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Rant: Konami


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Doesn't he not even work for them anymore? How can they "ban" him from the ceremony if he's not even their employee anymore?

Konami is just trying to commit company suicide at this point.

From what I've been able to discern, he's like a kind of pseudo-employee stuck in a sort of employment limbo. 

It's not much of a secret at this point, but Konami's CEO really doesn't like Kojima since he's a greedy asshole. Like not just as in "he's an evil corporate exec" or something, as in he's a genuinely petty asshole whose willing to fuck over his company and its employees out of spite because of his hate for the person whose largely responsible for making the company what it (or more appropriately was) is in the first place.

Chances are Kojima's still under contract and also under a kind of non-compete clause that bars him from working for other companies or from working on his own projects for a certain amount of time (probably until the end of the year). Of course Konami being Konami, probably decided to extend that to him being barred from accepting his own fucking award out of spite since Kagemasa Kozuki is a disgusting piece of shit and I would not have sex with him.


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From what I've been able to discern, he's like a kind of pseudo-employee stuck in a sort of employment limbo. 

It's not much of a secret at this point, but Konami's CEO really doesn't like Kojima since he's a greedy asshole. Like not just as in "he's an evil corporate exec" or something, as in he's a genuinely petty asshole whose willing to fuck over his company and its employees out of spite because of his hate for the person whose largely responsible for making the company what it (or more appropriately was) is in the first place.

Chances are Kojima's still under contract and also under a kind of non-compete clause that bars him from working for other companies or from working on his own projects for a certain amount of time (probably until the end of the year). Of course Konami being Konami, probably decided to extend that to him being barred from accepting his own fucking award out of spite since Kagemasa Kozuki is a disgusting piece of shit and I would not have sex with him.


Yeah sounds about right. Hopefully Kojima breaks off from them and manages to do something better than they could ever hope to get.

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Nice to see that they're not shying away from calling Konami on their bullshit in big public events like this, and the amount of support people were showing for Kojima when Geoff mentioned he was watching the show.

Get fucking dragged, Konami.

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From what I've been able to discern, he's like a kind of pseudo-employee stuck in a sort of employment limbo. 

It's not much of a secret at this point, but Konami's CEO really doesn't like Kojima since he's a greedy asshole. Like not just as in "he's an evil corporate exec" or something, as in he's a genuinely petty asshole whose willing to fuck over his company and its employees out of spite because of his hate for the person whose largely responsible for making the company what it (or more appropriately was) is in the first place.

Chances are Kojima's still under contract and also under a kind of non-compete clause that bars him from working for other companies or from working on his own projects for a certain amount of time (probably until the end of the year). Of course Konami being Konami, probably decided to extend that to him being barred from accepting his own fucking award out of spite since Kagemasa Kozuki is a disgusting piece of shit and I would not have sex with him.


Jesus, they can actually do that? Holy shit

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All garbage companies.

This triggers me greatly. But I won't press further.

Square Enix has been my favorite company for years. I stopped liking them after FFXIII's release after what everyone said but after I played them and realized I enjoyed it (along with trying out their Yoko Taro games and TWEWY), along with their increased PC support, I can't really hate them.

Edited by Battlechili
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I'm sorry but to me, SE Japan hasn't made a good game since FF9. The only good games that SE makes all come out of their UK branch, which I prefer to call by their original name "Eidos."

What if I told you that Japanese SE is co-developing a game with Platinum, and its a sequel to one of their previous titles.

Also I would argue that even if you didn't like FFXII, it was at the very least an extremely detailed game with a lot of effort put into it.


But uh...nevermind that. I didn't make this thread to talk about video games. Just to complain about Konami. So sorry for bringing all that up.

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Yes. Although I think it might just be a slot machine, I don't shit about pachinko.


Its a pachinko machine. 



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This is my reaction to that panchinko machine stand in for Silent Hills. 



I was actually really excited about Silent Hills. Both the trailer and P.T. had that feeling that has been missing from horror games for so long.... then they canceled it in favor of panchinko. Konami is seriously doing a good job at burning bridges with gamers, aren't they?  I'm sure they would have made a killing if they would have stayed with Silent Hills. But I guess gambling machines are more fun and profitable than a AAA horror game that we've been waiting on for years???  I mean why even keep these franchise titles around when you clearly want out of making video games. 

Edited by Rouge Artist
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This is my reaction to that panchinko machine stand in for Silent Hills. 


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/N4LkNoRc4cg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


I was actually really excited about Silent Hills. Both the trailer and P.T. had that feeling that has been missing from horror games for so long.... then they canceled it in favor of panchinko. Konami is seriously doing a good job at burning bridges with gamers, aren't they?  I'm sure they would have made a killing if they would have stayed with Silent Hills. But I guess gambling machines are more fun and profitable than a AAA horror game that we've been waiting on for years???  I mean why even keep these franchise titles around when you clearly want out of making video games. 

You can embed YT videos simply by clicking the 'insert other media button', then clicking 'insert image from URL' and pasting in the video URL. Just for future reference.

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 minutes ago, Kaizy said:

Oh man he's free from Konami AND working with Playstation now? Beautiful.

Konami can get bent and go develop those precious app games they were rambling about, while Kojima continues to deliver quality.

Are you not hype for that BIG BOSS pachinko machine? Wow, and you call yourself a true gamer smh.

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Just now, PastryOfApathy said:

Are you not hype for that BIG BOSS pachinko machine? Wow, and you call yourself a true gamer smh.

Sounds hella fuckin hype. Can't wait for them microtransactions.

On that note, I hate the "true gamer" label. It's stupid. Just let me play Killing Floor in peace.

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8 minutes ago, PastryOfApathy said:

Are you not hype for that BIG BOSS pachinko machine? Wow, and you call yourself a true gamer smh.


7 minutes ago, Kaizy said:

On that note, I hate the "true gamer" label. It's stupid. Just let me play Killing Floor in peace.


Greasy unwashed man children. The only true gamer is the bro-gamer.

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