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The majestic poetry corner

Lizard King

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There are often events in one's life that change it forever, whether for good or for bad. I thought I would share a poem I wrote about one such event. It occurred about 6 years ago at a christmas party at a friend's house, and I have never been able to forget it. It was an event of such magnitude that I knew my life would never be the same. Every decision from then on would be based upon the events that unfolded on that tragic day. After a long time, I have decided I will recount the tale, both as a cathartic exercise, and perhaps as a warning to others. If anyone else has any similar experiences they would like to share with the beauty of poetry, please do so.

And so, on with my story. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but some things can only truly be appreciated through the magic of the written word. I hope some of you will appreciate this tragic tale. I call it The Machinations of Commercialised Indulgence.


O stale doughnut,
Why do you tease me so?
Your sugar is my sunshine,
My happiness your dough


Thank you. May this be a lesson to us all.

Yes, this thread is a joke. Please don't move it to the proper poetry corner whatsit place.

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Modifying one of my fave poems to fit the situation of dropping my fucking cone on the floor.


The structure of my icecream is such,

I cannot say "Lo, there it stands."

Dissolving backwards at my touch

It slips my grip, evades my hands.

Yet from the corner of my eye

I see it towering straight and high,

And i know it definite as sky

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i actually do have a serious angsty death poem I wrote once, but that doesnt quite fit the theme here. I did write some fun/silly limericks but unfortunately cant recall

If I could remember

The fair words I've writ from yonder

A tale to share so sweet.

But alas, it evades me


Edited by WolfNightV4X1
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Well this is some lovely poetry, but almost all of you forgot to mention the inspiration behind your wonderful poems. I do love to hear about the events behind such emotional outpourings.

Here's one for this special time of year, promulgated by a popular electronic distribution system. I call it Deluge of Opportunities.


The time has come again, my friends.
What's in the sale this time?
In library, in library, in library.
I brought that 3 years ago;
I'll play it someday soon.

Praise Gaben.

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24 minutes ago, #00Buck said:

Anal beads.

For anal needs. 

Pull too hard.

The anus bleeds.

But you're supposed to yank that like you were starting a lawnmower. 


Sex is evil,

Sex is sin.

Sin is forgiven,

So stick it in.

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A dear friend made this for me for my most recent birthday, and given I have his permission to share I'd like to post it here:

Astral Nile Memories by Szabo Eduard Dragomir

By astral dragons the stars are drawn

Above gray dunes, from the nightly gown,

And eclipse the never-coming dawn

Of our dreams which in sky-less tombs have flown.


In black tears the eye of Thoth had sunk

In the wave-less sea forever shrunk.

‘pon the sands guided by disbelief

His words fall deaf on a now ear-less reef.


Hither crumble all the roads of lust,

Golden desert sands have turned to rust.

Her passion-ridden breathing now smothered,

The wordless apathy in had ushered.


On cosmic straits the shining eye’s blind:

Its light wallowed by now obscure minds,

Devoid of the mysteries of yore

That graced the sands with their ancient lore.


Here slithers paved a boulevard black

Where once gaping pyramids now lack

The jewels to their spiritual crown

The stars upon their blackened midnight gown.


It's truly a wonderful gift that I will treasure as long as I live. I know it's a joke thread but I never actually scroll down to the art section.

Edited by Clove Darkwave
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I call this 'How to have chat sex?'

Hey there furries, I've a question for you,

I know not how to act or what I'm to do,

For you see, I was not blessed with sufficient verbosity,

To inspire even the limpest splurt of erogeny,

Oh fellow furries, what terrible luck,

That I am rendered unable to type-fuck,

So please tell me how, and don't spare the detail,

How to grip shoulders, and tug hard on ze-tail,

To excite and to tickle,

To seduce and to plough

Teach me to role play


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8 hours ago, Saxon said:

I call this 'How to have chat sex?'

Hey there furries, I've a question for you,

I know not how to act or what I'm to do,

For you see, I was not blessed with sufficient verbosity,

To inspire even the limpest splurt of erogeny,

Oh fellow furries, what terrible luck,

That I am rendered unable to type-fuck,

So please tell me how, and don't spare the detail,

How to grip shoulders, and tug hard on ze-tail,

To excite and to tickle,

To seduce and to plough

Teach me to role play



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