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Star Wars The Force Awakens


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I had seen little small ads over the weekend telling me to tune into Monday Night Football to see the trailer. I don't watch football. I would rather just hang out with friends and family with the television off than watch it. So it doesn't look good then?  That is too bad. I had high hopes.

After looking at all I can about it there is a lot of holes in it for me. The whole picture will be clear in the movie, as the others were. Hopefully it is good. It looks like it has potential in some spots and needs to try in others.


Edited by Skylar Husky
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I just watched the trailer after a coworker IM'd me about it, and I really like the dark tone it carries with it. This feels more like the Star Wars I remember as a kid, which to me culminated with Empire. I'm finally feeling some excitement about this!

After looking at all I can about it there is a lot of holes in it for me. The whole picture will be clear in the movie, as the others were. 

I think a good trailer absolutely should have holes and leave you wanting more, with the promise that the big reveals will be in the film. I'm just glad it felt like it was been done right and doesn't give away the entire movie or every single major plot point (I'm looking at you, Terminator: Genesis).


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I'm really excited for it. I was actually skeptical when the movie was first announced, but now I'm hyped as fuck. It reminds me of the original trilogy. It's on the "darker" side of things, but at the same time it's modernised. The Stormtroopers have gotten an update, the villain looks just familiar enough to recognise without being explicitly Vader 2.0, and there are some interesting new characters with a returning cast.

... But I do think they're overusing Tatooine a bit.

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Please.. please watch them. You will thank us later http://redlettermedia.com/plinkett/star-wars/ 

Okay yeah so apparently these films are terrible in ways I've never even bothered to consider because of the more obvious ways they were terrible. I heard Lucas wasn't really that involved in this one though so I guess I can be tentatively hopeful it isn't shit.

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Okay yeah so apparently these films are terrible in ways I've never even bothered to consider because of the more obvious ways they were terrible. I heard Lucas wasn't really that involved in this one though so I guess I can be tentatively hopeful it isn't shit.

I know. RLM/Plinkett dives into some things that made me pause the video, go "Huh, he... yeah, I hadn't thought of it that way, that does make it an even bigger pile of shit" and then go on watching the review. Of course, I was drunk and smearing Pizza Rolls all over my face during the viewing, so I may have felt some unreasonable kinship to Plinkett.

I too similarly felt a glimmer of hope when I heard an article quote Lucas as saying, "This is not how I imagined the film." Which is fucking great news in my mind, because his masterpiece orchestra in 1, 2 and 3 was terrible and he should feel terrible as he rolls around on a bed made of $100 bills inside his money vault.

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Yeah, after seeing the official trailer, I'm pretty hype. I loved the original trilogy as a kid and the prequel trilogy was alright in certain aspects. This one's lookin pretty awesome and I can't wait to see it.

I think one of the things that gets me most excited about this is the reduced dependence on green screen bullshit. Practical effects, real sets.... it's going to "feel" a lot more present and believable. It'll be nice to see people actually looking at characters instead of the general direction the director tells them the character will be composited into during post.

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I think one of the things that gets me most excited about this is the reduced dependence on green screen bullshit. Practical effects, real sets.... it's going to "feel" a lot more present and believable. It'll be nice to see people actually looking at characters instead of the general direction the director tells them the character will be composited into during post.

I think Abrams wanted to pay tribute to the original trilogy and move away from the things that made the prequels so unpopular. It's a sweet move, and one I definitely appreciate. 

I'm still hoping that there'll be some awesome space battles, but we'll see!

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I know. RLM/Plinkett dives into some things that made me pause the video, go "Huh, he... yeah, I hadn't thought of it that way, that does make it an even bigger pile of shit" and then go on watching the review.

You can actually already see the Lucas-isms in Return of the Jedi, what with the fucking ewoks

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I guess I will be the odd one out. I am not looking forward much to the new Star Wars film. Disney in the wonderful wisdom they have completely thrown out nearly 25 years on expanded universe novels. All of which followed an overarching continuous story. One can say what they will of George Lucas, but he took the universe he created very seriously and had to okay every EU novel. Disney just retconned decades of novels... Including current ones. Not cool.

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I looks really promising, and I've been trying to keep skeptical about it. I really hope Han & Chewie get their cameo in and then disappear. Leia is an important figure, she should be there. Luke was the last of the jedi, he should be there. Why does Han need to be in there for long? He did some important stuff sure, but he's pretty much useless after the battle as a figure. Plus Harrison Ford is... not so much a great actor, especially so in his old age.

Also, I really want to know what the hell happened in the time gap. It looks like the empire is either invading again or regained control. 

Edited by Luca
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See according to the EU universe 25 years after the Battle of Yavin (all dates in Star Wars are like this) Chewie is the book is dead, killed when a moon was gravity pushed into the planet he was on by an extra galactic alien invasion. Han and Leia get married (have 3 kinds) and 1 child dies during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion (another dies several years later as well). Luke gets married has a kid named Ben. All of this is being thrown out by Disney.


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