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Tongue Tied


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I was talking with a friend and they mixed their words up said something hilarious by accident. 

I burst out laughing. 

Sometimes getting tongue tied can be funny or get you into hot water. 

Do you mix up you words or have a speech issue?

Sometimes I have a hard time getting a word out and I have to pause or I just pick a different word that has the same meaning. 

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I don't think I mix my words up that often, but fairly frequently I find that I can't think of the word or term I was going to use, and have to pause and try to figure out what it was.

I also have a tendency to mispronounce some words really badly if I'm not paying attention, which my friends usually find funny (the two most recent examples I can think of are Descartes and Crimea), though it has gotten me into trouble in the past (in 5th grade I was asked to identify the Niger River in geography, and you can probably guess how I mispronounced it.. I still remember the look of horror on the teacher's face).

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25 minutes ago, Endless/Nameless said:

I do stutter and stumbles at times, but usually only if I'm nervous.

More interestingly however, if I'm "backed into a corner" I burst out into a southern drawl.

I've never been further south than the Iowa border.

You're a southern belle. 

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all the time.  i had a bit of a stutter during late middle school/early high school, but that was just stress and it sorted itself out for the most part.  i still get the order of words completely wrong, or try to say two (or more) words at once, or say the exact opposite of what i mean, so on and so forth.  also happens when i write.  i'll stick a letter in a spot where it doesn't belong or just outright place a letter that isn't even part of the word. 

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10 hours ago, Endless/Nameless said:

I do stutter and stumbles at times, but usually only if I'm nervous.

More interestingly however, if I'm "backed into a corner" I burst out into a southern drawl.

I've never been further south than the Iowa border.

I do the same thing.

I stumble about, nervous or not, or when I'm speaking fast.

And something I just go full East Texan and drag out everything.

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I only stutter or confuse words when I'm nervous about not stuttering or confusing words. I hate myself when that happens.

I seem to be good at tongue twisters and difficult to pronounce words. 

Whatever crafty sentences I make, my deep voice usually goes with it. Whenever I mess up, it's hilarious anyways.

Maybe I could be a voice actor

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