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Rant: Concerts


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So, I just went to the concert for the first time in my life because why not, my favorite artists were having a gig in my town and I wanted to celebrate the Friday night and just wanted to see what they are like. The experience was less than satisfying

The musicians were performing really well and were good at rallying the audience but everything was so loud (in retrospect, I should have brought ear muffles) even further away from the stage in a hall that amplified every sound like a huge megaphone. 

The spotlights were blinding and too flashy and I had to look away from stage several times. I guess it's expected from a photo sensitive person like me but  still, very irritating at times, especially during the moment of encore. 

Everything was over priced, as expected in a concert but holy shit I never expected for a can of beer (3dl) to cost friggin 6€. It tasted like dishwater with some soap added in, by the way. You could get much better beer from a local store with five times cheaper. I feel I got ripped off. Never again. 

No seats and a hard floor among a large crowd so my legs grew tired and you could barely hear anything your friend would say due to amplifying effect of the hall. I decided playing with my phone would be inappropriate in the concert so I just headed home, disappointed. 

The vibe and music alone just wasn't enough to keep me in. Some people might endure all that and let the rhythm of the good music flow through but nah, not apparently me

I just rather listen to good music under my own terms


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@Snagged Cub

Concerts are enjoyable, with the proper preperation. I make sure to bring earplugs which I will adjust to bring the noise down to tolerable level (which actually helps me hear more music). I will never do a standing seat because it would simply be awful to stand for so long.


Last concert I went to was Korn and Breaking Benjamin, I had an earplug in towards the stage and the other ear empty and sitting seats.... it was an amazingly good time because the performers really interacted. I mean hell the lead singer of korn wore a skirt and played bagpipe for... some reason.



Just gotta prep right and see the right bands.

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I go to as many concerts as I can in a year, but yeah, some of your complaints hold true. Was at a venue charging $9 a drink. One shot with a little bit of coke. Fucking unreal.

Luckily the local center--FFDP this Sunday oh my god D:--does three shots for $6. Still dunno why, but it means I can get fucked up on the cheapish.

As far as noise, it's kind of just part of the deal. My motto is: IF I can hear the audience I'm not singing loud enough. Or you know, I'm the guy whose making it annoying for people like you who just want to hear the band. But shit, I came to jump around and scream and sing and that's what I'm going to do. It's fun when the whole crowd gets into it and a few thousand people are singing the same song at once. The power is off the charts.

You might prefer outdoor shows. Noise levels are lower and people are more chill. I go to a big festival every year and other than the opening acts, most people are either sitting or standing for the duration of the event.

I'd also recommend some nice ear plugs, even if I don't wear them :P


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The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy notes that Disaster Area, a plutonium rock band from the Gagrakacka Mind Zones, are generally held to be not only the loudest rock band in the Galaxy, but in fact the loudest noise of any kind at all. Regular concert-goers judge that the best sound balance is usually to be heard from within large concrete bunkers some thirty-seven miles from the stage, whilst the musicians themselves play their instruments by remote control from within a heavily insulated spaceship which stays in orbit around the planet - or more frequently around a completely different planet.


' ... fine weather for the concert here this afternoon. I'm standing here in front of the stage,' the reporter lied, 'in the middle of the Rudlit Desert, and with the aid of hyperbinoptic glasses I can just about make out the huge audience cowering there on the horizon all around me. Behind me the speaker stacks rise like a sheer cliff face, and high above me the sun is shining away and doesn't know what's going to hit it. The environmentalists lobby do know what's going to hit it, and they claim that the concert will cause earthquakes, tidal waves, hurricanes irreparable damage to the atmosphere, and all the usual things that environmentalists usually go on about.

But I've just had a report that a representative of Disaster Area met with the environmentalists at lunchtime, and had them all shot, so nothing now lies in the way of ...'


-Douglas Adams

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Well its not for everyone I wouldnt expect you to need to like it. 

What makes a concert likeable is the amped up sound, the personal experience, seeing the band members play (which is another way to support them and their music), the amount of energy and vibrancy you feel from the sound and vibration of music.

Standing on ground floor tends to give you the most up-close-and-personal access to the band and their music, thus probably an escalation in that energy and euphoria. If youre anything like me I wouldnt be tired of standing for long periods of time, its a simple workout in itself to go to a concert because people expend energy shouting, headbanging, jumping, fistpumping etc.

....plus some people take drugs there, so


Yeah just a few reasons why concerts are enjoyable to people, even though there's plenty reasons why they arent.

I find that the merch is an okay price, and its always nice to buy a badass shirt/armband/poster etc. to commemorrate the event

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This sounds like fairly standard gig features to be honest. Extremely loud, overpriced drinks, standing instead of seats. It's pretty much unavoidable regardless of venue, except for a few.

Which band did you go and see? A lot of the rock and punk bands I see live are super loud, to the point where I once got tinnitus for a week afterwards.

I quite like the atmosphere at gigs though. I don't mind standing and never really drink there either, but I can definitely see why it's not for some people.

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5 minutes ago, Wax said:

This sounds like fairly standard gig features to be honest. Extremely loud, overpriced drinks, standing instead of seats. It's pretty much unavoidable regardless of venue, except for a few.

Which band did you go and see? A lot of the rock and punk bands I see live are super loud, to the point where I once got tinnitus for a week afterwards.

I quite like the atmosphere at gigs though. I don't mind standing and never really drink there either, but I can definitely see why it's not for some people.

Yeah, I figured it was standard a standard gig and now I know it's not my cup of tea. If I get a ticket to a concert as a gift, I'll be sure to pass it forward to one of my friends

It was multiple artists concert by the way. There were bands/artists like Apulanta (Finnish), Juha Tapio (Finnish) and Disco Inferno (Finnish but they sung in English). I am a fan of them, except Disco Inferno but they sort of got bundled as part of a bigger performance. 

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You might try ear plugs that are designed to attenuate the sound with minimal distortion. That should make the experience less painful, and still let you enjoy the music. I use Hearos High Fidelity and Skull Screws. If the lights are a problem for you, sunglasses are an option.

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My ears are partially clogged with earwax that is hardened and shit, so I have natural ear protection at shows. Nothing's cooler than getting up close to the stage and getting close to a band you really like, and it's fun to headbang and stuff with the crowd. Metal shows are a shared experience, and there is a certain energy that cannot be obtained anywhere else.

But $4 for a Monster? Get out of here.

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On 11/11/2016 at 2:54 PM, Snagged Cub said:

Everything was over priced, as expected in a concert but holy shit I never expected for a can of beer (3dl) to cost friggin 6€. It tasted like dishwater with some soap added in, by the way. You could get much better beer from a local store with five times cheaper. I feel I got ripped off. Never again. 

This is where a few drinks before going, as well as a hip-flask of liquor are a very good idea! Like one of these: 



It's also sad that at most places, you can't smoke weed inside, anymore; used to be that nobody really cared, then, things got all uptight...

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2 hours ago, Fossa-Boy said:

This is where a few drinks before going, as well as a hip-flask of liquor are a very good idea! Like one of these: 



It's also sad that at most places, you can't smoke weed inside, anymore; used to be that nobody really cared, then, things got all uptight...

Oh I would have loved to take my own beer there but I knew beforehand that there would be customs inspection to make sure alcohol isn't smuggled in. Which they did. The porters asked me to show my bag but I had nothing to hide because all I was carrying were essential medication for my diabetes

Luckily, weed wasn't a problem and I am sorry for you, Fossa-Boy, but I don't support smoking of any kind indoors

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