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Seeing as we're all bunch of weirdos who jerk our collective peepees to animal people, we share a special bond with our animal brethren. As such it is our sacred duty to bring to light the grave injustices of the human race against the animal kingdom, and stop our evil barbaric ways...

Every day, thousands upon thousands of lobsters are MURDERED by uncaring, evil humans simply to eat them and their babies. Not for good or evil, but because the Olive Garden was closed and the only place nearby was the local Red Lobster.

We cannot allow these crimes continue on. Furends, we must band together and stop this large-scale lobster inquisition from claiming more innocent lives...



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At first I thought it was trolling and a joke. 


Next time they should eat the protesters. 

2 minutes ago, Another Ampers& said:

to be fair tho who the fuck can afford to eat lobster

anyone who's that bourgeois has to be morally dubious to be tbh


Plus I'm not even part of the fabulous 1%. 

Also bottom feeders are gross and deserve to die and be eaten along with anything else that lives in salt water. 


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6 minutes ago, Another Ampers& said:

to be fair tho who the fuck can afford to eat lobster

anyone who's that bourgeois has to be morally dubious to be tbh

Well in the majority of the US, lobster is generally reserved for planned-in-advance special occasions. Things like communions, anniversaries, holidays and the kinda thing.

Also around here we have a lot of lobster fishers so it's a little bit cheaper (except in Boston where it's 10x as expensive for some reason) and helps support the local economy.

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Just now, PastryOfApathy said:

Well, in the majority of the US lobster is generally the kinda thing reserved for planned-in-advance special occasions. Things like communions, anniversaries, holidays and the kinda thing.

Also around here we have a lot of lobster fishers so it's a little bit cheaper (except in Boston where it's 10x as expensive for some reason) and helps support the local economy.

My friends on the east coast all eat it and they are poor. 

They just happen to live by the water is all. It isn't a "rich person food" and it used to be exclusively for poor people back in the day. 

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3 minutes ago, #00Buck said:


this was literally my point though

Just now, 6tails said:

Historically speaking lobster was the food of the poor. It's only been in the past 150 years that lobster has really become a food for the rich.

I'll try to keep that in mind if I'm ever in a position to judge the moral character of a 151 y/o prole

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5 minutes ago, #00Buck said:

My friends on the east coast all eat it and they are poor. 

They just happen to live by the water is all. It isn't a "rich person food" and it used to be exclusively for poor people back in the day. 

That's why I said the majority of the US. Most people don't live in Maine, which is good since if they did they would probably kill themselves since Maine is fucking horrible unless it's the summer and you're rich or on vacation.

Seriously how has Stephen King not died yet?

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Just now, PastryOfApathy said:

That's why I said the majority of the US. Most people don't live in Maine, which is good since if they did they would probably kill themselves since Maine is fucking horrible unless it's the summer and you're rich or on vacation.

Seriously how has Stephen King not died yet?

Lobster Torture = Straight Torture Son


2 minutes ago, Another Ampers& said:

does reneging your support of an entire social class over a single forum comment not seem fairweather to you u3u

I have to do it. I'm bourgeois.

Now what am I going to do with this $50 McDonalds gift card?

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17 minutes ago, Another Ampers& said:

to be fair tho who the fuck can afford to eat lobster

anyone who's that bourgeois has to be morally dubious to be tbh

I had a friend who lived in the caribbean and could get like, twenty pounds of lobster from a local fisherman for fifteen dollars.

Its mostly expensive cuz seafood doesn't keep very well that far from the shores 'n stuffs.

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7 minutes ago, PastryOfApathy said:

That's why I said the majority of the US. Most people don't live in Maine, which is good since if they did they would probably kill themselves since Maine is fucking horrible unless it's the summer and you're rich or on vacation.

Seriously how has Stephen King not died yet?

Yo fam I got yo new G ride. 

G's up hoes down in yo Lobster ass town!!!



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5 minutes ago, PastryOfApathy said:

6tails...I've seen you with your shirt off.

You can not pull that shit off.

I could... but I'd rather be in a cat suit >w>


3 minutes ago, #00Buck said:

Lobster Cat Torture!!!

Prepare to feel conflicted or aroused your choice. 

Ghetto tier plebs need not apply. You can't afford this much crustacean.


As a cat, we are entitled to poke da fishy. (Or crustacean)

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Just now, 6tails said:

As if the bourgeois would ever bribe the poor when they could bribe someone in a higher position of authority.


A haughty quip if I've ever heard one my good sir. 

You are a true rapscallion.


8 minutes ago, Another Ampers& said:

you want me to beg for it again and whine don't you u_u

Is this how you see me in the bourgeois vs. poor relationship?


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3 minutes ago, 6tails said:

Flash freeze.

had to look it up


The taste of frozen lobster often changes as lipid components oxidize over time, according to Alfred Bushway of the university's Department of Food Science. By injecting the lobsters with antioxidants, he said the scientists were able to delay that breakdown and extend the frozen lobsters' shelf-life. The group also injected the lobster with sugar-based compounds designed to preserve the meat's texture and keep ice crystals from forming, according to the patent application.

this kinda sounds expensive, plus there's a lot of stuff being injected which tbh doesn't always bother me. oh well, lobster is pretty expensive in the first place.

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I always thought that the best way to dispatch lobster was to split the head and torso in half in one cut, cause once the lobster is dead isn't there a strict limit on time for preparing it? something to do with the liver poisoning the meat, idk

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1 hour ago, Another Ampers& said:

this was literally my point though

I'll try to keep that in mind if I'm ever in a position to judge the moral character of a 151 y/o prole

You can't afford a 35 dollar lobster dish every now and then? Do you also live with your mom and not have a job due to social anxiety and depression?

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4 hours ago, Onnes said:

Why can't they dress up as naked fox women like the Finnish protesters? I guess naked lobster women would be more situation appropriate and look more like some eldritch horrorshow, but still.

I live in Finland and I haven't seen these people. Please direct me to these foxes.

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