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Dang Ol' Jews throwin rocks at cherry red hot rods.


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Don't you just hate when that happens? I was driving home from work today and a group of 4 Jews decided to throw rocks at random passing by vehicles and yell "BURN, YOU ANTI SEMITE PIGS!". I was at a red light so I'm half amused and half nervous (for my car), of course my initial reaction is to get my camera ready in the event they hit my car. I finally get a green and proceed to go home. Upon my return I send my co-workers the picture below and turns out (one of my co-workers live right in that area) they were protesting a Mosque being built right next to their synagogue and have been causing a ruckus about it. Apparently, just a tad later, a few of the Islam people ran out and decided to yell verbal assaults which the Jews returned and then they began throwing rocks at each other which led to the arrival of police. The only thing I'm shocked about is they didn't hurl shrimps and Pork at each other. THIS is why I LOVE America and the diversity it brings...No really, I'm not being sarcastic this shit is entertaining and one of many reasons I love my country!

Jews lol.jpg

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If you drive through the side streets of the orthodox jewish area of my town people will send their children into the street to throw rocks at your car. Good luck charging them since they are all minors. Yes this really happens I know people who have had their car dented and the irony is they were jewish too. 

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13 minutes ago, #00Buck said:

If you drive through the side streets of the orthodox jewish area of my town people will send their children into the street to throw rocks at your car. Good luck charging them since they are all minors. Yes this really happens I know people who have had their car dented and the irony is they were jewish too. 

Huh, this is kinda cool. I hate cars, especially hot-rods...Can you send some of them here?

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28 minutes ago, #00Buck said:

If you drive through the side streets of the orthodox jewish area of my town people will send their children into the street to throw rocks at your car. Good luck charging them since they are all minors. Yes this really happens I know people who have had their car dented and the irony is they were jewish too. 

I had an Orthodox Rabbi keep trying to buy me lunch during a subway trip as we chatted after I'd helped him gain entry though one of the automated subway entrances...

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