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Rant: Helping Myself

Sidewalk Surfboard

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Man, I've been such a shitty asshole recently. I've been an unintentional dickhead to people I like because of really stupid things. I'm thinking of taking a short break for a while, because I've already got enough stuff going on in real life that's been causing me a heap of stress and I've been repressing it up until last night and today. The way I take out my stress makes me respond in quite frankly a stupid and idiotic manner that just makes me respond really really stupidly. No wonder you guys laugh at it. I lash out in a shitty way and I need to find a way to relieve stress that doesn't effect people negatively. I know people are probably just going to respond to this with LOL YOU'RE NOT GONNA DO THAT YOU'RE JUST GONNA RAGEQUIT LOL :^) or something, and I understand why you'd think that. I have a history of reacting emotionally to many things. I have a very poor handling of emotions, and again, I want to try and find a way to fix this. I'm young and hard to teach, and people in the past have given up with trying to help me because I'm dumber than a sack of rocks. However, I'm going to force myself to do this because if I don't I'm gonna be an emotional lolcow wreck for the rest of my life. Sometimes you've gotta just gotta do things yourself I guess.

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Do what you want. 
Plenty of people have squabbles on threads every once in a while. I know you must think it's really bad and all eyes are on you, but the truth is that people just forget about it. It's not that important; things happen.

I'd already nearly completely forgotten until this thread came up

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Hey SS, just wanna chime in and let you know that I'm pretty sure nobody here actually believes that you are all those nasty names that you call yourself. You're young and a little emotional sure, but trust me, it's not a big deal. I wish you wouldn't take it upon yourself to publicly tear yourself down like this every once in a while. It's a cycle that has been going on since you joined the forums, and I promise you aren't doing anybody any favors. You should be mindful of the way you talk about yourself and think about yourself, cuz if you call yourself shit enough times, you're gonna start to really really believe it deep down. Trust me, this is coming from a person who is incredibly mean to himself, albeit much more internally.

You're not a shitty asshole, you're just a human with flaws like all the rest of us. You don't have to apologize for existing or being who you are.

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You're learning and improving every day.

Yes, you do have things you have to work on; but you're aware of them and want to do better, and your efforts to improve really do show. Also, your art is getting better all the time, and you're developing your own unique style. 

You're a nice person. I have high hopes for you. Good luck, whatever you do. 

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Take a deep breath as a see what tomorrow looks like. It'll be alright. 

If problems in real life are getting you down, see if you can get a friend to help you decompress. Pushing the stress back won't do you much good. Just because you're helping yourself doesn't mean you have to do it alone. :)

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