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Ghosts/Paranormal Experiences


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Since Halloween is about a day away, I thought it would be fun for people to share some ghostly or paranormal experiences they have had.
I honestly don't know whether I believe in ghosts or not, but I still find them very fascinating.

Unfortunately I've never had any experiences that I can recall, but my mother claims to have heard her dead sister's voice shortly after they had passed away. Her mother and other sister were also in the room and apparently heard it too. Spooky :o

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I'm a super skeptic, but that doesn't keep me from seeing weird shit. I chalk these to hallucinations/sleep paralysis/what have you, but if you believe in stuff make your own assumptions.

Late one night I was trying to sleep when I felt something sit on the corner of my bed. I was obviously scared out of my mind, it would be very obvious if someone sneaked into my room (my door is louder than anything in the world). I sat up a little and saw a black cloaked figure sitting there, with a scythe, because of course. It was looking away at first and when it turned to face me it had a skeletal face, like someone who hasn't eaten in weeks. Then it faded away into that kind of static you see when you stare at darkness too long. That was fucking creepy.

Another time I was driving home late at night and took a turn near a house that was recently demolished, when someone ran out from behind the demolition company sign right into the middle of the road and then crouched there, fully illuminated by my headlights. I braked hard without taking my eyes off them, then they....disappeared. I looked to both sides and there was no one there at all. Also fucking creepy.

I don't know if this counts but I've also seen three UFOs, one I attributed to a kite (yeah, lame), but two were flying saucers in formation that hovered near my home in broad daylight for fifteen minutes, slowly sinking out of sight. This one is odd because there were three other witnesses and I have absolutely no good explanation for what they were.

[X-files Music]

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I'll be honest I don't really believe in ghosts or the paranormal and I think most of these occurrences come down to people mistaking sounds/lights/shadows for something else. But it doesn't really matter whether I believe or not, I still love hearing about other people's experiences!

I think the most paranormal thing that I've ever experienced is when the car radio suddenly turned on and started blaring music and wouldn't stop.

My grandmother said told me one that I thought was cool. She said that her aunt collected clocks and had a wall filled with them although none of them worked. But when she died they all started working for a few minutes which Nan thought was her aunt's spirit trying to communicate with them.

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I had an awful sleep paralysis experience once where I thought somebody walked into my room. He walked up to the bottom of my bed and then I realised he was a robber and he had a knife and was about to stab me in my lower-left back. I could make sort of "hnnnnnnnn" sounds because I could use my vocal chords and my mouth was open slightly, but apart from that I couldn't do anything. It was really fucking freaky.

Thankfully I woke up about 15 minutes after this finished so I was able to realise it wasn't real pretty quickly. It isn't a ghost thing but it's kinda ghostly.

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I've not had any such experiences myself. But, I attribute this to having not known anyone who has died except my great aunt about 9 years ago, and our family dog 8 years ago. And contrasting this to my mum, who has had many loved ones pass on and experiences paranormal stuff all the time. Again, contrasting to my dad again, who has known very few close people to pass on, and doesn't report that sort of thing. But then again, he is a definite skeptic, but anything he doesn't understand he will say is "bizarre". Like when someone he knew went to a professional about a loved one who had passed on, they told the guy that his loved one "had to get better" on the other side. He said that was bizarre. But I think he meant, that was bizarre to hear about.

Like a lot of people here, I also had a creepy sleep paralysis experience. It was in year 3 of my undergraduate, and I was in bed in the dorm. I woke up and recognised I was having a sleep paralysis dream, but I do remember that overlooking my bed, sort of stood... Not at my feet, but more, at my knees/shins, was a tall, shadowy figure (like they were made of the darkness like... A dark, gaseous ghost) eating a bag of potato chips. I guess they could have been doing worse things.

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I've had a few out of body experiences. 

It was totally an accident the first time; I was taking a nap while listening to music and I went to roll over and my body didn't follow me. So I wandered around the house for a bit. Looked in the a mirror and saw myself for what I saw myself as. (not fun)

The nest time was on purpose-ish. I felt it was happening during another nap so I kept nudging the feeling of OoB and eventually made my focus that of being outside my body. So I went outside, played in the lower gravity and decided since I'm in the dream world, I should practice running. Because every time I try to run in my dreams I'm super sluggish. Obviously I'm going nowhere fast. And when I quit I notice two ladies with parasols and Victorian dress staring at me thinking (it was obvious by their expressions) "what the fuck are you doing?" And then I woke up back in my body, feeling like a total dream world n00b. That experience taught me that movement in the dream world is largely thought based, forcing something requires it to enact the same force back to match your energy output. You can make a feather weigh a ton or a car weigh a gram. Or fly... 

Another time I was rolling around my room playing with the reduced gravity and decided to fly straight up, as high as I could, like a rocket. It was exhilarating, eventually though I ran out of steam and started falling back towards Earth. I woke up shortly after I started falling.  

And I "think" I've seen UFO. If it wasn't flying, there's apparently a couple 1000 foot tall tower around my house I'm unaware of. It basically looked like 3 lights directly stacked upon each other in a long vertical formation, they didn't move they just faded out from bottom to top. Next time I saw it, it was 10ish years later in the same spot. The trees had grown so I was only able to see two lights doing the same thing. But that perfect line, damn. Way brighter than any stars, visible in the daylight. I still have no idea. There's nothing I could perceive to keep them suspended like that. 

I'll count this next dream because It was neat and paranormal-ly. 

So I don't know the setup. All I remember is being shown other dimensions other than physical (by like, spirit guides or something) and was pointed out the sensation of energy at the density of emotion. I could "feel" the feelings of others coming off of them and me; I was a drop in a sea of energy. Then I started practicing telekinesis, and that ended up with me trying to float several nugs of weed and orbiting them around a bigger chunk of weed. I was able to sustain that for a few seconds, it was pretty awesome. 


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And I "think" I've seen UFO. If it wasn't flying, there's apparently a couple 1000 foot tall tower around my house I'm unaware of. It basically looked like 3 lights directly stacked upon each other in a long vertical formation, they didn't move they just faded out from bottom to top. Next time I saw it, it was 10ish years later in the same spot. The trees had grown so I was only able to see two lights doing the same thing. But that perfect line, damn. Way brighter than any stars, visible in the daylight. I still have no idea. There's nothing I could perceive to keep them suspended like that.

That sounds like a rare sort of mirage.

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That sounds like a rare sort of mirage.

Whoa that's creepy. The idea of mirages and hallucinations makes me feel uneasy, yet I want to experience them. A few times I've woken up in a daze to see what looked like my dog(who is deceased) lying at the foot of my bed. It's really freaky to think you can't even trust your own vision all of the time.

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I don't really believe in ghosts or anything. My whole family is fully convinced ghosts and paranormal shit is real and love trying to force those beliefs on me constantly.

One time my sister was fully convinced there was a ghost in her room because the little stick that you use to open and close blinds was slightly moving by itself. When I say slightly, I mean you literally could not see this thing move unless you were right in front of it. It was pretty hilarious to see my whole family freak out over it and I'm just like "you guys really think a ghost would have nothing better to do than play with your fucking blinds?"

I suppose the closest thing to a paranormal event I've experienced was once in middle school when I swear I saw someone's head hide behind my bed while I was playing a game in my room, which freaked me out quite a bit. Probably could have been my eyes fucking up from playing too many games, but who knows. There was also a time when I was a kid where I was home alone and on the computer in my room, when I heard someone running down the hallway to my room before stopping right at the doorway. Being 9 years old, that freaked me the fuck out and I immediately ran out of the house lol.

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I have but the first time was only just two years ago.  I was in a small medieval french town called Dinan.  While strolling the streets after everyone had gone to bed my wife and I saw a solid black head stick out of a second story window then slowly retreat back.  When we walked up to it the window was closed, curtains were drawn, and there were no lights on in the house.  The shape was that of a head and neck and was the blackest black I've ever seen.  It seemed to have been startled by us and withdrew once we knew we could see it.  You couldn't see through it and even at night with dim gas lamps below it was so black that it was easy to see. It was utterly featureless and texture-less, just a black mass. The whole time, even while walking up to inspect, we never let it out of our sight so we knew there was nobody actually looking out a window. 

It really was right out of a movie with the misty streets dimly lit by gas lamps and original medieval buildings/castle walls, etc.    


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I've experienced driving out something possessing my younger female cousin. She became quite strong and talked in a deep male voice. It took 3 people to pin her down while I gave her a noogie to inflict pain and drive whatever it is out. Happened quite a lot until we moved away. So I dunno if it's still happening. 

Also had experiences with doppelgangers. I could see and hear someone I know but when I get too close they just dissappear.  And when I contact that person, they claim to be in a totally different place. 

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Just creepy sleep paralysis shit from my end. And ever since I named the shadow man Tucker, he's stopped showing up. I think he's embarrassed because Tucker is a shitty name to have.

sometimes I walk around at night without my glasses on because I'm not super blind, and the shadows get really, really strange on me. Always see things that aren't there and then realize it's a fucking tree or sign or something. Kinda freaky but you know, my own fault.

I don't believe in ghosts, ESP, or any of that stuff. Aliens probably exist, but I doubt they have the ability to get to Earth.

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I had a rather unsettling EVP experience once, several decades ago.

A friend and I were playing with a tape recorder (the technology was still new enough to be a novelty for us) and, after almost an hour of screwing around with the thing, we eventually played back the tape to see how it sounded.  That's when we discovered that a disembodied voice had been trying to interact with us.

I sometimes wonder what happened to that tape.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I've seen a UFO a few years ago.

When I was young I saw a shadow person on the room 'looking' at me while after I was finding out what the dogs were barking at. The shadow- more like a humanoid sort of stood there for a second and then dashed to the left out. I've heard of people seeing shadows out of the corner of their eyes, so this was somewhat different.

A few years ago I had the great idea of trying to communicate with the shadow a few years ago. It sounds stupid looking back at it, yet I first had a notebook saying a short message in binary and then morse code. The notebook got all rainy so I switched out to a whiteboard which I drew symbols pointing out to things with a magnet away from. I was expecting something to move the magnet to something that corresponding to what it was, but nothing happened. Then later I was practicing lines for a scene for class right in front of the same window and then I sensed something. I put my lines down and saw what kind of looked like a cloaked yet bit reflected face. There were no defining features of a face, but I could sense that I was staring at it's face.

Then I had a very odd rather personal dream that I'd rather not get into describing, maybe in private if somel are interested.

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