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Man in animal suit shot


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2 hours ago, DrDingo said:

It is a bit shameful when the police can't tell the difference between a bomb and a bunch of chocolate bars.

Suicide bombs are never disguised or hidden. The cops should have known he was carrying bombs by reading the big ACME label on them.


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18 hours ago, DrDingo said:

It is a bit shameful when the police can't tell the difference between a bomb and a bunch of chocolate bars.


Allah Snackbar.


I guess the news here wasn't being vague when they said the man was wearing a panda suit.

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Evidently he may have been connected to a contemporaneous arson of a car outside the station, which could have hurt other people.

I still feel sorry for that man, ending up getting shot over a usb drive full of conspiracy theories and a fake bomb made out of chocolate bars.

It's sad that this happened.

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1 minute ago, Saxon said:

Evidently he may have been connected to a contemporaneous arson of a car outside the station, which could have hurt other people.

I still feel sorry for that man, ending up getting shot over a usb drive full of conspiracy theories and a fake bomb made out of chocolate bars.

It's sad that this happened.

Judging by the way he was dressed I thought he was trying to make the TV station play old episodes of Naruto or Dragonball Z. 

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13 minutes ago, Endless/Nameless said:

I'm sorry it happened too, it doesn't sound like he meant any harm; but he brought it on himself. He shouldn't have brought a fake bomb to the party. 

Also apparently the onesie was not a panda but a hedgehog. 

So much for accurate reporting in the mainstream news media. 

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On ‎4‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 1:04 AM, Mr. Fox said:

Leave it up to the American Police to use lethal force on a supposedly non-threatening suspect.

Stay classy. 


On ‎4‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 3:53 AM, DrDingo said:

It is a bit shameful when the police can't tell the difference between a bomb and a bunch of chocolate bars.

How is this in any way the responsibility of the police?  It is not the responsibility of any first responder to go 'Ehn, it's PROBABLY not a bomb, let's go tackle the bomb and it's carrier' and hope that it doesn't explode.  If it had been a bomb, the idiot was in the open and would have posed minimal harm to anyone but himself.  He said he had a bomb, he carried a facsimile of a bomb, he refused to comply even after being hit with less lethal bean bags first and only then did they resort to bullets.  Expecting first responders to say 'Yeah, but MAYBE he's crying wolf' in the face of something someone has said was a bomb is honesty just stupid.  Especially when often, bombs are disguised as every day items for the direct purpose of having them look 'unassuming' to their targets.

I believe there certainly are problems with over aggression in policing in the west but when someone says 'I Have A Bomb' it's reasonable to deal with that as seriously as possible up to and including usage of lethal force if necessary.

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33 minutes ago, AshleyAshes said:


How is this in any way the responsibility of the police?  It is not the responsibility of any first responder to go 'Ehn, it's PROBABLY not a bomb, let's go tackle the bomb and it's carrier' and hope that it doesn't explode.  If it had been a bomb, the idiot was in the open and would have posed minimal harm to anyone but himself.  He said he had a bomb, he carried a facsimile of a bomb, he refused to comply even after being hit with less lethal bean bags first and only then did they resort to bullets.  Expecting first responders to say 'Yeah, but MAYBE he's crying wolf' in the face of something someone has said was a bomb is honesty just stupid.  Especially when often, bombs are disguised as every day items for the direct purpose of having them look 'unassuming' to their targets.

I believe there certainly are problems with over aggression in policing in the west but when someone says 'I Have A Bomb' it's reasonable to deal with that as seriously as possible up to and including usage of lethal force if necessary.

You are right- passing off a real bomb as a fake would be a risky thing to do. I suppose bombs are a special case. I hope you'd agree with me when I say that, if the guy just had the knife and nothing else, the police should handcuff him instead of opening fire.

But the dude was shot by a police sniper. The sniper had no way of telling the guy he'd be shot if he kept walking.

I don't like guns. They make me uneasy. If someone is shot and killed, they can't stand trial; the police decide whether the person lives. I'm glad the dude is alive, as nuts as he might be.

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6 hours ago, AshleyAshes said:


How is this in any way the responsibility of the police?  It is not the responsibility of any first responder to go 'Ehn, it's PROBABLY not a bomb, let's go tackle the bomb and it's carrier' and hope that it doesn't explode.  If it had been a bomb, the idiot was in the open and would have posed minimal harm to anyone but himself.  He said he had a bomb, he carried a facsimile of a bomb, he refused to comply even after being hit with less lethal bean bags first and only then did they resort to bullets.  Expecting first responders to say 'Yeah, but MAYBE he's crying wolf' in the face of something someone has said was a bomb is honesty just stupid.  Especially when often, bombs are disguised as every day items for the direct purpose of having them look 'unassuming' to their targets.

I believe there certainly are problems with over aggression in policing in the west but when someone says 'I Have A Bomb' it's reasonable to deal with that as seriously as possible up to and including usage of lethal force if necessary.

Ever hear of a taser, or even tranquilizers? Hell, rubber bullets would've put him down. But, no, the American P.D are always looking for a reason to use their weapons to their full extent..

Point in case.


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Just now, Mr. Fox said:

Ever hear of a taser, or even tranquilizers? Hell, rubber bullets would've put him down. But, no, the American P.D are always looking for a reason to use their guns to their full extent.

But they DID use less lethal force first... I even said this myself "he refused to comply even after being hit with less lethal bean bags first" right here. Why did you quote my post if you didn't read it?

Also, no, they wouldn't use a taser, 'taser range' is also 'explosion range''.  ...Also... TRANQUELIZERS?  Do you think that there is some kind of tranq that works INSTANTLY that you can shoot into a person like you see in cartoons or something?  That's not real.  There's no such thing as an instant tranquilizer projectile outside of video games.


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36 minutes ago, AshleyAshes said:

But they DID use less lethal force first... I even said this myself "he refused to comply even after being hit with less lethal bean bags first" right here. Why did you quote my post if you didn't read it?

Also, no, they wouldn't use a taser, 'taser range' is also 'explosion range''.  ...Also... TRANQUELIZERS?  Do you think that there is some kind of tranq that works INSTANTLY that you can shoot into a person like you see in cartoons or something?  That's not real.  There's no such thing as an instant tranquilizer projectile outside of video games.


Then what about a water cannon? A sound cannon? The point is, the American P.D didn't exhaust every other option first, and you fuckers are well diversified in warfare.

And are you sure about that? The last time I took my dog to the vet and was put under, he was out in seconds. Granted a tranq on a person may take longer, but is still effective.

And before you go on a tangent saying shit like they had to take him down as soon as possible because he was threat to everyone, just because a person has a bomb strapped to their chest, that doesn't mean they don't value their own life or the lives of those around them; as difficult as that may be to believe. For all we know, the suspect was trying to make a statement, not kill everyone.

Suppose it doesn't matter now anyway, he survived the ordeal and let's hope he gets the mental health care he needs.   

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1 hour ago, Mr. Fox said:

Then what about a water cannon? A sound cannon? The point is, the American P.D didn't exhaust every other option first, and you fuckers are well diversified in warfare.

And are you sure about that? The last time I took my dog to the vet and was put under, he was out in seconds. Granted a tranq on a person may take longer, but is still effective.

Water Canon: So, let's get what is declared to be a bomb, with all the electronic bits which could activate the detonator wet with circuit shorting water?  I question the logic behind this plan.

Sound Canon: These cause ear spitting headaches to disperse riots.  They are not capable of incapacitating a person.  It would just make him irate and angry.  ...And possibly drive him to run away from the source, towards juicy, ripe for the exploding, civilians.

Tranquilizer: There is a big difference between a vet carefully calculating the weight of an animal and injective sufficient tranquilizer directly into the blood stream in comparison to trying to fire a tranquilizer dart into someone's muscles where it will eventually enter the blood stream and cross the blood brain barrier.  You're looking at 10-30minutes.  Also known as 'Ample time to detonate the bomb.'

Now, I totally admit that even the bean bag or the bullet presents a risk of someone detonating the bomb either willfully or by muscle contraction (He did carry something meant to look like a trigger mechanism) but that's also why they shot him in the open, away from hurting anyone but himself.


just because a person has a bomb strapped to their chest, that doesn't mean they don't value their own life or the lives of those around them; as difficult as that may be to believe. For all we know, the suspect was trying to make a statement, not kill everyone.

You're right, they didn't know his true intentions, but they did know one thing, they know that he said 'I have a bomb'.  When you claim to have a bomb, all bets are off.  And typically strapping an explosive device to yourself indicates that you have formulated some kind of intention towards, well, exploding.  If he had wanted to communicate such intentions, he should have obeyed the police who were shouting orders at him while keeping out of 'explody range'.

I will wholefully agree that it is terribly unfortunate that a mentally ill individual who's delusions had been allowed to go unchecked by friends and family who could have intervened until he walked into a TV station with a fake bomb and a USB key full of his YouTube rants, but it was NOT the wrong course of action for the police to use lethal force (Which he survived) against him after he refused to obey police orders and even refused to comply even after less lethal bean bags were used against him.  There are huge problems with excessive use of deadly force by police services, particular in the United States, but in this case the police really made the right call.  There should be no 'maybe' when there is a declaration of the possession of an explosive device.  Questions are for after the bomb, real or fake, has been rendered safe.

6 minutes ago, 6tails said:

I can think of several anesthetics that would instantly put you down. I've been through multiple surgeries. There's shit where they say "Start cou---" you're out.

These all are injected directly into the blood stream after finding a vein.  Which is a rather close proximity and not super fast method. They aren't shot into your butt's muscle tissue by a tranquilizer gun from range.

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1 hour ago, AshleyAshes said:

Water Canon: So, let's get what is declared to be a bomb, with all the electronic bits which could activate the detonator wet with circuit shorting water?  I question the logic behind this plan.

Sound Canon: These cause ear spitting headaches to disperse riots.  They are not capable of incapacitating a person.  It would just make him irate and angry.  ...And possibly drive him to run away from the source, towards juicy, ripe for the exploding, civilians.

Tranquilizer: There is a big difference between a vet carefully calculating the weight of an animal and injective sufficient tranquilizer directly into the blood stream in comparison to trying to fire a tranquilizer dart into someone's muscles where it will eventually enter the blood stream and cross the blood brain barrier.  You're looking at 10-30minutes.  Also known as 'Ample time to detonate the bomb.'

Now, I totally admit that even the bean bag or the bullet presents a risk of someone detonating the bomb either willfully or by muscle contraction (He did carry something meant to look like a trigger mechanism) but that's also why they shot him in the open, away from hurting anyone but himself.

You're right, they didn't know his true intentions, but they did know one thing, they know that he said 'I have a bomb'.  When you claim to have a bomb, all bets are off.  And typically strapping an explosive device to yourself indicates that you have formulated some kind of intention towards, well, exploding.  If he had wanted to communicate such intentions, he should have obeyed the police who were shouting orders at him while keeping out of 'explody range'.

I will wholefully agree that it is terribly unfortunate that a mentally ill individual who's delusions had been allowed to go unchecked by friends and family who could have intervened until he walked into a TV station with a fake bomb and a USB key full of his YouTube rants, but it was NOT the wrong course of action for the police to use lethal force (Which he survived) against him after he refused to obey police orders and even refused to comply even after less lethal bean bags were used against him.  There are huge problems with excessive use of deadly force by police services, particular in the United States, but in this case the police really made the right call.  There should be no 'maybe' when there is a declaration of the possession of an explosive device.  Questions are for after the bomb, real or fake, has been rendered safe.

OK, granted a sound cannon may not be the best approach to incapacitate a potentially harmful suspect, but a water cannon is more than capable of doing the job. I've seen people knocked down out from those, and there is (as 6tails mentioned) more chance that a blast of water would short circuit a device rather than set it off; depending on how it is configured.

And what about nerve agents or a flash bang grenade? I've seen those knock people out. 

And I'll have to side with 6tails on anesthetics, too.


My point still stands. Not every option was exhausted before the use of lethal force.    

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1 minute ago, Mr. Fox said:

a flash bang grenade? 

In the middle of open space with all the police looking at the subject and the flash bang at his feet...?  So, your plan is to blind EVERYBODY?  Also there is a delay where the grenade has to be thrown, quit visibly before it lands and the fuse goes off where a bomber could readily pull the trigger?  ...I feel like you don't think these ideas through before you throw them out there.

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1 minute ago, AshleyAshes said:

In the middle of open space with all the police looking at the subject and the flash bang at his feet...?  So, your plan is to blind EVERYBODY?  Also there is a delay where the grenade has to be thrown, quit visibly before it lands and the fuse goes off where a bomber could readily pull the trigger?  ...I feel like you don't think these ideas through before you throw them out there.

What's stopping everyone but the suspect from looking away? By the time his mind registers what it is it'll be too late. 

And hello, ever hear of cooking a grenade? Should sort out the delayed fuse problem.

I feel like because you're training to be a police officer you're in defence that every option outside of lethal force was exhausted, which is clearly not the case. 


In any case, a water cannon or an intramuscular anesthetics would've been enough to do the job, or even a nerve agent. 

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If you approach the police in a threatening manner after being told to stop, you should be immediately killed, with no exceptions.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.




"Not every option was exhausted before lethal force"

I'm just imagining the criminal running at the police like a bull to a matador, and the police repeatedly dodging his attacks for hours while his buddies on the side say "DO THIS!" and "TRY THIS ONE!" and start throwing in flash grenades and water hoses.

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2 minutes ago, Mr. Fox said:

What's stopping everyone but the suspect from looking away? By the time his mind registers what it is it'll be too late. 

And hello, ever hear of cooking a grenade? Should sort out the delayed fuse problem.

I feel like because you're training to be a police officer you're in defence that every option outside of lethal force was exhausted, which is clearly not the case. 


In any case, a water cannon or an intramuscular anesthetics would've been enough to do the job, or even a nerve agent. 

How long do you think it takes for an object to be thrown by hand and then traverse the safe distance to have the thrower be well outside of the danger range to not up by our potential bomber, vs the amount of time it takes for the potential bomber to pull the trigger of their detonator?  Oh and add in wind up time for the throw.

You're also dismissing the range issues of the water canon, water disperses as it's thrown power.  There's also how terribly conspicuous a truck with a water canon is.  That thing rolling on up to the individual with the bomb could be prime motivation to pull the trigger.

Your intramuscular anesthetic is the theory has no bearing in reality.  I mean hell, show me an example?  I mean really, it happens ALL the time.  Bears, mountain lions, escaped zoo tigers, things like that happen all the time and animal control has to show up, fire a dart into it, wait about 20mins for it to pass out and fall out of the tree or whatever it's hiding in, then cart if off back to where it belongs.  So surely you can find me an example of something that will magically act fast enough to knock someone out before they can pull the trigger on the detonator.  ...Other than that gun from The Lost World: Jurassic Park.  Oh, and it also has to be safe and legal to use on humans.  Believe it or not, there are WAY less legally complicated to have a police officer put a bullet in someone than to inject a guesstimated dosage of some kind of 'magic instant tranquelizer' which would be a controlled substance which would need to be authorized by a doctor.  (The Moose that breaks into the hockey rink and wrecks up the place can't sue animal control for malpractice)  ...And WOW, don't overestimate that dosage or you could just kill the dude anyway.  "Wow, he was a 180lbs!?  He TOTALLY looked 120!"  So yeah, find me your example of that.  If it exists it shouldn't be a problem to find an example.

I have to be honest, you seem to be stuck in this kind of 'Video Game Mentality' where there must be a 'perfect way' to 'win', you just need to find the right rock to go against the scissors while pretending you don't live in a reality where bombs are really terrible and awful things.



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3 hours ago, Mr. Fox said:

The last time I took my dog to the vet and was put under, he was out in seconds.

and before they injected him, they shaved his arm, had to find a vein, stick a catheter in it, taped it down, and then brought him to you for you to say your goodbyes.
I can't imagine a criminal who is trying to attack the police would be so willing or easily held down and have a catheter inserted into his arm.

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39 minutes ago, AshleyAshes said:

How long do you think it takes for an object to be thrown by hand and then traverse the safe distance to have the thrower be well outside of the danger range to not up by our potential bomber, vs the amount of time it takes for the potential bomber to pull the trigger of their detonator?  Oh and add in wind up time for the throw.

You're also dismissing the range issues of the water canon, water disperses as it's thrown power.  There's also how terribly conspicuous a truck with a water canon is.  That thing rolling on up to the individual with the bomb could be prime motivation to pull the trigger.

Your intramuscular anesthetic is the theory has no bearing in reality.  I mean hell, show me an example?  I mean really, it happens ALL the time.  Bears, mountain lions, escaped zoo tigers, things like that happen all the time and animal control has to show up, fire a dart into it, wait about 20mins for it to pass out and fall out of the tree or whatever it's hiding in, then cart if off back to where it belongs.  So surely you can find me an example of something that will magically act fast enough to knock someone out before they can pull the trigger on the detonator.  ...Other than that gun from The Lost World: Jurassic Park.  Oh, and it also has to be safe and legal to use on humans.  Believe it or not, there are WAY less legally complicated to have a police officer put a bullet in someone than to inject a guesstimated dosage of some kind of 'magic instant tranquelizer' which would be a controlled substance which would need to be authorized by a doctor.  (The Moose that breaks into the hockey rink and wrecks up the place can't sue animal control for malpractice)  ...And WOW, don't overestimate that dosage or you could just kill the dude anyway.  "Wow, he was a 180lbs!?  He TOTALLY looked 120!"  So yeah, find me your example of that.  If it exists it shouldn't be a problem to find an example.

I have to be honest, you seem to be stuck in this kind of 'Video Game Mentality' where there must be a 'perfect way' to 'win', you just need to find the right rock to go against the scissors while pretending you don't live in a reality where bombs are really terrible and awful things.



Oh sweet Jesus, you really do love to have the last say and be right about everything, don't you? No wonder you're rantings were mentioned on Encyclopaedia Dramatica. 

And are you serious? You're equating that the use of an aesthetic is worse than blowing chunks of flesh out of a person. Get real.  


OK, all that aside, let's circle back to the use of bullets. This man was shot four times with rubber bullets and dropped like a sack of potatoes. And spare me the whole an actual bullet would've been more effective crap. Unless you're shot in the head or the heart, or both hands, you've still got time and the ability to detonate a bomb.  

36 minutes ago, Gamedog said:

and before they injected him, they shaved his arm, had to find a vein, stick a catheter in it, taped it down, and then brought him to you for you to say your goodbyes.
I can't imagine a criminal who is trying to attack the police would be so willing or easily held down and have a catheter inserted into his arm.

Then use an intramuscular aesthetic. A shot to the heart or the jugular and he would've be out in seconds. 


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2 minutes ago, Mr. Fox said:

Oh sweet Jesus, you really do love to have the last say and be right about everything, don't you? No wonder you're rantings were mentioned on Encyclopaedia Dramatica. 

And are you serious? You're equating that the use of an aesthetic is worse than blowing chunks of flesh out of a person. Get real. 

That's a low blow.  A low blow in that you had my hopes up that I had an ED page about me but Googling proved that I am merely a footnote in the FAF page. :(:(:(

And no, I'm not 'equating' anything.  I'm talking about legal reality.  No where in the United States (Or Canada) can police officers administer legally anesthetics to humans.  Something about them 'Not being doctors'.  I am like 100% sure that this is also a European Union thing even.  ...Ya know, before we get into that whole 'You can't even prove that your idea exists from a technical point of view, if it did, surely you could find an example of an instant tranquilizer for use on animals that need to be removed from urban areas'.  You have, at best, 6tails arm chair pharmacology which you have chosen to take as medical gospel.  I mean hey, if it's real, SURELY someone is marketing it.  'Instantly sleeps a mountain lion for safe return to it's natural habitat!'  I mean come on, that's capitalization at work, if it's real, someone is selling it.  Go find it.

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24 minutes ago, AshleyAshes said:

That's a low blow.  A low blow in that you had my hopes up that I had an ED page about me but Googling proved that I am merely a footnote in the FAF page. :(:(:(

And no, I'm not 'equating' anything.  I'm talking about legal reality.  No where in the United States (Or Canada) can police officers administer legally anesthetics to humans.  Something about them 'Not being doctors'.  I am like 100% sure that this is also a European Union thing even.  ...Ya know, before we get into that whole 'You can't even prove that your idea exists from a technical point of view, if it did, surely you could find an example of an instant tranquilizer for use on animals that need to be removed from urban areas'.  You have, at best, 6tails arm chair pharmacology which you have chosen to take as medical gospel.  I mean hey, if it's real, SURELY someone is marketing it.  'Instantly sleeps a mountain lion for safe return to it's natural habitat!'  I mean come on, that's capitalization at work, if it's real, someone is selling it.  Go find it.

Still noteworthy enough to be mentioned.

And hey, I'm not saying that the use of a tranq will be 100% effective, but shot in the right location will be enough to subdue a suspect fairly quickly.  

And I can't help but notice that the clip I cited proves that the use of rubber bullets would've been effective, but instead you assist that the use of lethal force was the only way to subdue the suspect.

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Just now, Mr. Fox said:

Still noteworthy enough to be mentioned.

And hey, I'm not saying that the use of a tranq will be 100% effective, but shot in the right location will be enough to subdue a suspect fairly quickly.  

And I can't help but notice that the clip I cited proves that the use of rubber bullets would've been effective, but instead you assist that the use of lethal force was the only way to subdue the suspect.


2) Still confused as to how you keep ignoring the usage of less lethal weapons.  So why are you all 'Wah, why didn't they use less lethal?  Less lethal would have worked!'?  They literally fired a barrage of bean bag rounds at him immediately after he exited the building.  He refused to comply.  They moved up to lethal force which he survived.

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18 minutes ago, AshleyAshes said:


2) Still confused as to how you keep ignoring the usage of less lethal weapons.  So why are you all 'Wah, why didn't they use less lethal?  Less lethal would have worked!'?  They literally fired a barrage of bean bag rounds at him immediately after he exited the building.  He refused to comply.  They moved up to lethal force which he survived.

Why use bean bag rounds if they are less effective than rubber bullets? The person I cited was dropped after 4 shots, surely the P.D had those on hand, too?  

You should know as well as I do that lethal rounds are a last resort. And as said earlier, not every option was exhausted. 

And, even with real bullets, unless you put someone down in a way where they'll stay down, you still have time to react.

Hey, wasn't 50 Cent shot 9 times and still made it to the hospital?

Yeah, that's what I thought.


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Wow, you're just super in favor of giving people who have claimed that they have a bomb, the maximum possible time to detonate it, huh?  You're just not going to win this.  They tried less lethal, he kept going, the sniper dropped him.  He had literally just walked out of a building that he had threatened to blow up.  He had his chance: Comply with police orders.  He refused, the police used less lethal, he still refused, the police shot him.  A bomb is not a 'maybe' or a 'hopefully not' until it can be safely and absolutely confirmed to be fake/inert/disabled, until then it is, and must be, treated as a device of the utmost danger.  It would be irresponsible to act in any other fashion.

I mean honest to God, you live in a world where every fire alarm must be responded to by the fire department no matter how unlikely the alarm me be under the given circumstances, but you think that reported BOMBS should be second guessed?  The world doesn't work that way.


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14 minutes ago, AshleyAshes said:

Wow, you're just super in favor of giving people who have claimed that they have a bomb, the maximum possible time to detonate it, huh?  You're just not going to win this.  They tried less lethal, he kept going, the sniper dropped him.  He had literally just walked out of a building that he had threatened to blow up.  He had his chance: Comply with police orders.  He refused, the police used less lethal, he still refused, the police shot him.  A bomb is not a 'maybe' or a 'hopefully not' until it can be safely and absolutely confirmed to be fake/inert/disabled, until then it is, and must be, treated as a device of the utmost danger.  It would be irresponsible to act in any other fashion.

You're still overlooking the fact that live rounds don't always incapacitate a person right away, unless you bleed out, are in shock or shot in a way where they do. If they had used rubber bullets, as cited in the clip I linked earlier, the P.D would've stood a better chance at taking down the suspect in a non lethal manner.  Even a shot to the head would've knocked him the fuck out.  

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Just now, Mr. Fox said:

You're still overlooking the fact that live rounds don't always incapacitate you right away, unless you bleed out, are in shock or shot in a way where they do. If they had used rubber bullets, as cited in the clip I linked earlier, the P.D would've stood a better chance at taking down the suspect in a non lethal manner.  Even a shot to the head would've knocked him the fuck out.  

I don't think you quite grasp the situation: Even less lethal presents the risk you speak of.  ...Their intention was to stop him.  He was in the open, surrounded, and unable to harm others so long as he remained in that spot.  His refusal to comply also presents another issue: They didn't just have to 'knock him down'.  They had to KEEP him down.  For the entire duration, even AFTER the robot approached his bleeding body and examined the 'bomb', it took multiple police officers to hold him down once it was safe to approach.  What did you expect the police to do with less lethal?  They needed to examine and possible disarm the bomb.  This requires TIME.  Time that he was unwilling to afford them by COMPLYING.  Did you expect him to land on his ass and for a cop to run up, grab the would be bomb like a suicidal football player, and run off with it to examine elsewhere?  How were the police to keep him down for the necessary time for the robot to approach, examine, possibly disarm, with less lethal weaponry if he had no intention of complying?

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Just now, 6tails said:

America's Army to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

Tips on how to deal with real life, would be bombers, from video game combat experience.  ...Thanks for contributing, but I have to question your 'Well, it worked in a video game!' thesis.

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