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Rave-a-Rant 40hrs


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If only I was as cool as Prince.

So just recently, after a stupid long hiring process (1.5mo about), I started my job; I spent two weeks training because parent company couldn't be bothered to dole out our credentials sooner (coworker still hasn't received his even though we were 'proofed' (identities validated) at the same time. This week was my first full week of taking calls (call center; revolves around simple IT/tech support and cyber security), and it went better than expected, hooray!

This is the first paying job I've held since November 2015. I haven't worked since then (I'm still actively volunteer staff for online sites, but I don't count these entities in with work, as I don't leave the house and deal with other people or get paid to do these things). I spent that time trying to deal with medical issues, then spent 2wks in the hospital (partial..got to leave at the end of the work day), and then spent the months after that recovering and adjusting to all the fun new medicines and dosages, and am now stable and fit to work; hooray for modern medicine!

The past 3 weeks have been hard adjusting to, as working 40hrs/wk is brand new to me; even when I was working before last fall, I never held a full time job as it was never an option for me. I like working the hours, because that means I'm earning a sweet paycheck on pay day, but I also feel like I'm constantly tired and have no damn energy for anything, and that I have no time for anything or anyone. Does anyone else feel like, or felt like that for awhile? How do you adjust to that? Will there ever be a time when I feel like I can actually do something at the end of my shift? I have a later shift..ending at 8pm..I prefer to sleep around 9-10pm so I can wake up on time to go fetch my breakfast AND lunch and then catch the bus. I have a long commute however, and although the commute home is relatively fast thanks to my partner, the commute to work is about 1.5hrs long (metro bus). I spend about 12hrs/day commuting and working, and I just don't have an ounce of fuckin' energy at the end of the day.. I don't understand how to adjust to all this long spans of working/commuting time. How do you do it?! People tell me "oh you gotta make time" I CANNOT CREATE TIME WHICH DOES NOT EXIST IN ANY FORM WITHIN OUR UNIVERSE.

RANT: No time for happy fun stuff >:U

RAVE: Sweet paycheck twice a month, full medical/dental/vision + life/death/hospital indemnity for a cool $70/mo 8)

Seriously, full medical insurance for the first time in my life, not on welfare/medicaid? Interesting time in my life now :o I'M FUCKIN' PUMPED, MAN

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Unless you can find a sweet job that lets you work part time and still pays well (which are few a far between), then the only way out of the 40-hour prison sentence is self employment.  I became self employed ten years ago and I'm not sure I could go back to a 'real job' at this point.  Sure my hours are extremely variable and my income is all over the place, but the freedom to choose your own destiny is a great thing.  Some weeks I work 80 hours, some weeks 10, if I feel like it.  Starting a business can be tough too, unless you have some very special skills and can find a niche to exploit them.  If you want out of the rat race, it's the only viable option, besides winning the lottery.  So what are your special skills?

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Haha, oh boy do I know the feeling. Not to that extent per se but the pros and cons of work are pretty extreme.

I think you just have to evaluate what you need more of, money or free time

Work yourself through hell for a bit and collect some savings as you go, try to proactively look for a better job with perhaps less hours as you continue through this one. 

Soon as you get tons of monies/a new good job, quit it then and there and make a run for it, profit

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30 minutes ago, AshleyAshes said:

It can be tiring, my short weeks ate 48hrs with the long ones being 72hrs, but it's been 48hr weeks for nearly two months now.  On the other hand, the massive increase in purchasing power is amazing. :)

I do have to agree, the ability to buy all the stuff I couldn't even get close to even considering is very nice. I've got my eyes on a huge Critter Nation cage for about $215 for my ratties, and I am SO FUCKIN READY TO GET IT :U They'll be very happy to have so much room to run around in <3


2 hours ago, Strongbob said:

Unless you can find a sweet job that lets you work part time and still pays well (which are few a far between), then the only way out of the 40-hour prison sentence is self employment.  I became self employed ten years ago and I'm not sure I could go back to a 'real job' at this point.  Sure my hours are extremely variable and my income is all over the place, but the freedom to choose your own destiny is a great thing.  Some weeks I work 80 hours, some weeks 10, if I feel like it.  Starting a business can be tough too, unless you have some very special skills and can find a niche to exploit them.  If you want out of the rat race, it's the only viable option, besides winning the lottery.  So what are your special skills?

I did consider that route, but with what I like to do, which is fine and digital art, it's so damn competitive. I've had my hat tossed in the ring for years, but it's never gotten me much. I think the biggest bite I ever had was last December for $65. Doesn't help that I refuse to do mature and XXX rated work, but as I've heavily associated with G to PG-13...moreso in G for children's illustrations and cartooning IRL..a lot of my work hasn't/doesn't make the digital transition, so my galleries aren't a proper reflection of my full range, but I also struggle with those uploads because I don't feel they're welcome on any 'furry' site outside of Weasyl, and I fucking HATE deviantART, and don't feel like I'm good enough to rejoin Artstation. Other than that, I'm apparently just damn good at fixing intangible issues, but I won't be shackling myself to student loan debt for the next 60yrs to get my fancy psychiatry papers that state "You may practice art therapy in X state in the USA" not that I feel I need a degree for that anymore given my own  entire life of dealing with mental health shit and coming out alive from each meltdown every single time.

3 hours ago, Endless/Nameless said:

I only work half that much and still feel like that. 

Let me know when you find the answer. 

I feel we might die trying (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

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You do kinda get used to it after awhile, though the fact that you have a huge commute will make that very difficult, if not impossible.

The best you can do, since you're taking the bus, is use that time wisely. Read, browse internet, play video games, etc. An hour and a half out of your day for just travel is pretty brutal.

I'd also start going to sleep later, little by little until you're used to getting a bit less. I go to bed at 11:00 every night, so already there's an extra hour.

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17 minutes ago, Conker said:

You do kinda get used to it after awhile, though the fact that you have a huge commute will make that very difficult, if not impossible.

The best you can do, since you're taking the bus, is use that time wisely. Read, browse internet, play video games, etc. An hour and a half out of your day for just travel is pretty brutal.

I'd also start going to sleep later, little by little until you're used to getting a bit less. I go to bed at 11:00 every night, so already there's an extra hour.

When I'm on the bus so long, I try and cat nap. I get motion sickness if I even so much as look down for a couple seconds too long, so I just listen to some sick tunes for that entire commute. There's 2 other routes that get near where I work, and one is sigificantly shorter, but that also means I have to cross the highway... I've been nearly hit about 7/10 times crossing that highway on the ped crossing light saying YEAH YOU CAN CROSS NOW, HUMBLE PEDESTRIAN (my favorite was when a moving van completely just ran the fucking light and kept on going, and then immiediately after some cunt in a little shit car was about a foot away from slamming into me), and I won't do it anymore. 

I worry about going to bed later though... worry I won't get enough sleep to endure sitting on the phone for 8hrs -____________- I can't seem to win!

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Yeah, hours take alot of adjustment.

Last year I wasunepmployed for like six months after a very long hour type thing, then worked barely any hours at nearly min wage, then got on to my current jpb which pays really well (16 when I hired on, 17 now, 18 in august) but has days that are entirely indefinite. This season the workload has been so light I'm usually home before five (starts at 8), but like when I first hired on I know to expect 60 hr weeks. It's kinda funny, I've been taking so much time off that I am getting 20 hrs and a week and have to get used to being broke again.


Back OT, just make sure you eat and drink well while at work. Goodness knows a long day on an empty stomach sucks.

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On ‎5‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 11:05 AM, Ratmomma said:

I do have to agree, the ability to buy all the stuff I couldn't even get close to even considering is very nice. I've got my eyes on a huge Critter Nation cage for about $215 for my ratties, and I am SO FUCKIN READY TO GET IT :U They'll be very happy to have so much room to run around in <3

For me it gave me a happy Christmas.  I was able to get my girlfriend a NVidia Shield Android TV, because if she'd gotten a crappy Chinese android box she'd have driven herself insane making it not suck.  I also got a couch which I'd been waiting to buy with a tax refund but instead was just paid out of over time pay.

Now I have an anime convention coming up with a nice budget set for spending at the dealers room at Anime North this year so I can fill my living room with tacky crap.  Not to mention the pinball controller I'm starting to build. :3

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