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"Closed at OP's Request"


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Personally I find this to be bullshit. The OP is not obligated to follow a topic once they have their answer out of it or whatever, and if a thread has yet to break any rules then closing it just because the person who posted it has lost interest just robs other users of further discussion.

I think this practice should be done away with. OP can unfollow their own thread, there's no need to fuck off other discussions taking place there just because they're sick of it.

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14 minutes ago, MissFleece said:

If the thread has delved into a discussion unrelated to OP, or arguing, why don't you just open up a new thread and continue the discussion? 

or just get over it and move on because whatever discussion caused the OP to close the thread was probably stupid anyways.

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Closing threads by request is something we have honored since FaF. You don't have to like it and tou are free to start a new thread if you want to discuss something as long as it doesn't shit on the OP who created the first thread. Mayhaps not in the BH, but anywhere else.

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20 minutes ago, 6tails said:

Following the same ways as the site you split from is a good way to turn into another version of the site you split from.

It was actually not Chase's or neer's policy. They wanted threads nuked when discussions went off, especially site discussion topics when users would attack the mainsite admins. However, each thread was also under review before it was closed. You don't like it when an op sends is a pm to close it? Want us to ignore it then? Okay. We will.

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5 minutes ago, 6tails said:

Unless the thread has things like doxing, hacked scripts or vulnerabilities being exploited, or does something to seriously break the system, it should be left alone and open. If we're going that route, you might as well auto-lock any thread with an inactivity period of a given time.

You are absolutely right. 

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i actually like the "closed at OP's request" policy. Its somethingthey started, and if they wish they should be able to end it.

Some topics are even personal about the OP itself and the thread just devolves into argument and attacks, better to close it.

....and as someone who started a thread they'll likely be given the credit for its start, if they realized it was something to regret they should be able to close it.

Sounds like a decent policy to me. Dont like it, make another, move on...seems simple to me.

Edited by WolfNightV4X1
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Just now, WolfNightV4X1 said:

i actually like the "closed at OP's request" policy. Its somethingthey started, and if they wish they should be able to end it.

Some topics are even personal about the OP itself and the thread just devolves into argument and attacks, better to close it.

....and as someone who started a thread they'll likely be given the credit for its start, if they realized it was something to regret they should be able to close it.

Sounds like a decent policy to me. Dont like it, make another...seems simple to me.

Especially if people begin to attack OP, they should have the right to close the thread and stop it. 

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Just now, WolfNightV4X1 said:

i actually like the "closed at OP's request" policy. Its somethingthey started, and if they wish they should be able to end it.

Some topics are even personal about the OP itself and the thread just devolves into argument and attacks, better to close it.

....and as someone who started a thread they'll likely be given the credit for its start, if they realized it was something to regret they should be able to close it.

Sounds like a decent policy to me. Dont like it, make another...seems simple to me.

From now on, you are going to have to live with it. Like if Crystal returns, she's going to have to live with users telling her she's a stupid penis addict for not being able to fix her problems. The users have spoken.

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Just now, Zeke said:

From now on, you are going to have to live with it. Like if Crystal returns, she's going to have to live with users telling her she's a stupid penis addict for not being able to fix her problems. The users have spoken.

Everyone already said the same thing before she closed it, one could consider it lived with and moved on to more idiotic issues

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1 minute ago, 6tails said:

I think part of my point got eaten by the edit system.

This site needs fixing and nothing seems to be getting done to fix it. Following the same policy of pandering to the userbase while not doing critical site maintenance is following in FAs footsteps, and the results begin to show.

As an example, the dark theme is HIGHLY VULNERABLE. If you CTRL+Scroll to make text bigger, eventually the CSS fucks itself and exposes holes as it forces itself into mobile view from desktop browser mode. It's NASTY.

The CSS fix posted by Vae unfortunately does nothing to mitigate that issue, as that code does nothing with regards to how the forum page template handles size changes..

Time and resources at this moment are far better being spent working on inherent issues instead of being OP's thread janitor. No point in doing thread maintenance while your own roof is about to collapse on your head.

Unfortunately, that's something Carenath has to do, and any others he chooses to bring on to help fix the coding issues with the forum. Thjat's out of my hands., 

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6 minutes ago, 6tails said:

It's not out of your hands until you bring it to his attention. As it is, he seems to never be online here, and if he is, he's logged in as invisible. Given nothing seems to be getting fixed, I'd wager more on the former then the latter.

I mean actually coding, not contacting, and believe me, we've been poking at him. It has been brought to attention but I suppose you all should set fire to the forums to act as a beacon.. 

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Just now, 6tails said:

I'll take that as moderator permission. Hope you've got asbestos AND kevlar AND lead-lined fursuits. My fires tend to be nuclear.


Contact rassah if you can get access to his "hide transactions" bitcoin thingy so you can buy Uranium.

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I've always kind of liked the, "closed at OP's request" option.

Most threads that go that way are stupid and wind up being 90% flaming and bitching and piling onto the OP, which is all well and fun for a bit, but are we really so obsessed with attacking each other that it's a problem when the OP asks for the thread to be closed before things go too far?

At least, I haven't come across any OP-requested locked threads that AREN'T this example.

Plus, when the thread ends that way, it means ya'll have won.

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Given that there's minimal rules constraining new threads, I don't understand why people don't just start a new thread once the old one goes completely off-topic and they want to continue off-topic. It would definitely improve the quality of most derail arguments; as it stands you end up with pages and pages that have nothing to do with the initial comments and that lack any clear beginning or coherent aim.

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Well well well, would you look up there

I request that OP requests to close this thread (;


To be straight, I don't like it when threads get locked. But if I find out that it was locked on request of the OP, it's actually the most fair reason there is.

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1 minute ago, 6tails said:

Pick-up/Follow-up threads tend to be frowned upon in general forums.

We have an entire subforum dedicated to spam. And even the in the major forums I've seen only minimal mod intervention in low-content/crazy threads.

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3 minutes ago, 6tails said:

Pick-up/Follow-up threads tend to be frowned upon in general forums.

Here, not really. If a thread derails about religion, feel free to start your own religion thread and argue about it. It's better than turning "Rant/Rave: I was at my Catholic Grandmother's funeral and it was Beautiful" and derailing it into an argument about Christianity and how people believing in Jesus are idiots.

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2 minutes ago, 6tails said:

Not really, because the entire derailment might have been as a natural result of the direction of conversation. Now you've just forcefully broken up a naturally flowing conversation. That's much like when adults are speaking and really having a great conversational flow, and a child suddenly bursts in with "Umm, umm, umm, ummmmmmmm........"

If you want conversation, you go to the black hole or the general chat thread.

Threads are about discussing the given topic

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1 minute ago, 6tails said:

A given topic might cover many viewpoints or tangential relationships. If you forced a new thread for any possible derailment this pace would be a disorganized mess in record time.

Nobody is forcing anyone to make a new thread.

If the old thread is locked and you want to keep discussing something, you can make a new thread about it if you want.

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5 minutes ago, 6tails said:

That's exactly what happens when "Closed by OP request" happens.

If the OP decides it should be closed because it's off topic, then it's off topic. The OP of all people would know because they started the topic.

If one of the 'tangents' you mentioned is interesting to you, you can make a thread so that people can talk about it.

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3 minutes ago, 6tails said:

If you checked a lot of the content of OPs, you'd notice they're just as clueless about what they're discussing in the first place, so no, they wouldn't really know. Nova and Krystal are rather prime examples of this.

We're talking about locking on the OP's request.

If the OP is low content, there's little to discuss. Therefore the OP can close them when everyone inevitably takes a shit on it and starts insulting them.

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28 minutes ago, Onnes said:

So which thread in particular prompted this, anyway?

I'd say it was definitely Battlechili's thread on the topic of religion, in which he created it not so much to spark a debate on religion, but to vent on particular religious people in his life.

He himself, although not terribly bothered by the debating, said the thread served his purpose in making it and therefore requested it closed.

Naturally Im sure this is one thread in question to cause users to be upset seeing as it was high traffic on a subject that has sides to argue.

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I am also reminded of the Paris thread as well-- That one was closed because it devolved into racist bullshit, and then re-opened at the request of the OP as long as it didn't turn into racist bullshit...then closed again when he requested it because it turned into racist bullshit.


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It's the OP's thread, they should be allowed to close it if they feel the need to. Does this really need to be a concern? Am I missing something or is this just pointless arguing? Seriously though, if the OP does have a reason - they should be allowed to close their own thread. However, getting butthurt/mad as a reason is pretty silly, if you ask me.

Edited by Sar
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Just now, WolfNightV4X1 said:

I'd say it was definitely Battlechili's thread on the topic of religion, in which he created it not so much to spark a debate on religion, but to vent on particular religious people in his life.

He himself, although not terribly bothered by the debating, said the thread served his purpose in making it and therefore requested it closed.

Naturally Im sure this is one thread in question to cause users to be upset seeing as it was high traffic on a subject that has sides to argue.

I was wondering, but I figured it couldn't be that thread, because that thread looked like the best possible justification for allowing OP to close their own thread. For one thing, the topic post was personal, not generic. And it got derailed into an 'is all religion awful' argument which was entirely tangential to the topic of the thread and a surefire way to kill any on-topic discussion.

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Just now, 6tails said:

Then OP should have that power to do so. There's a moderation tab at the top of the page. Give them an option. Having mods do it just gives the impression that mods are here to be at the user's whims.

Totally agree. I'm sure it would also leave the report system free to more serious issues with the thread. Even if they are buttmad, people can just start a new thread if the topic itself needs further discussion. Well, provided its not rule-breaking I guess.

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Just now, 6tails said:

Not really, because the entire derailment might have been as a natural result of the direction of conversation. Now you've just forcefully broken up a naturally flowing conversation. That's much like when adults are speaking and really having a great conversational flow, and a child suddenly bursts in with "Umm, umm, umm, ummmmmmmm........"

natural derailment is one thing and straying from the original topic has never really been an issue. the issue starts when a topic becomes less about discussion or even civil debate and more about attacking other users. so asking a mod to close your thread is basically saying "go somewhere else to discuss this because I don't want to see it anymore". and as it's already been stated, you are free to make a thread to continue a discussion.


as for allowing users to close their own threads, I can see that being abused tbh especially when no one agrees with the OP.

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21 minutes ago, 6tails said:

Then OP should have that power to do so. There's a moderation tab at the top of the page. Give them an option. Having mods do it just gives the impression that mods are here to be at the user's whims.

Then that would get abused and we're going to go back to square one with people complaining about the OP locking their threads when there was actual discussion.

How about this; "Mods can refuse the right to lock OP's threads even by request", that way if there's "Actual discussion" we can say "no".

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7 minutes ago, 6tails said:

My reply above addresses this rather adequately, I believe.

Not really.. Either way, it still brings it back to square one when a thread gets closed and people complain about it another way to the point of removing that option due to abuse.\

We also keep a record of threads closed and reasons why just in case if it is requested to have opened later on. 

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Just now, Zeke said:

How about this; "Mods can refuse the right to lock OP's threads even by request", that way if there's "Actual discussion" we can say "no".

I thought this was something mods already did but either way, I like that option a lot more.

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31 minutes ago, willow said:

as for allowing users to close their own threads, I can see that being abused tbh especially when no one agrees with the OP.

It's a good idea on paper. 


8 minutes ago, 6tails said:

Yea, really, unless you'd really like to start gaining a reputation of pandering to the users making bad threads in likely bad faith. Even if you refuse to lock a thread, some other mod might do it. Reputation still gained even if you weren't the one to do so, because of your prior history of having done so. And even after explanation, that damage is already done.

Zero action is usually the best action. Otherwise, you're just opening yourself up to a whole world of bullshit. 


TBH, we do not really get that many requests to close threads. If we do, it is usually because it has either derailed to shit or pointless (i.e. Crystal threads). It's not like we get requests like these every day, and mostly the users PM us and ask.

Yeah, we already have a bad rep as it is by either not doing something, doing something, or trying to be moderate and being called a pussy. So what do you want us to do?

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Alright, here's what I am going to do:
If you ask to have your thread locked? I'll look at it and determine if it is necessary and discuss it with the others. If it is that junked up? It will be considered for closure.

Reports? Discretion and reviewed.  Reports with no reasons why you are reporting it will be disregarded and removed.

Derailments? Have fun. Screaming get back on topic was pointless, so that frees me up. Don't care.

If you make a thread, do so at your own risk. Stupid is as stupid does. 


Anything else? Tough shit and go fuck yourselves. Unless your thread has suddenly came down with a bad case of cancer, I ain't doing jack. :V


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18 minutes ago, Lucyfish said:

I thought giving the OP power to request threads be closed was a good thing.

Why y'all gotta ruin a good thing >:u

How will you guys ever learn if we coddle you. From now on, threads will not be closed if asked...so you are better off not asking me and deal with users being shits.

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31 minutes ago, Zeke said:

Alright, here's what I am going to do:
If you ask to have your thread locked? I'll look at it and determine if it is necessary and discuss it with the others. If it is that junked up? It will be considered for closure.

Reports? Discretion and reviewed.  Reports with no reasons why you are reporting it will be disregarded and removed.

Derailments? Have fun. Screaming get back on topic was pointless, so that frees me up. Don't care.

If you make a thread, do so at your own risk. Stupid is as stupid does. 


Anything else? Tough shit and go fuck yourselves. Unless your thread has suddenly came down with a bad case of cancer, I ain't doing jack. :V


Oh look! You have finally figured out how to be a forum mod. =D

On topic, can this thread be closed? :V

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12 minutes ago, MissFleece said:

Can we all just agree to not insult users who are not currently present to defend themselves?

Someone has to remind Sylox that he pissed in a bottle.

1 minute ago, FlynnCoyote said:

Oh look! You have finally figured out how to be a forum mod. =D

On topic, can this thread be closed? :V

Go suck on an orc's cock, you degenerate filth.


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