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Social aniexty


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Be mindful of any fearful events you might be projecting into the future.

Try playing music in your head. I got huge relief from playing Lamb of God's "Laid to Rest" in my head; "See? who gives a fuck?". 

Most everyone is distracted with how they might be perceived by others, so you're not alone there.

Don't fight it; telling yourself you have no reason to be freaking out when you're freaking out is going to freak you out more.

It's okay to feel nervous or awkward. There's not a single person that doesn't feel that way sometimes. 

Remember to breath.


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Anticipation of a situation is where the fear starts and if you can power through that (takes a lot of practice and forcing yourself into uncomfy situations) then you can see improvements as the anticipation itself starts to lessen and lessen naturally. A therapist will likely challenge you to do that as well, to purposefully challenge your limits. Truly the only way to improve upon your current limits is to push past them and create new ones.

Edit: worth a note that I too struggle with social anxiety and the only reason I'm a half-functioning adult is because I did a crazy thing and got a job in retail which forced me into a lot of shitty situations with some horrible people and I learned how to get through them. I also had to learn how to approach people and talk to them properly because of that. My current job keeps me on my toes as well because old people and their families can be quite odd or rude or whatever. I'm still quite shy and introverted, but I don't struggle nearly as bad as I did when I was your age.

Edited by Kinare
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On 23/11/2015 at 9:41 PM, Kinare said:

Anticipation of a situation is where the fear starts and if you can power through that (takes a lot of practice and forcing yourself into uncomfy situations) then you can see improvements as the anticipation itself starts to lessen and lessen naturally. A therapist will likely challenge you to do that as well, to purposefully challenge your limits. Truly the only way to improve upon your current limits is to push past them and create new ones.

Edit: worth a note that I too struggle with social anxiety and the only reason I'm a half-functioning adult is because I did a crazy thing and got a job in retail which forced me into a lot of shitty situations with some horrible people and I learned how to get through them. I also had to learn how to approach people and talk to them properly because of that. My current job keeps me on my toes as well because old people and their families can be quite odd or rude or whatever. I'm still quite shy and introverted, but I don't struggle nearly as bad as I did when I was your age.

I had a similar experience to yours. I didn't like talking to people and hated using the phone, then I started working where those two things were basically all I did. It was either stick it out or run away.

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Hello social anxiety my old friend, we meet yet again

Like others said, exposure. Be mindful of something called 'fearful anticipation'. You know that dread and worry you feel before you do something? That's fearful anticipation. It's something you have to be aware of, then you can work on stopping it.

Anticipation of a situation is where the fear starts and if you can power through that (takes a lot of practice and forcing yourself into uncomfy situations) then you can see improvements as the anticipation itself starts to lessen and lessen naturally. A therapist will likely challenge you to do that as well, to purposefully challenge your limits. Truly the only way to improve upon your current limits is to push past them and create new ones.

Edit: worth a note that I too struggle with social anxiety and the only reason I'm a half-functioning adult is because I did a crazy thing and got a job in retail which forced me into a lot of shitty situations with some horrible people and I learned how to get through them. I also had to learn how to approach people and talk to them properly because of that. My current job keeps me on my toes as well because old people and their families can be quite odd or rude or whatever. I'm still quite shy and introverted, but I don't struggle nearly as bad as I did when I was your age.

Oh jeez, yes. The anticipation...even if its something Id normally have fun with or people Id like its just nervewracking beforehand and sometimes I dont even do it because of that

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