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Nostalgia merch is amazing!


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Basically, it's easier to be an 80's or 90's kid in 2016 than it actually was in the 1980's or 1990's.  All your favorite shows are on DVD or a button away from streaming.  All the t-shirts, merch and action figures can be had on Amazon.  I'm mostly just super happy with my recent stupid purchase.  ECTO-1 and ECTO-1A license plate replicas from Ghostbusters.


I couldn't GET these when I was a kid.  Ghostbusters kind came and went, there was a cartoon show, there was a second movie, they had their share of merchandizing but once they left theaters, stopped being rental new releases or being broadcast, all the merch vanished with them.  Just a few years later, for most franchises you just had nothing else you could get.  But today?  Today nostalgia SELLS and god damnit I am BUYING.  The child in me is very happy with these and I wonder what my next stupid nostalgic consumer purchase will be. :3

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I LOVE old cartoons, especially nostalgic ones. This is why I commissioned a buttload of rule 34 art of some of my favorite characters. I told the artists I wanted to rape my childhood as much as possible and some loved the idea so much they did it for free :3

You are right that nostalgia sells and sex sells too. If we combine these powers... it could become CAPTAIN PLANET

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1 minute ago, Ricky said:

I LOVE old cartoons, especially nostalgic ones. This is why I commissioned a buttload of rule 34 art of some of my favorite characters. I told the artists I wanted to rape my childhood as much as possible and some loved the idea so much they did it for free :3

That's our Ricky! <3

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90s kinda sucked, 80s were pretty cool

especially musically. You had a lot more to rebel against in the 80s;all those crappy-ass conservatives like Ronald Reagan, Jerry Falwell, James Watt, &., &...


I'm nostalgic about things that tend to weigh a lot:

Pinball Machines, and records. Records are making a comeback, though there's maybe 1% of the amount of pinballs made as there was in the 70s-80s, if that. But they have shows and conventions, where you can play, and buy and sell games and parts, so that's nice to see

And I get nostalgic for cartoons, comics, games, and such. And those tight-fitting nylon parachute pants, with all the zipper pockets, and those wonderful light weight nylon/suede sneakers that came out. And moonboots.

Oddly, most of the nostalgia merch I'd like to see...I don't, especially clothing.



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