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About time somebody cleaned up that filthy smut in the UK!


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4 hours ago, Alexxx-Returns said:

Is this something we can use a VPN to get past, or are we royally fucked?

As long as AFF and AO3 are preserved, I'll be fine but if those get blocked I'm gonna punch a baby.

You can probably just use TOR, maybe VPN if you are worried about your ISP inspecting your data packets.

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10 hours ago, DrDingo said:

Isn't the UK among the world leaders in exports of sex toys and bondage equipment?

Yep, all my latex-wear/pup stuff is from the UK; they're famous for that sorta thing.

Well, I hope more folks in the UK start to see it's not just 'those Islamic foreigners' who threaten their liberties, and decadent western ways...it's easy to get distracted, and not see the threats looming to your freedoms in your own back yard. And those in the US would be wise to take note...

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Being honest, I can't figure out why your porn preferences should be the concern of the government

At this rate, if the government of the UK keeps it up, soon it will be illegal to have premarital sex, only missionary position is allowed and having the job of being a professional porn star is illegal. I really hope this trend will stop or at the very least not spread to other nations

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35 minutes ago, Snagged Cub said:

Being honest, I can't figure out why your porn preferences should be the concern of the government


It grants them the excuse to erect regulatory mechanisms over ISPs in order to pave the way for future, more valuable controls. When 'we don't have that capability' stops being an excuse, getting them to go along with other such schemes gets easier.

Even if this is not intentionally done as some machiavellian masterstroke (and no, it's probably not but instead just pandering to its base) it opens the field up just the same.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OH MY GOD. I am so excited!

The European Union reviewed the British Government's new data-collection laws, dubbed the 'snooper's charter' and has ruled that they represent an unacceptable and unjustified intrusion into the privacy of average people.


We actually needed the European Union to step in to protect the right to privacy of British citizens, from our own government.

I am very sure that our government will continue to pursue this legislation, as well as the automatic blocking of 'unsuitable' content on the internet, especially after we leave the EU.

But THANK FUCK there is somebody standing up for us, because our own politicians, apart from the Lib Dems, certainly haven't been.

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