oh jeez looks like everyone here has had problems with greyhound.

I once took a greyhound bus ride that was supposed to be 12 hours long, 4 hour layover included. The ride ended up taking just over 20 hours. Our last layover ended at around 2 am. Most of us were sleeping, and the bus driver did not enter the building to tell us he was leaving, so he would have left everyone behind if it weren't for the one rider who came in and told us.

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Sorry you had to deal with that, idk why she'd tell you that you didn't need your stub..

Did you at least have a good trip?

The trip was very interesting actually! I took advantage of the layover to go to the first bar I could find, which just so happened to be a gay strip club, lmao. It was called The Stag, everybody there was super friendly and they made me feel right at home. It felt pretty classy for having a bunch of male strippers working the pole over in the corner too :P 

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The trip was very interesting actually! I took advantage of the layover to go to the first bar I could find, which just so happened to be a gay strip club, lmao. It was called The Stag, everybody there was super friendly and they made me feel right at home. It felt pretty classy for having a bunch of male strippers working the pole over in the corner too :P 

hahaha well at least there was something good out of it! x3

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Its times like this I prefer the ease of being able to travel around the UK without such long journey times, though idea of travelling across the states is extremely daunting to me, but seriously this bus company needs a PR nightmare and to get its shit together.

Edited by Naesaki
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I should get my friend Poe in here to share his stories about taking Greyhound from West Viginia to Chicago. He could make an entire spoken word album out of it. He has seen so much crazy shit.

Dude, I've got some fuckin' stories just from a couple dozen trips between Washington and Oregon. So far on the greyhound I've encountered: 

-guy shaving his head in the terminal bathroom, flabbergasted as to why the staff would kick him out for getting hair all over the floor.

-dude shooting up what was probably heroin across from me, classy. At least he was quiet for the rest of the trip.

-several crazy, probably homeless people, including a man with a disgusting skin condition who claimed to have done 50 years to life in prison for drinking wine on the bus, and abducted by aliens twice

-A guy that had gotten out of prison about six hours prior due to assault, arson, and armed robbery. He shared his trail mix with me.

-a dude that had just tried to blow his brains out with a handgun. Apparently it jammed and he changed his mind. He was actually pretty cool, he apparently posts audiobooks of fallout fanfiction online and has a pretty sexy radio voice

-the last trip I was on, I went outside the station for a smoke, and somebody tried to take the cigarette out of my hand. srs. 

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My trip from Arizona to florida was fun too. I was 15 at the time.

Carnie gave me a metal little dragon in exchange for solving a riddle

Dude shouting at 3am about conspiracy theories 

Dude punching the conspiracy theory guy

16 year old girl who wrote naruto fanfiction and drew hentai for her dad.

Lady who was coming back from a convention and gave me a manga

Dude coming back from Marti gras and gave me a cup

Dude who got busted at the new Mexico border for having less than a pound of weed in his suitcase.

Lady who was pooping with the door open in the Terminal at Atlanta, rocking back and forth and muttering to herself. It was weird. 

I was a cute kid though, people liked to give me stuff. That and I had depression so I was probably doing my unconscious sad face. You know resting bitch face? I got resting sad face. I still get strangers coming up to me asking if something is wrong, lol. 

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Dude, I've got some fuckin' stories just from a couple dozen trips between Washington and Oregon. So far on the greyhound I've encountered: 

-guy shaving his head in the terminal bathroom, flabbergasted as to why the staff would kick him out for getting hair all over the floor.

-dude shooting up what was probably heroin across from me, classy. At least he was quiet for the rest of the trip.

-several crazy, probably homeless people, including a man with a disgusting skin condition who claimed to have done 50 years to life in prison for drinking wine on the bus, and abducted by aliens twice

-A guy that had gotten out of prison about six hours prior due to assault, arson, and armed robbery. He shared his trail mix with me.

-a dude that had just tried to blow his brains out with a handgun. Apparently it jammed and he changed his mind. He was actually pretty cool, he apparently posts audiobooks of fallout fanfiction online and has a pretty sexy radio voice

-the last trip I was on, I went outside the station for a smoke, and somebody tried to take the cigarette out of my hand. srs. 

How good are you at telling these stories?


Same question I asked MB: How good are you at relaying these events? Do people laugh/cringe when you share them?

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How good are you at telling these stories?

Same question I asked MB: How good are you at relaying these events? Do people laugh/cringe when you share them?

Just in general? My friends get a hoot out of them most of the time. Or was that a subtle jab about me relaying my "stories" in bullet point form? :P

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I should get my friend Poe in here to share his stories about taking Greyhound from West Viginia to Chicago. He could make an entire spoken word album out of it. He has seen so much crazy shit.

I live in West Virginia and I have never seen a Greyhound bus in real life. I'm still not convinced they actually exist.

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Just in general? My friends get a hoot out of them most of the time. Or was that a subtle jab about me relaying my "stories" in bullet point form? :P

My curiosity is genuine! I always gave Poe grief that one of these days I would liquor him up (he's a bit more verbal when he's had some booze to lubricate his inner clockwork), plop a microphone in front of him and record his stories about being on the 'Hound. Now with you and Miss Fleece, I'm starting to move from the "joking idea" phase and into the realm of "despite this being something that will surely cost me money, I am seriously considering the concept of an album of people telling hilarious/terrible/horrifying experiences about riding the bus, as it could bring some laughs to the world."

I live in West Virginia and I have never seen a Greyhound bus in real life. I'm still not convinced they actually exist.

That's OK, Greyhound busses believe in you!

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My LSD trip on a Greyhound from Memphis to Dallas might make for some interesting stuff.

that sounds pretty good

i once smuggled a large amount of drugs on greyhound. super wacky stuff

als the greyhoubd bus is the worst place ever to detox off shit. 

i hate the greyhound bus so fucking hard

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greyhound is fucking garbage, used to take it between Thunder Bay and Toronto a couple times a year. Never again. I'll pay the extra $50 to fly.

In Canada you can have your head chopped off on the bus.

It actually happened. 

im the guy who got his head chopped off, it fuckin sucked.

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My first time taking Greyhound? The police were called when a Chinese man was found to have been making sexual advances towards an under-age female passenger when we stopped at a service station for a minute repose. 

Also, it is utterly impossible to sleep on Greyhound buses. The seats don't lend themselves well to comfort at all.

Edited by I Did It For The Cat Girls
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