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What Tabletop Games do you like?


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I'm seeing a lot of electronic gaming, but is there any love for Tabletop games? What's the last Tabletop game you played? 


Last for me was a game of Twilight Imperium. Due to farking up a decision and /losing/ an entire fleet with no enemy losses, I ended up losing [although had I one more turn, I would have won].

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As for table-tops, I only play table-top RPGs.

And a lot of them, being both player and GM


- Warhammer, second edition

- Neuroshima

- Wild Fields

- Witcher: Game Of Imagination (no wikipedia link, 2001's polish RPG based on Sapkowski's novels)



- Wolsung (no wikipedia link, polish steam punk RPG)

- De Profundis

- Monastyr

- Crystals Of Time

- World of Darkness

- Shadowrun

- Savage Worlds

- 7th Sea

- D&D (least favourite)

Edited by Ayattar
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Unless you're referring to your DnD sort of game I love a good game of Chess... sadly the only people I seem to bump into either study it or barely know how the pieces move (and call the knights and rooks horses and castles respectively *winces*).

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I haven't played it, but I hear D&D 5e is pretty good, there won't be too much rules bloat and the rules have been streamlined. The downside is that Hasbro has cut the staff, so you won't see the fluff side of things, which I love. I want more monsters, settings, and modules, dammit!

Maybe I can use my recently acquired 2e material. Now that's a wealth of content right there. And so many save or die monsters. "make a constitution check or you are consumed by the Deathweed's mutation pods and are turned into a zombie pod person who eats people and will turn on the party. Only a wish spell can reverse this."

Or how about: "make a save vs death roll or you are absorbed by the living wall and become a part of its baleful, screaming choir of lost souls. This effect is irreversible, except with a wish spell."

Or the always favorite "PCs who enter the black void within in the statue's mouth are instantly disintegrated and cannot be resurrected." -Tomb of Horrors.

So awesome. AD&D was fucking brutal.

Pathfinder has this monster that can impregnate any character, not just females, like the Xenomorphs. It's called Drakainia, and it's disgusting. Body horror, always great to inflict on or threaten against your party. It really scares them. Pathfinder also has these creatures called fleshwarps. Maybe that could be a thing that could be done to PCs. Your elf character is captured by a Drow and turned into an Irnakurse, a chaotic evil aberration who is fully aware of what was done to it and what it has become:


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Magic The Gathering and Cards Against Humanity, hands down! 


Oh man, I forgot about CAH :o I LOOOOOVE that one! The last group game I played was the best, because my friend played the set that pretty much just stole the game for awhile. The card was "____, kid tested, mother approved." She played "incest", and I'm fairly sure you could hear us cackling and laughing from outside :D

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Oh man, I forgot about CAH :o I LOOOOOVE that one! The last group game I played was the best, because my friend played the set that pretty much just stole the game for awhile. The card was "____, kid tested, mother approved." She played "incest", and I'm fairly sure you could hear us cackling and laughing from outside :D

Oh man that's gold LOL! I really wish I had more friends to play with cause its one of the very few things in life that actually makes me laugh. 

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Unless you're referring to your DnD sort of game I love a good game of Chess... sadly the only people I seem to bump into either study it or barely know how the pieces move (and call the knights and rooks horses and castles respectively *winces*).

Chess is my preferred table top game too. And Games of the General. I really like strategy games. 

Also battleship. I still have my old set here at home. 

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Oh God I absolutely love tabletop games.  I have a closet full of boardgames and a bookshelf full of role playing game books.  I could play and talk about tabletop games for hours on end.

If you love tabletop gaming and would like to see some excellent reviews with a good dash of comedy thrown into the mix I can not recommend checking out the guys over at Shut Up & Sit Down enough.

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With standard tabletop games, I only really like Chess, and I'm only so-so at it... Still fun though. Technically CaH as well, but I only play digital versions for obvious reasons (card decks and all that good shit)

For RPGs.... I am one picky bastard. Medieval Fantasy bores the shit out of me, and I hate generic fantasy races (see: Dwarves, Orcs, Elves, etc. etc.). A game that has either of those just goes straight into my "Nope" list because their inclusion pisses me off... So you can understand how difficult that makes it to find a good TTRPG system. One of the ones I DO like is Hc Svnt Dracones, but I'm probably quite biased towards that for obvious reasons. It has issues, but nothing major or problematic.

Edited by ChaosCalix
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What does that game entail? :o

Still deciding how to do the system, but I'm taking the idea from the After The End mod for Crusader Kings 2. The Silkon Road flows from California - specificially the Sacramento Valley - to New York City. Trades in wines, old world salvage, and other goods not available outside of California. The players would be part of a Caravan going from New York City to San Francisco and back. 

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I like to warm up with some parlor games, or short hidden role games.  Like Bang! The Dice Game or Coup. Then depending on the group and mood we'll play just about anything....

Catan, House on the Hill, Cutthroat Caverns, Eldrich Horror, Dixit, Smash Up...

Recently I've been getting a lot of Miniatures; we're likely to start playing Star Wars: Imperial Assault as early as tomorrow!  I also just got my giant 21 lb. box of Kingdom Death: Monster that I'll be assembling minis for that this week and playing locally, as well as planning on hosting games online via WebCam and Twitch.

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Checkers and Monopoly ftw!

I like tabletop games, but my family and friends were never really into them, so rare playing of them for me. I had the opportunity to play D&D with a friend from school a couple times, but because it had always been instilled in me that D&D was the devil's work and the people who play become possessed I had to decline (which in reality just means they get into the game enough to act like their character, but I didn't know the difference as a little kid).

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