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Round or Square?


Circle Avatars or Squares?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which avatar shape do you prefer?

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In respect to the new software installed on phoenix, I feel it could be time to implement the circle avatars to the system. I would be really interested in seeing them as a peminant part of the system because I feel they look more aestetically pleasing, provide a comfier user interface and a much more modern tone.

Or are you into choice? What about a setting that allows you to switch between them based on personal preference? I would like that too!

But I know this isn't the general opinion of the forum. What do you think? Keepsies or swapsies?

Edited by Sar
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5 minutes ago, Cingal said:

I think allowing people to choose would be neat, if even possible.

I totally agree. I'm sure there is something in the forum's software to make that a user setting. I'm just a big fan of its use on Discord, youtube and twitter. Saying that, could just write a stylesheet.

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For most of my avatars the circles just don't work well and chop off important bits, so while I think circles are prettier to look at generally, for forum avatars I have to say squares. For my current it works well, but it's the rare exception.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The problem with circles is it cuts out parts of the image that we might want to keep in.  For example it'd probably crop off the tail of my avatar at the bottom right and I'd either have to put up with it or find a new picture to use.  A square on the other hand you know exactly what's going to be kept and it's easier to choose what to use (this isn't Skype after all).

Edited by Zytan
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