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Trump supporter won't tow Bernie supporter

Crazy Lee

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3 hours ago, Zeke said:

Asians are a model minority and considered to be the healthiest race of people despite being unable to metabolize booze. 


yeah but they're too short and tan and eat useful animals like dogs

definitely untermensch

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3 hours ago, Lucyfish said:

Chickens make better pets and those muh'fuckas are TASTY

chickens are not better pets than dogs

they are livestock

dogs are companions that helped the aryan masterrace conquer the world

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Just now, Zerig said:

chickens are not better pets than dogs

they are livestock

dogs are companions that helped the aryan masterrace conquer the world

A chicken will guard your bed way more diligently than some punk bitch-ass mutt

Chickens are fucking savage and loyal

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3 hours ago, Lucyfish said:

A chicken will guard your bed way more diligently than some punk bitch-ass mutt

Chickens are fucking savage and loyal

even if that were true a chicken is not a deterrent to a burglar rapist (whos probably mexican :^])

a dog is smarter and stronger

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Just now, Zerig said:

even if that were true a chicken is not a deterrent to a burglar rapist (whos probably mexican :^])

a dog is smarter and stronger

Are you kidding me man

Those gangsters can take fingers off

Dogs just sit there and piss

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2 hours ago, Derin Darkpaw said:

Even if you agree with his stance on immigration his proposed method for solving it  would do incredibly little to prevent it, would costs obscene amounts of money, and in fact may actually increase the population of illegal immigrants in America by making it more expensive for them to leave.  Also his blanket ban on Muslims entering the country would only hurt us by preventing qualified and educated people from coming to our country.  Meanwhile all the radical Muslims that really want to hurt us aren't going to be stopped by something as trivial as a law preventing them from entering.

Also am I understanding you correctly when it comes to Bernie?  Because the argument you seem to be making is that you like his ideas but you think it will be too hard to implement them.  Well no shit change is hard.  Thankfully we live in a system where in we have the power to affect change in our government by voting.

Regardless Trump to me seems like the lesser of the evils since any of his highly outlandish shit would never pass while the more tame things have a likelyhood of passing.


And yes, some of Bernie's ideals I do support but not all of them. For the most part it feels like he's pandering to the people who want everything for free. How do you give people free things? By paying with taxation. I'm all for lowered costs of higher education but even I understand that it's also a business and requires profits. Making higher education completely free would not only cost a metric fucktonne but it may or may not upset these private organizations to the point that they could outright leave the country. You don't want rich people and big businesses leaving your country or you're fucked.

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I don't mind the education costs, but fuck textbook companies. 

His tame stuff will pass if he doesn't mind the pork-barreling that goes on with any bills. Like I said, he'd have to use executive orders to pass anything he wants without that issue or discourse. 

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2 hours ago, Zeke said:

Asians are a model minority and considered to be the healthiest race of people despite being unable to metabolize booze. 


They're also the most racist/xenophobic people out there, considering "No foreigner" bars are a thing along with evicting people based on race is an A-OK business practices in their home countries. Even in college, I've even seen groups not allow other races to be apart of study groups/projefts. Or maybe thats just California, but it doesnt help that their base culture is super racist.



But then again, they are pretty top tier people, so maybe there is something to the segregation bit. Just my 2 cents from experience as a croc.

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23 hours ago, Crazy Lee said:

Also, someone created this Facebook page for Mr Shope, and it follows Poe's law so well I'm not sure if it's legit or satire:

I hate pages like this. I've come across many websites, movements, etc. that worked similarly and it always frustrates me because there will inevitably some people who are in on a joke and some people who believe this legitimately and they'll interact with each other and never know the difference. I don't understand the people who do these sorts of things for humor; it just attracts the thing one makes fun of and encourages that sort of behavior. Its not funny. Its dangerous.

I remember there was a Facebook page titled "Jesus, Take the Wheel Day" and the movement was a group of people pretending to encourage people to, for one day out of the year, prove their faith by letting go of the wheel while on the road and not turning. The idea was that if your faith was strong enough Jesus would keep you safe. And I hated it. It was all a joke, but I wouldn't dare encourage such an act since there's bound to be someone who actually believes it in earnest and tries it. Its poor form, and pages like the one you linked disgust me as a result.

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46 minutes ago, Battlechili said:

I remember there was a Facebook page titled "Jesus, Take the Wheel Day" and the movement was a group of people pretending to encourage people to, for one day out of the year, prove their faith by letting go of the wheel while on the road and not turning. The idea was that if your faith was strong enough Jesus would keep you safe. And I hated it. It was all a joke, but I wouldn't dare encourage such an act since there's bound to be someone who actually believes it in earnest and tries it. Its poor form, and pages like the one you linked disgust me as a result.

Something tells me that was less of a joke and more of a plan to fool religious zealots into killing themselves. Kind of like that #CutForBieber thing 4chan did a while back.

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For a minute, I thought this was a story in the vein of 'someone who supports Trump wanted to tow a Sanders supporter's car, but the truck driver refused to do so despite being a Trump supporter'.

That said, isn't it funny how most of the republicans who oppose 'socialized' whatever and believe it 'punishes success' happen to be downtrodden citizens in the first place?  Wouldn't it make more sense for the worker with a rusted truck support the communist?

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28 minutes ago, root said:

Something tells me that was less of a joke and more of a plan to fool religious zealots into killing themselves. Kind of like that #CutForBieber thing 4chan did a while back.

Most of the people on the page were saying it was a joke and that no one would actually do it, and if anyone did that'd just be natural selection at work and give more people to be awarded Darwin awards.

Such responses only made it more frustrating. :/

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5 hours ago, Photoshop Amateur said:

His stance on immigration and the fact that what he preaches isn't as impossible or as giving as what Bernie preaches. Sure what Bernie says is possible but it'd take many years and there's 0 guarantee that he would stay in office during the time of his changes. Because there's 0 guarantee it also means that half-way through his shit could be stopped by the newest president. What Bernie proposes is just too much for a country that's far too gone considering it would either disturb businesses or raise taxes and upset the people.

His stance on Immigration?
What stance is that, anyway? Considering he's flip-flopped like every other politician. First he says "Deport them all", then he says he's okay with amnesty for non-criminal immigrants (something I personally support), then he wants to deport them all again. BTW his flip-flopping has been thoroughly documented by CONSERVATIVE sources. If he does decide to deport every illegal, which is around 11 million people, just about every single immigration expert has said that would be insanely hard to do, would cost billions, would clog up immigration courts, would require an insane amount of manpower, and would require the police to pretty much go door to door, and violate people's rights.

And the wall? How is he going to pay for that, exactly? Mexico's going to do it? How is he going to force them to do it? Bomb Mexico? Sounds like a plan, bomb an ally. That way the rest of the world can see how warmongering we are and not want to deal with us anymore. Oh, and all those products made in mexico, like most "domestic" cars? Yea, fuck those too. So, likely, building a wall will be up to the taxpayers. How much is that going to cost the taxpayers? Well, a wall was attempted back during Dubya's tenure, and according to wikipedia was about $3mil a mile. I assume that's over the flatter areas, who knows how much it will cost in the mountain areas. The border is 1900 miles, so that's about $6 billion. More recent numbers I've seen have been more like $25 or $50 billion. And who says such a wall would be effective? People make their living smuggling people and drugs...they'll find a way. Blow it up, tunnel underneath, rope bridge.. whatever. Even in places where there are walls, people still get over. And let's ignore the ways such a wall would affect the migration of animals in the area. I could go on.

Hmm, anything else? Should I go into how his proposed tariffs on goods from China and Mexico would hurt us? A tariff is just a tax on imported/exported goods. So, if you tax something 45%, like he's proposed, the price of that good will go up 45%. The price of that tariff will be passed on to the consumer. Companies won't move their jobs back here, at least not immediately, since moving manufacturing requires finding a place to do the manufacturing, building a building (or buying one) to house the manufacturing, hiring people, buying equipment....all takes time and money. And the business may not be able to afford making the product anymore if they have to make it in the USA, due to our higher wages.


5 hours ago, Zerig said:

Asians are not fine

What you talkin about willis? Asians are fine as hell. Even the men are sexy.

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7 hours ago, Photoshop Amateur said:

Regardless Trump to me seems like the lesser of the evils since any of his highly outlandish shit would never pass while the more tame things have a likelyhood of passing.

Look if you are voting for a candidate with the hope that they won't be able to actually accomplish what they claim they want to do then you may want to reconsider your vote.

7 hours ago, Photoshop Amateur said:

And yes, some of Bernie's ideals I do support but not all of them. For the most part it feels like he's pandering to the people who want everything for free. How do you give people free things? By paying with taxation.

As for paying things its pretty easy.  If we were to tax corporations today at a level equivalent to what they were taxed under radical Socialist Ronald Reagan we would have enough money to fund many of these "free things".

Also another question you seem to be implying that you view Hilary Clinton as the worst possible candidate ever.  Would you care to elaborate on your reasoning for that position?

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On 5/21/2016 at 3:44 AM, Derin Darkpaw said:

Look if you are voting for a candidate with the hope that they won't be able to actually accomplish what they claim they want to do then you may want to reconsider your vote.

I think it's a good way to look at it. (Effectively) No president is better than a bad one IMO.

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2 minutes ago, Derin Darkpaw said:

I don't quite understand your stance here.  Could you clarify your statement please?

Both of them are crazy. One doesn't know how the system is run and is so crazy that he has less chances of negatively impacting the US. Also I guess I'm more likely to trust Trump, as crazy as that sounds. He tends to say things without a filter, so at least you have an idea of what he intends to do. Compared to a popular video of Hillary lying for 13 minutes, her dumb decision to use her family's private email server and being investigated by the FBI, and her ties to Wall Street... I can see where people are coming from when they consider her to be the worse candidate. Now if Trump had the power to do everything he says... that'd be a different conclusion. Don't worry though, I can't vote since I'm Canadian, so my opinion has no effect on the election.

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6 minutes ago, root said:

Both of them are crazy. One doesn't know how the system is run and is so crazy that he has less chances of negatively impacting the US. Also I guess I'm more likely to trust Trump, as crazy as that sounds. He tends to say things without a filter, so at least you have an idea of what he intends to do. Compared to a popular video of Hillary lying for 13 minutes, her dumb decision to use her family's private email server and being investigated by the FBI, and her ties to Wall Street... I can see where people are coming from when they consider her to be the worse candidate. Now if Trump had the power to do everything he says... that'd be a different conclusion. Don't worry though, I can't vote since I'm Canadian, so my opinion has no effect on the election.

So from what I can gather from that video the main complaint seems to be that she had different viewpoints in the past on various issues.  Trump suffers from the same problem except even greater.  He has ran as a candidate for a total of three different parties now and even in the context of a single interview he gave three different answers to his stance on abortion.  If you are upset at a candidate for being inconsistent on their political stances Trump would seem to be the much worse choice in that regard.

I understand that power of the Executive branch is limited and that if Trump gets elected he won't be able to implement every thing he is talking about, but that is no reason to take a chance and see how far he can go.  You would be giving power over our military, albeit limited, to man that says he wishes he could punch more people.  We currently in the U.S. spend the most in the world on our military and Trump says the wants to increase that.  No one questions how we are going to pay for that meanwhile everyone whines about Bernie wanting to give away "free things".

I have yet to see any complaint leveled at another candidate that isn't equally or even more so applicable to Trump.

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1 hour ago, Derin Darkpaw said:

So from what I can gather from that video the main complaint seems to be that she had different viewpoints in the past on various issues.  Trump suffers from the same problem except even greater.  He has ran as a candidate for a total of three different parties now and even in the context of a single interview he gave three different answers to his stance on abortion.  If you are upset at a candidate for being inconsistent on their political stances Trump would seem to be the much worse choice in that regard.

I understand that power of the Executive branch is limited and that if Trump gets elected he won't be able to implement every thing he is talking about, but that is no reason to take a chance and see how far he can go.  You would be giving power over our military, albeit limited, to man that says he wishes he could punch more people.  We currently in the U.S. spend the most in the world on our military and Trump says the wants to increase that.  No one questions how we are going to pay for that meanwhile everyone whines about Bernie wanting to give away "free things".

I have yet to see any complaint leveled at another candidate that isn't equally or even more so applicable to Trump.

Hm, yeah I suppose that's possible. I find he tries to backpedal a bit without admitting he fucked up (e.g. his McCain comment). I never knew he changed his stance on abortion three times... that's almost as bad as Herman Cain on abortion.

I'm with you on Bernie, but I knew his chances were slim a long time ago. It's not uncommon for me to come across comments like "Bernie the crazy old Jew only appeals to kids that want everything free"

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5 hours ago, Derin Darkpaw said:

I understand that power of the Executive branch is limited and that if Trump gets elected he won't be able to implement every thing he is talking about, but that is no reason to take a chance and see how far he can go.

While some things are way out there, he does have the power to do a lot of what he says in foreign policy. The only things he would have any difficulty with are he military expansions he goes on about - but I doubt that would be too hard given the current Congress.

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17 hours ago, MalletFace said:

While some things are way out there, he does have the power to do a lot of what he says in foreign policy. The only things he would have any difficulty with are he military expansions he goes on about - but I doubt that would be too hard given the current Congress.

Exactly which is why I stress that even if Trump winning isn't a nightmare world over scenario like some people make it out to be it would still be disastrous for our nation and how we are seen in the world.

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15 hours ago, Gamedog said:

"the great conservative third-world backwater where humans congeal out of the sewage ponds, refuses to tow a car with a Bernie sticker on it because he doesn't like socialists."

Neither would I after this post, heh

Sorry you were so terribly offended by this. But the south seems to have a lot of redneck idiots from what I've seen.

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2 hours ago, Crazy Lee said:

Sorry you were so terribly offended by this. But the south seems to have a lot of redneck idiots from what I've seen.

Insulting the people you're asking to tow your car for you is a bad idea

enjoy the backwater swamps, Bernie fans

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8 hours ago, Crazy Lee said:

But the south seems to have a lot of redneck idiots from what I've seen.

8 hours ago, Falaffel said:

Lived down in the south all my life, can confirm. 

7 hours ago, Vae said:

Grew up terribly close to the south, in a state with a bunch of people sharing that attitude and general lifestyle.
Can confirm.

Up until Wilson started the tradition of shaking up the left, the backwaters of states in the Midwest and South were full of exactly the opposite kind of people. You couldn't turn a corner, round a tree, or hop a creek in the backwoods without running into a state-hating, left-leaning redneck. It was the plantation owners and the city-folk that leaned conservative up until that time. It makes sense given many of these people were from Ireland and Scotland where anti-English, communal, and individualist ideas blended and then were exposed to European socialist thinkers through German immigrants.

Those people from the boonies and poorer cities of those conservative backwaters were

  • responsible for huge chunks of the labor movement (the Coal Wars, the Southern Textile Strikes, the Lumber Strikes),
  • the biggest opponents of racism in the South up until the Black Power movement split off into the cities and shattered into a million factions, and
  • huge opponents of the German American Bund and the America First Party/Christian Nationalist Crusade up until the results of the secret Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact confused the Hell out of them.

When you consider that this number produced people like Martin Luther King, Jr., Eugene V. Debs,  and Woody Guthrie and inspired people like Dorothy Day and Edward Harrington, it makes one wonder what could have been different had their side won out during and after Reconstruction.

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On 5/28/2016 at 8:17 PM, Gamedog said:

Insulting the people you're asking to tow your car for you is a bad idea

enjoy the backwater swamps, Bernie fans

And who said the woman who didn't get her car towed insulted the tow truck driver? She didn't. He just refused to tow her because of the sticker.

Oh wait, who am I arguing with again? Right. Nevermind, carry on.

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53 minutes ago, Crazy Lee said:

And who said the woman who didn't get her car towed insulted the tow truck driver? She didn't. He just refused to tow her because of the sticker.

Oh wait, who am I arguing with again? Right. Nevermind, carry on.

I was using you as an example of yet another entitled gibmedats liberal bernie supporter

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19 hours ago, Gamedog said:

I was using you as an example of yet another entitled gibmedats liberal bernie supporter

Aww, but I don't support Bernie.

You're so adorable. Screeching along like a stereotypical mainstream far right conservative. Generalizing everyone on the left. Hitting all the proper points to be a "true" conservative. I'm not sure if you're just pulling a Colbert and trolling and baiting hardcore, or you're just stupid. The world may never know. *bites into a tootsie roll pop*

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