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I have this impossible problem...


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Well, having read your detailed description, and being a certain expert in such types of problems, I can tell you that your problem is likely the result of some event that you may have experienced in the past. Whale you may have thought of every possible reason for this problem, I can assure you with certainly that this was possibly the reason that it happened.

I can tell you that I have experienced a problem with broad similarities in the past, and thus I clearly have the expertise to solve your problem, and understand exactly how this problem makes you feel. I offer you condolences on your problem.

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8 hours ago, Osrik said:

Well, having read your detailed description, and being a certain expert in such types of problems, I can tell you that your problem is likely the result of some event that you may have experienced in the past. Whale you may have thought of every possible reason for this problem, I can assure you with certainly that this was possibly the reason that it happened.

I can tell you that I have experienced a problem with broad similarities in the past, and thus I clearly have the expertise to solve your problem, and understand exactly how this problem makes you feel. I offer you condolences on your problem.

Having experienced a very similar problem, I can definitely say that you are not an expert on the OP's issue. Even if that is not the case, and your similar problem is more similar to the OP's than my own, can you explain how you have certainty that an event in the past may be the cause of this problem when the OP is having the problem now? Could the problem be due to something that did not happen in the past or is not happening now?

Also, you did not give the OP what they were asking for; they wanted general, not broad.

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I one time gotten the same problimb. I hate when that shit happins. But luckaley, we have forums like theese witch you can use tu ask other users about you're problimb and obtane the informashion to solv you're problimb.

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8 hours ago, Augmented Husky said:


Think of a problem you don't actually want to solve. Go ahead and post it, then whenever someone gives an idea that could help, come up with a reason it can't possibly work.

Examples: life problems (I can't get out of my mom's basement after 30 years), finding work, technology you don't care to learn about yet post about it anyway, furry closets, living in East Bumfuck Nowhere and claiming you can't move away, yet proceed to ask for advice for whatever fuck awful reaon, problems at home, in work or in family life, dating frustrations or lack thereof, social problems, anything that requires effort, etc.

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1 hour ago, Azure said:

My favorite one is when they JUST CANT MOVE AWAY. Like save a few dollars, buy a bus ticket, pack your Shit, and go. See wasn't that easy when you stopped being a giant indecisive pussy?

But... I can't save any money because my mom is sick and I have to stay home to take care of her, and the bus stop is like FIFTY MILES away from here and the only jobs nearby are all taken, and I lost my ID and can't swim!

I can't ask my father because he's very verbally and mentally abusive (to the point he almost made my sister kill herself) and he's the only one here who makes any money, so I can buy video games.

I'm going to my room now. :V

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3 hours ago, Ricky said:

But... I can't save any money because my mom is sick and I have to stay home to take care of her, and the bus stop is like FIFTY MILES away from here and the only jobs nearby are all taken, and I lost my ID and can't swim!

I can't ask my father because he's very verbally and mentally abusive (to the point he almost made my sister kill herself) and he's the only one here who makes any money, so I can buy video games.

I'm going to my room now. :V

It's the most massive irony though. The people who hold you down and hinder progress and growth aren't the people who you should give a toss about when.it comes time to grow the fuck up and be an actual person. In the end it's all.about what you want and being willing to .are.the sacrifices to achieve it. Or you could just bum some more money from your daddy and vent to all your furry friends on Xbox live or something. Just remember everyone, being a REAL FRIEND entails speaking the TRUTH about their situation and concerns, without worrying about how they FEEL, because anything else is just enabling their destructive behavior and their emotional confusion. Don't sugarcoat shit, you doom them in the end. Also, it isn't that hard to find a job, even with no experience. Fuck that dream job Shit, if you need money, GET MONEY.

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