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Trump supporter won't tow Bernie supporter

Crazy Lee

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So this story has me pretty angry. A guy in the wilds of North Carolina, the great conservative third-world backwater where humans congeal out of the sewage ponds, refuses to tow a car with a Bernie sticker on it because he doesn't like socialists. And because he's a Trump supporter. So, we see what America will be like with Trump in charge, or at least his batshit insane supporters.

What had me is the part where he "claims" that God talked to him and told him not to tow the car. Really? Are you sure that was God or the voices in your head? Plus, I know the Bible well enough to know that Jesus commands his followers to help those who need help and are suffering, even if you don't like them, even if they're your enemy. So, yet again another Southerner, or hell, just another fundie who claims they're Christian but doesn't actually follow Jesus' commands. A pseudo-Christian. I think that pissed me off more than anything else, because I see this shit from fundies all the time.... claim to be Christian, act like crap. Hate gays, but then do gay things in secret. Whine about gays, then molest children. Ect ect.

And before someone gets this into a Trump Vs Bernie thing, I am fully aware that Bernie supporters can be just as shit crazy as Trump supporters (see the riots out in Vegas).

Also, someone created this Facebook page for Mr Shope, and it follows Poe's law so well I'm not sure if it's legit or satire:

Oh yea. I have heard a lot of conservatives comment that he could deny service to anybody. It really depends. If she had called for service using her insurance/roadside assistance, for instance AAA, and the insurance had a contract with that tow company to do tows, and he refused, he may be in breach of contract with his tow truck company and the insurance company.

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The irony is tow truck operators are mostly owner operators = small business owners.

There probably isn't a single tow truck in America that is owned by a Bernie supporter. 

Then again there probably aren't any gender studies graduates who are Trump supporters. 

The funny thing is the world actually needs tow truck drivers. 

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3 minutes ago, Toshabi said:

Maybe if she wouldn't have eaten all that McDonalds, she wouldn't be on disabilities and her car wouldn't break down from all the unnecessary weight that's being placed on it. 

Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!

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1 hour ago, Crazy Lee said:

North Carolina, the great conservative third-world backwater where humans congeal out of the sewage ponds

Carolina! Carolina! Religious zealots attend her!

While we live we will ruin, abuse, and mistreat her;

Tho' the commie may sneer at and homos defame her,

Still our hearts swell with gladness whenever we name her.

Hurrah! Hurrah! The Old North State Forever!

Hurrah! Hurrah! The good Old North State!


The Lord came to me, and he said, "Get in the truck and leave."

That sounds like he walked up on God doing something shady.


We need to stand up for ourselves agains the PC police.


Business owners Like Ken are aloud to deny service to anyone for any reason.


He could’t tow her car.


Stomp trying to poop on our constitution.

If the page isn't satire, then they might want to proofread what they post. If it is, then they're certainly going all-in.

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2 hours ago, Clove Darkwave said:

Alright guys keep the shitposting to a minimum, this isn't the Black Hole.

Oh what? Supporting the ONE LAST TRUE HOPE OF AMERICA™ is now considered "shitposting"?


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7 minutes ago, PastryOfApathy said:

Oh what? Supporting the ONE LAST TRUE HOPE OF AMERICA™ is now considered "shitposting"?


Don't worry Pastry my love. 

After the election DADDY will fix everything. 

Check it out. 

I hit 1,666 likes with a Trump post. 

Does this mean something?

Screen Shot 2016-05-20 at 12.09.27 AM.png

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After reading through this thread, I think this image that sidewalk posted in chat is pretty appropriate.



Two of the biggest things that divide people period. Politics and Religion. Both induce headaches and make you want to scream and burn buildings to the ground.

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See kids, this is why I don't put any bumper stickers on my vehicle, and why I make sure to remove any that are on whatever vehicle I buy.

Not because I'm "ashamed" of my beliefs or something, but because people of all shapes, sizes, colors and affiliations are fucking crazy -- remember the guy with the Trump sticker that had a brick put through his car window?


3 hours ago, Crazy Lee said:

Hate gays, but then do gay things in secret. Whine about gays, then molest children

I think a lot of this shit stems from psychological projection. I see it all the time in other demographics. My favorite is the anti-gun liberals. They generally approve of abortions, and then immediately turn around and advocate using, against gun owners, the exact same tactics deployed by Republicans against abortion clinics.

And a lot of the time they'll justify their actions by saying something like "I could never own a gun because I'd get mad at someone for getting my coffee wrong and shoot up the mall". They can't control themselves, and so they project that insecurity onto others and convince themselves that everyone is as fucked up as they are. Just like the closeted gay Republicans who lash out at the LGBT community because of the shame they feel over their own "sinful" urges.

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Of course, if a liberal towtruck company had denied service to a conservative, the consersavasphere would be screeching about how this proves that liberals are hateful and intolerant.

I'm loving how this idiot doesn't know how social media works, and how he's been eaten alive on his own FB page after continually trying to defend his actions.

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Wow this thread went shitpost fast. No surprise though.
Also, at times all the Trump support in here comes close to invoking Poe's law....


16 hours ago, Conker said:

Didn't this happen a few weeks ago or did it happen again?

I just checked the date... 5/5/16... oops...


15 hours ago, Rabbit Head said:

After reading through this thread, I think this image that sidewalk posted in chat is pretty appropriate.



Two of the biggest things that divide people period. Politics and Religion. Both induce headaches and make you want to scream and burn buildings to the ground.

Politics today are "THE OTHER SIDE IS PURE EVIL!!!!" After listening to political talk radio for over a year, I've pretty much determined that's all it is. Because that's all they do. Find articles online, which takes all of 5 minutes on google, to prove their point the other side is a bunch of idiots. Pat themselves on the back. Repeat.


5 hours ago, Zeke said:

He nuked his FB page. 

Yea, and here I wanted to mess with him a little. Not in a mean, angry, screaming way, because people can easily tune that out and ignore it. No, I was going to be nice, get his guard down, then screw with his head with logic...

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37 minutes ago, Derin Darkpaw said:

Legit curious here why do you support Trump?

His stance on immigration and the fact that what he preaches isn't as impossible or as giving as what Bernie preaches. Sure what Bernie says is possible but it'd take many years and there's 0 guarantee that he would stay in office during the time of his changes. Because there's 0 guarantee it also means that half-way through his shit could be stopped by the newest president. What Bernie proposes is just too much for a country that's far too gone considering it would either disturb businesses or raise taxes and upset the people.


I just have a burning hatred for Hilary. She's secretive and deceitful. She's pulled shit that should have forced her out of the running but she's still there.


Haven't heard much on Ted Cruz

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3 hours ago, Crazy Lee said:

Politics today are "THE OTHER SIDE IS PURE EVIL!!!!" After listening to political talk radio for over a year, I've pretty much determined that's all it is. Because that's all they do. Find articles online, which takes all of 5 minutes on google, to prove their point the other side is a bunch of idiots. Pat themselves on the back. Repeat.

Sadly, and it is getting worse and worse. No side is neither good or bad, but they have their fair share of crackpots, assholes and tin-foil wearing idiots. 

3 hours ago, Crazy Lee said:

Yea, and here I wanted to mess with him a little. Not in a mean, angry, screaming way, because people can easily tune that out and ignore it. No, I was going to be nice, get his guard down, then screw with his head with logic...

I was going to Poe's law his ass, but he killed the lulz. 

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13 minutes ago, Photoshop Amateur said:

His stance on immigration and the fact that what he preaches isn't as impossible or as giving as what Bernie preaches. Sure what Bernie says is possible but it'd take many years and there's 0 guarantee that he would stay in office during the time of his changes. Because there's 0 guarantee it also means that half-way through his shit could be stopped by the newest president. What Bernie proposes is just too much for a country that's far too gone considering it would either disturb businesses or raise taxes and upset the people.


I just have a burning hatred for Hilary. She's secretive and deceitful. She's pulled shit that should have forced her out of the running but she's still there.


Haven't heard much on Ted Cruz

Even if you agree with his stance on immigration his proposed method for solving it  would do incredibly little to prevent it, would costs obscene amounts of money, and in fact may actually increase the population of illegal immigrants in America by making it more expensive for them to leave.  Also his blanket ban on Muslims entering the country would only hurt us by preventing qualified and educated people from coming to our country.  Meanwhile all the radical Muslims that really want to hurt us aren't going to be stopped by something as trivial as a law preventing them from entering.

Also am I understanding you correctly when it comes to Bernie?  Because the argument you seem to be making is that you like his ideas but you think it will be too hard to implement them.  Well no shit change is hard.  Thankfully we live in a system where in we have the power to affect change in our government by voting.

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3 hours ago, Lucyfish said:

I just don't want a blatantly homophobic, transphobic, racist man in office.

he's literally never said anything that would fall under any of those three categories

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Just now, Zerig said:

he's literally never said anything that would fall under any of those three categories

Except wanting to segregate The Apprentice.

And accusing all Mexicans, legal and illegal, of fostering rape culture.

And fighting against the legalization of gay marriage.


But y'know, none of those are REAL xenophobia am I right?

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3 hours ago, Photoshop Amateur said:

His stance on immigration and the fact that what he preaches isn't as impossible or as giving as what Bernie preaches. Sure what Bernie says is possible but it'd take many years and there's 0 guarantee that he would stay in office during the time of his changes. Because there's 0 guarantee it also means that half-way through his shit could be stopped by the newest president. What Bernie proposes is just too much for a country that's far too gone considering it would either disturb businesses or raise taxes and upset the people.


I just have a burning hatred for Hilary. She's secretive and deceitful. She's pulled shit that should have forced her out of the running but she's still there.


Haven't heard much on Ted Cruz

To be fair, if less than 100% of the republican house and senate aren't behind Trump, nothing will get passed with him either. The only way Trump could pass anything he wanted without worrying about discourse from both the house and Senate is to pass executive orders. 

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This nigga also posed with a taco bowl in Trump Tower saying "I love hispanics" for Cinco de Mayo.

Cinco de Mayo is Mexican, not Hispanic. Taco bowls are Californian, not Mexican. That is pure racial ignorance at its finest.

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3 hours ago, Lucyfish said:

This nigga also posed with a taco bowl in Trump Tower saying "I love hispanics" for Cinco de Mayo.

Cinco de Mayo is Mexican, not Hispanic. Taco bowls are Californian, not Mexican. That is pure racial ignorance at its finest.

He built a wall around is mexican  food. :V

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3 hours ago, Lucyfish said:

Except wanting to segregate The Apprentice.

And accusing all Mexicans, legal and illegal, of fostering rape culture.

And fighting against the legalization of gay marriage.


But y'know, none of those are REAL xenophobia am I right?

Mexicans aren't a race, ergo that is not a racist statement

also he's only said he is against the forced marriage equality law, not that he hates gay people


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3 hours ago, Zerig said:

Mexicans aren't a race, ergo that is not a racist statement

also he's only said he is against the forced marriage equality law, not that he hates gay people


He should get rid of the interracial marriage law too since black people have proven that they shouldn't mix with whites and muddy up the Aryan gene pool. And Jews. Asians are fine.

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Just now, Zerig said:

Mexicans aren't a race, ergo that is not a racist statement

also he's only said he is against the forced marriage equality law, not that he hates gay people


That's the worst excuse for homophobia I've ever heard. He didn't speak out against any forced law that conservatives passed. It's two-faced lying.

Also, that is the worst "that's not racist" excuse I've ever heard. By that logic, there's no such thing as race, there's only the human race.

The man is pure ignorance. He doesn't even run his own company well. Taking inflation and the like into account, his company is BARELY holding up to the standard of success that his father brought it. Everything Trump has, he was handed to him by his daddy.

The man is just a complete moron. He has no ideas that work, and he uses his "success" as an excuse to justify his xenophobia.

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3 hours ago, Zeke said:

He should get rid of the interracial marriage law too since black people have proven that they shouldn't mix with whites and muddy up the Aryan gene pool. And Jews. Asians are fine.

Asians are not fine

whats the use in doing something if you're not gonna do it 100%

3 hours ago, Lucyfish said:

The man is pure ignorance. He doesn't even run his own company well. Taking inflation and the like into account, his company is BARELY holding up to the standard of success that his father brought it.

The man is just a complete moron. He has no ideas that work, and he uses his "success" as an excuse to justify his xenophobia.

You gotta take risks to learn valuable experience

His ideas don't always work, but at least he has the drive and ambition to attempt them

Don't worry, when he's president I'm sure he'll let you use any bathroom you want at his wall

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Just now, Zerig said:

You gotta take risks to learn valuable experience

His ideas don't always work, but at least he has the drive and ambition to attempt them

Don't worry, when he's president I'm sure he'll let you use any bathroom you want at his wall

His ideas never work, though. The Trump casino in Vegas was the most outlandish thing he ever did, and it's one of the least popular places in all of Vegas.

The Flamingo is more popular than the Trump casino.

The fucking Flamingo.

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3 hours ago, Zerig said:

Asians are not fine

whats the use in doing something if you're not gonna do it 100%


Asians are a model minority and considered to be the healthiest race of people despite being unable to metabolize booze. 


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