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*proudly walks down a spacecraft's platform, arms outstretched with a happy smirk on his face*

Finally after these months I have finally been bothered to create an account here! I shall now continue my primary objective of shitposting and macrofication, which will stop approximately when my endless energy core runs out of juice... which logically will be never! ;3

Ahhh but joking aside, its been a nice few months I've experienced. Passed my first semester of college, doing pretty nasty on both of my finals but regardless passing! Tasted alcohol... not my favorite of all drinks in the world but nice to have now and then! Experienced the magic of things that should not be mentioned here! My roommates are great influences aren't they?

Aside from maturing a little, getting myself a bit more ahead in the story of my life, and experiencing the wacky world of amazing things, all in all I'm still basically the same person I was when I first arrived on this glorious planet you call Earth!

But, to introduce myself! As you old farts know, my chosen species is what's called a "cybercanine". For those who are new, the concept is simple. Years ago I slapped shit together and implementing mistakes in the design. Yep, pretty lazy way to go but hey I made a pretty cool species that my friends really like. To get into detail, the species is obviously canine based. Along with that they have white fur, long spaded tails, and the females have longer fur on the waist to the extent it makes an appearance as a skirt or dress. Really the only mistake when doing my first ever digital art of one, was hexagonal eyes. And I ended up keeping that as a feature. So yeah!

As far as other stuff is regarding fluffies is concerned, I definitely plan on owning a fursuit when I get enough money to do so! Super excited to potentially be a fursuit performer! I also like to draw pictures now and then, sometimes I end up spitting out pretty decent art! I also have the hobby of writing! Usually macro/growth fetish stories :b But I've started work on what potentially become a novel! I also know a couple other furs in real life. One is from my hometown, some of you guys from Skype know her. Mornel. No idea if she has an account here, but she's super cool and I've known her since middle school and we were besties in high school. I also know a fur up here in this town where I go to college. In fact, she's a coworker at Walmart. Neighbors to my department, electronics! She works in the photo lab! Super fucking adorbs, but she's gay so obviously she won't and never will show any interest in me no matter how cute I think she is :b Can't wait to get back to work tomorrow, she makes for great conversation when the work is slow! Haa, I can already hear her little woofs. x3

And as far as non-fluffy goes, I'm a student at Michigan Technological University! Really great place and I'm surprised I fit in as well as I did! I honestly couldn't ask for better roommates, the 3 of us are damn near perfect. Super excited to start the new semester in a couple weeks here! I'm also a bit of a gamer, consistently playing Warframe and Minecraft!

But, that's really all I can post for now. I have to get to bed pretty soon here so I have enough sleep for tomorrow!

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oh damn you glorious bastard, about time you show up. What will we ever do if we dont hear the groans of annoyance from your shitposting ways :P

That said I know all the shiz in your intro already, I am the oldest of oldfags.

Glad your back. Welcome to the furry hellhole known as this constantly zombified website that wont freaking be put out of its misery

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9 hours ago, DevilishlyHandsome49 said:

Hey hey Funky!


9 hours ago, Hewge said:



8 hours ago, grassfed said:



5 hours ago, DrDingo said:

About time

Hey, you

Ayyyy how's it goin? :D

5 hours ago, shadowsinhiding said:

what took you so long?

Welcome aboard! Ill go get the 3d pizza printer!

Eh, mostly just couldn't be bothered to apply before

But I'll gladly take 3D printed pizza any day!

5 hours ago, WolfNightV4X1 said:

oh damn you glorious bastard, about time you show up. What will we ever do if we dont hear the groans of annoyance from your shitposting ways :P

That said I know all the shiz in your intro already, I am the oldest of oldfags.

Glad your back. Welcome to the furry hellhole known as this constantly zombified website that wont freaking be put out of its misery

You oldfag you :V

May as well charge the growth ray in preparation =V

3 hours ago, Nova said:

Hello funky. Welcome here or back, dunno

I wondered where you were

Lol, either is fine. Mostly was busy combined with not really being motivated to make an account here

1 hour ago, Chrysocyon said:

It's about time! Welcome back! I was wondering when you'd get around to moving over here. Nice to hear you're doing well.

Hello hello! Yeah, doing mostly well. Still loving both those pictures btw!

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