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Mom's being a little salty


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So I briefly mentioned during Christmas time when everyone was posting what they got, that I got some new clothes. What they were in detail were 4 pairs of jeggings I think they're called (they're skinny sweatpants), a nice sweater, and a Fallout shirt of a BOS guy. When I had opened the present that contained jeggings, she said she got me them because that was the "it" thing. Its what all the guys were wearing at her job (guys in their late teens I suppose? My age?)

She knows very well I never cared for what was trendy. I never made a big deal about it. I don't even care if something is trendy or not. As long as I feel good in it, I'm fine. I have very simple tastes when it comes to clothes but I would be fair and try the jeggings on, walk around the house in them for a bit, see if I'd like them.

Annnnd, I wasn't feeling them at all. I never really liked skinny pants that much. I only own one pair of grey skinny jeans cause I like the color and it matches with most of the shirts I have and its very comfortable. For the most part, I'm into baggy pants or regular fitting pants. These pants my mom got me for Christmas just felt awkward to wear. Not only were they a bit too small but they were tight and the style just wasn't "me". She was cool with it and said she'd just return them to the store. That was that.

Fast-forward to last night.A package from my Nana came in the other day, also containing clothes. 4 tops: a jean vest, 2 button down shirts, and a sweater. I tried them on last night, loved em. They were simple, in the colors I liked, and  very comfortable. Maybe a tiny bit long in the sleeve department but I'd probably grow into it a bit more (if I ever grow that is... -_- )

Anywho, my Mom says they're hideous and makes a point in saying that my Nana got them from a clothing store for elderly people (cause what came in the packaging with the clothes were magazines for toilet chairs, more old people clothes and a free pack of Centrum vitamints xD ) My mom also goes off saying that its not trendy and no guy my age is wearing clothes like that and she didn't want me wearing me them.

Excuse me?

Now mind you, my mom always gets on me about having newer clothes in my wardrobe. I haven't gotten new clothes or had the desire to get new clothes cause all I wore from high school still fits me perfectly fine and I like them. She gets me pants for Christmas that were't even my right size or that I felt comfortable wearing. I voice my opinion on them, she's cool with it. My nana gets me shirts that I actually like, that fit me, and I'm comfortable with but I shouldn't be wearing...even though she's been wanting me to wear something different for a while now. Technically, they are new, they're different but because its not in my age group I shouldn't be wearing them and she didn't want me wearing them at all, didn't even want to see them (but logic be damned)

She starts getting all passive aggressive and the convo pretty much ends like this:

Mom: you know what? If you like them, I love em

Me: No you don't

Mom: No, I love em (she's making exaggerated motions)

Me: No you don't (I'm trying to keep from grinning too hard)

Mom: Go ahead and browse in that magazine for more

Me: Okay, I will

Mom: You enjoy those clothes meant for old men

Me: Yep, I most certainly will

and I went into my room. My mom can be cool but goddamn, she can really be a jackass

PICTURE TIME! Here are the shirts (the other button down shirt is the same, just tan colored):


And my free vitamins :P




Edited by DevilishlyHandsome49
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Yeaaaah, it happens. It can definitely be annoying, thats for sure.

I do quite like the second and third. You do you, man. She may be salty but at least she's letting you do your thing.

At least she's not hiding them or burning them.

Edited by WolfNightV4X1
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Parents are just like that sometimes, wanting you to look nice so you can get a date and such.  I think It'll be alright.

I personally think they look nice, but I can see what she means by them being old people clothes lol.  But that's the kind of clothes I like, too.  I wear your granddad's clothes, I look incredible, etc.

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Oh! Don't know how I forgot this in the OP. Okay so during our back and forth, I kept telling her about my taste in clothes. She keeps going "You don't know what your tastes are. You just think of video games with those clothes cause of all the pockets"

I will not lie, Sora had a long lasting impact on my taste in clothes :V but I could make the same argument some cartoon or tv show she watched when she was a kid had an impact on her taste in clothing too. But since its video games, its seen as childish or whatever to her. Thats a whoooole different discussion though

And thanks for the compliments guys :3 

I know they look a lot like old people clothes but I have an "old soul" as my family members say :P  @Nordo yeah, a lot of this trendy stuff looks ridiculous. I'm surprised my mom didn't get me something from Kanye West's clothing line :V

26 minutes ago, WolfNightV4X1 said:

Yeaaaah, it happens. It can definitely be annoying, thats for sure.

I do quite like the second and third. You do you, man. She may be salty but at least she's letting you do your thing.

At least she's not hiding them or burning them.

Idk..when she said she didn't want to see them, I could tell she probably has the desire to just pack them up and throw them away and give them to goodwill. If she ever does that, some words are gonna be exchanged :P 

36 minutes ago, pheonixbat said:

Gosh your mom can work on her own wardrobe while you work on yours. And I know exactly how you feel. People are always getting onto me about wearing baggy clothes and are always so appalled when I say I don't like jeans.

My mom's one of those "Who you are, reflects me" kind of parents...

15 minutes ago, Chrysocyon said:

Parents are just like that sometimes, wanting you to look nice so you can get a date and such.  I think It'll be alright.

I personally think they look nice, but I can see what she means by them being old people clothes lol.  But that's the kind of clothes I like, too.  I wear your granddad's clothes, I look incredible, etc.`

Cool! We can sit out on the porch in our rocking chairs drinking lemonade and reminiscing bout the good ol days~

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8 minutes ago, DevilishlyHandsome49 said:

I know they look a lot like old people clothes but I have an "old soul" as my family members say, yeah, a lot of this trendy stuff looks ridiculous. I'm surprised my mom didn't get me something from Kanye West's clothing line :V

Eeeew....eewwww....ewww Kayne West has a clothing line? as if he needs anything else to inflate his already overfilled ego >___<

I think the clothes your nan got you look really nice as well, its the kind of clothing I would generally gravitate towards, though I do love my video gaming and anime themed clothes :v who'da thunk it

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1 minute ago, Naesaki said:

Eeeew....eewwww....ewww Kayne West has a clothing line? as if he needs anything else to inflate his already overfilled ego >___<

yeah. Apparently dressing like you're in the Capital Wasteland, could count as trendy


did I mention these go up to the thousands in price?

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Heh, parents never agree with what you wanna wear... I'm pretty sure my mum HAS thrown out clothes of mine before that she couldn't stand. I finally managed to get my mum on side though recently, I said "at the end of the day, would you rather I was wearing pretty clothes that you like, and not feeling happy with my appearance and feeling unfulfilled, or would you rather I dressed the way that made me feel happy and I had no regrets in the future?" And she obviously said she wanted me to be happy and conceded.

We went shopping today, and I went into Blue Banana (it's like our version of Hot Topic) to look at backpacks, and Mum started picking out all these clothes for me and urging me to try them on and saying how nice they looked. I couldn't believe it! She bought me some skinny jeans and a corset style vest. I love that she's being so positive about the way I dress now.

 Keep at it, if it was me I'd tell your mum that she doesn't have to agree on liking the clothes, but she should want to see you wearing the stuff that makes you most happy. The shirts look good, personally if I saw a young dude wearing them I wouldn't think he looked out of place.

I don't particularly like the way tight pants feel either... They make me feel far too restricted and like I'm gonna burst out of them, especially if I sit down. Was talking to Mum about that today.

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2 minutes ago, DevilishlyHandsome49 said:

yeah. Apparently dressing like you're in the Capital Wasteland, could count as trendy


did I mention these go up to the thousands in price?

I'm not the most fashionable guy in the world and will never claim to be but even I can tell that stuff just looks plain awful, and in the thousands on the price tag!? The things people will do to get the top of the line clothes, I'd understand when it comes to electronics/technology but the amount people can spend on clothes scares me .____.

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