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21 minutes ago, Falaffel said:


Fine by me, y'all just seem to go whichever way the wind blows, anyhow. Leastways, I gotta sort out my friends anyhow, and if I think Trump is a dick, well, so be it. I could give two shits how popular my opinions are.


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Trump is a real life cartoon villain. Not really said in a scared liberal way. Said in a human with eyes way. This election has been crazy.

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45 minutes ago, Fossa-Boy said:

Fine by me, y'all just seem to go whichever way the wind blows, anyhow. Leastways, I gotta sort out my friends anyhow, and if I think Trump is a dick, well, so be it. I could give two shits how popular my opinions are.


That wasn't-
I didn't mean it that way :/

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OK, sorry, there. Just feeling kinda touchy. I didn't mean nothin' mean or to hurt any feelings...even if it maybe came off that way.

Just get tired of the tolerance for that hideous fool, is all, ya know, and his whole  #butthurtwhitemen thing.

I'm sorta a warrior, but mainly a Warrior at Woolworths:



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I get a feeling this thread will not end well

this just reminds me that a few of my friends (if I can even call them that tbh..they're more like acquaintances) posted some Trump supporter stuff on Facebook and I couldn't help but laugh really. one basically ended with "America will cease to exist" if we don't vote for Trump

the other was just a series of tweets that made it seem like Clinton and Sanders didn't acknowledge D-Day and therefore don't support the troops, but Trump does

on the bright side, if Trump gets elected, that just gives me more reason to actually move to Europe :P

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Trump bankrupted his casinos but still made a ton of money from fees. Having such an astute "businessman" pilfer public coffers is surely a vote-winner.


4 hours ago, Lemon said:

Trump is a real life cartoon villain. Not really said in a scared liberal way. Said in a human with eyes way. This election has been crazy.

Perhaps the general public senses that something is off, yet still retains hope that there is a political solution (even by voting for a scammer like Trump).

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This is going to be such a great election, we can choose a racist business man with many failures under his belt (Trump Steaks, Trump Shuttle, Trump University, etc.) and no political experience or someone who lies about almost anything and has strong ties to big business... the choices are simply amazing.

Anyways, I think this video by John Oliver does probably the best job of summarizing all things Trump (or more accurately, Drumpf):


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███████████] 99% complete.....
💯True💯 ✔Trumps 💃👴 are unstumpable 💖I could never stump you Trump!💖 Send this to ten other 👴💃Trumps👴💃 who make 🇺🇸🇺🇸America🇺🇸🇺🇸 great 👍 again Or never stump 👞 again

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8 hours ago, Lemon said:

Trump is a real life cartoon villain. Not really said in a scared liberal way. Said in a human with eyes way. This election has been crazy.

Him and Ann Coulter both. I always pictured her as a Disney Villain who escaped into our world. 

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