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The one thing I'm gonna miss about Ol' FAF


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I miss Brazen's trolling of said "autists". Oh! Remember that Noah Gryphon guy? The pink latex goo gryphon who white knighted FA and was super creepy about his fetishes? That was amazing.

Maybe one of the newcomers will pee in a bottle and we will have fun.

NOAHGRYPHON. Holy shit was that a fun chapter in FAF's history

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Oh, and as for what I'm gonna miss, personally...

I don't see any "who's on this topic right now?" section when browsing a thread; although I suppose that's just something that is missing and needs to be implemented? I dunno, I'm not good at foruming. :C

Edited by Valery91Thunder
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It's kind of an interesting feeling to sit here and think that this is the end result of it all. I'd have never imagined it'd end up this way. The community that FAF became known for was more or less started by me and a number of others who just decided that there needed to be a furry forum that wasn't murrypurry hugs and cuddles. I suppose I expected it to die or be snuffed forcefully eventually but somehow the whole thing lived on, camaraderie and vitriol both. My time being involved with it dipped in and out after a certain point, but it's quite the sense of nostalgia to look back on it all. Despite what a lot of people say it changed in tone and behavior a few times over the years.

Now it's died like I thought it would and moved on somewhere else, likely to take on a different tone again.

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I'm going to miss the whole forum.

Even though I said I hated it and wanted to nuke it, it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside that people there cared about my site enough to risk being banned. I won't lie, I had to ban a few of them otherwise my reputation would go to shit, but I never enjoyed doing it.

You guys were the best. Like not actually the best, but a tolerable representation of it. I was the good guy running the site and you were the bad revolutionaries hiding in the Forums. Ahh, good days.

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