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Lunar Eclipse 2015


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I saw it from start to finish with some clouds near the beginning. I got pictures with my sister's SLR but she set the exposure time so high the movement of the earth itself blurred the image. I had no idea how to work the thing to fix this, so no good pictures...

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From the north Shore of Lake Ontario, we had a pretty good view, all though the clouds rolled in about 10-ish.  Could still see the colour and progress, it was fun to watch.   We turned all the lights out on the pool deck, and drank and swam watching it from our secluded back yard.  It was a great evening, warm, not too breezy.  Seemed a great way to celebrate the occurrence.

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Central Denmark. No clouds were on the sky. It was beautiful, and the sight is burned into my retinas. Was pretty damn cold, but it was worth it. I went down twice; once at just before 4am, capturing a shot of the eclipse when there was just a sliver left of the moon. Went back up, then decided to go down once again once it was at full and got some more shots. I think one of the shots was good, but I'll have to wait until I get around to processing the RAW.

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Central Denmark. No clouds were on the sky. It was beautiful, and the sight is burned into my retinas. Was pretty damn cold, but it was worth it. I went down twice; once at just before 4am, capturing a shot of the eclipse when there was just a sliver left of the moon. Went back up, then decided to go down once again once it was at full and got some more shots. I think one of the shots was good, but I'll have to wait until I get around to processing the RAW.

Can't wait to see what you captured! Post them when you can and ill see about doodling you a little something for your trouble. 

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Sadly, the clouds obscured the moon during the peak of the eclipse... At least I got to see some of it, though.

I got to see it but it wasn't very big or very red. it looked so blurry through the thin cloud cover here

It has been cloudy as fuck in my part of Virginia for the past few days. I want some sun! >:V

But I couldn't see it because of the thick cloud cover. ;-;

Take some of this Texas sun, we have too much of it as is ;p

I saw it last night It was interesting and cool to watch ; v ; all my pictures I took looked crappy but w/e

You should still post one or two of them for us! :) 

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those photos are amazing! Let me know what kind of doodle sketch you want!

Oh thank you! Luckily it was pretty much totally clear in Glasgow, apart from maybe a slightly layer of haze, so I was able to get really good views of it. All the weather things I was checking were saying "cloudy" apart from apart from Apple's weather app, so I was genuinely surprised when it ended up being a totally clear night. 

Also I'm not sure if I want a sketch/doodle thing because I just wanted to show people the photos I got but I'll go away, think it over anyway and get back to you tomorrow sometime about it. :D 

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