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Infractions do Nothing


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Hey, so I got an infraction recently (rightfully so) and here's the story. I didn't even know of the existence of said infraction until two hours later. Nor do I feel any real remorse or punishment for what I had done.

I think this infraction system does absolutely nothing. Especially since these infractions expire, rather quickly I might add. After that infraction expires I feel there is absolutely nothing stopping me from committing the same offense, getting the same infraction, and just not caring.

What are ya'lls thoughts on the punishment system? I'm curious. o:

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I haven't got any infractions yet (I don't think) but I've seen several people saying they didn't know when they did.  Sounds a little ineffective to me, but I think the mods are able to increase the punishment or even suspend people on a case-by-case basis if a user is a repeat offender.

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to be fair, infractions didn't really do much on FAF either unless you had a lot of them or mods specifically placed a restriction on it. that being said, I guess it would be nice if you at least got a notification saying you've been infracted and for what.

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The beauty of vBulletin was that it sent a notification, and the points system automatically equated to either a temp ban or a perma ban depending on that. Additionally mods could IP block users to stop or at least delay dummy accounts. These points didn't disappear quickly either so if you accrued them, you earned the ban rather easily.

It might be worth exploring how the system works here, and if it needs revising, then do so. I'm not familiar with this software at all beyond what I can do as a user so I can't really comment on it.


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5 hours ago, willow said:

to be fair, infractions didn't really do much on FAF either unless you had a lot of them or mods specifically placed a restriction on it. that being said, I guess it would be nice if you at least got a notification saying you've been infracted and for what.

Usually whenever I racked up a lot of infractions on FaF I just laid low for a month or so until they expired. 

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" After that infraction expires I feel there is absolutely nothing stopping me from committing the same offense, getting the same infraction, and just not caring. "

The threat of a ban is what keeps people from re-offending.
I have no problems with the infraction system, personally; my problems lie with how infractions are dealt out seemingly randomly.

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Part of the problem is that there are some people in the world who don't give a shit, or actually treat being penalized as a badge of honor.

The system works when it comes to people who actually want to participate in a forum, and/or who want to be seen in a positive light.

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