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Artist gripes

Red Lion

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Just blowing off some steam, not anything major.

As a hobby I make art and while it's not amazing art, I do get requests and have watchers on Deviant Art, Tumblr, and FA. Things usually go pretty smoothly but every now and then I'll get messages demanding certain types of content. When these messages come in the form of a legitimate request I don't find them too troublesome, I tend to just politely decline and go about my business.

But then there's this:


Among other messages off the same type.

"Please, sir, I'm but a poor, broke, mentally ill person and I want to see art of my m/m Harry Potter ocs. I want it a lot and it would be really nice of you to just give it too me!"
"Artists should make things for free because art should be available to everyone!!!"
"Gimme free shit because that's what Jesus would do!"

 Gets on my damn nerves >8[


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6 hours ago, Vae said:

So just tell them to either pay you or go fuck themselves.

I ward off this problem by just being upfront that I'm not gonna take anyone's shit.

Usually I just block them. I used to reply to them directly but I no longer have the interest in starting an argument with these entitled shits or the people who come to their defense. if it gets particularly bad I turn anon off for awhile. That usually stops it.

The hilarious part is that these messages started appearing after I told another Anon that won't do ships involving real people. I had just posted a list of art I won't make and apparently some people found it to be an unreasonable list and a few of them pointed out specifically "Celebs/real people" and "Shipping minors with adults." 

"Hardcore NSFW is out. I try to keep the content on this blog pg-pg13ish
Anything related to an anime is out. 
Ships featuring underage characters with adult characters. Out
Ships I don’t care for like “Kylo Ren x Rey” are out. I will let you know if your suggestion falls into that category. 
Anything that sexualizes minors. Out
Ships involving celebrities or any real people. Out
Art that involves an excessive amount of teal. I know that one is weird but I find teal to be not just an unpleasant color, but an unpleasant experience. "

Everyone is strangely ok with teal being on the list tho. That's the one I would totally give them for finding unreasonable but no. Adults with minors and real people, that's what they're dying to get art of. I got an anon trying to tell me why student age Harry Potter x Snape isn't unhealthy and should be considered an exception. 

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10 hours ago, Red Lion said:


Idk if it would help in your case at all, but I just have a rules page up before people are able to ask me questions. I force the mobile theme to override to my default theme, so people still get the rules ask page when they want to ask a question.

I just don't accept requests, period, unless they involve my characters and only my characters.

Anyone who takes issue with that can either offer me an equal-effort art trade, or learn how to draw the thing, themself.

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8 minutes ago, Vae said:

Idk if it would help in your case at all, but I just have a rules page up before people are able to ask me questions. I force the mobile theme to override to my default theme, so people still get the rules ask page when they want to ask a question.

I just don't accept requests, period, unless they involve my characters and only my characters.

Anyone who takes issue with that can either offer me an equal-effort art trade, or learn how to draw the thing, themself.

It might deter some of them at least. *shrug* it's worth a shot.

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Just say "Of course, Comrade! It is so good to be living in this communist utopia, so far away from those bourgeois capitalists and their 'money'. Why, I am so glad that I do not have to worry about paying 'bills' and eating 'food' and can just sit here all day, drawing pictures for whiny, talentless idiots."

Or there's always "Tell you what, I'll draw your pictures free for you the next time I polish my helicopter!"

Or "I'm sorry I don't have time, but the butler's on holiday and I have to open my own champagne!"

Or just "Suck it up Poindexter, I ain't yo' slave."

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Yeah. I turned off anons back in 2014 and haven't turned them on since. It stops all of this because the looming "risk" of an ask with your online handle going public suddenly makes 90% of Tumblr into introverts. 

Negates all that shit. Weirdo fetish asks and assholes who think their opinions matter.

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