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Racists are dumb as fuck


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Well they say people that arent from their country should go back home because they are criminals but thats bullshit.

Racists are litterally foreigners too.

Well humans were from africa and spread across the World. Their skin and bodybuild adapted to the sunlight and environment. 

So they are dissing themselfes.


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ITT: Fire is hot,

There are varying degrees to why racism exists- Implicit bias, learned behavior from parents/grandparents, xenophobia, etc.


it's easier to hate and dehumanize someone than to treat another how you'd like yourself to be treated. 

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Just now, Kellie Gator said:

You don't know what forum you're moderating.

Oh don't worry I know. But I might as well try to stop this train wreck of an argument before it snowballs into oblivion. 

It's like the resurrection of the evil Christians debate but with more sweeping generalizations :v 

besides, there's already one 'Muslims R Bad' thread right now

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51 minutes ago, willow said:

I know that most of you really disagree with Islam, but can we refrain from making the edgy, hateful comments for once? 

It's kind of old 



How was my comment hateful? Pointing out the prevalence of barbaric practices in a religion is hateful to you?

hilarious. So sensitive.

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I've removed the offending content and unhid the posts that quoted it.

For future reference, it's not acceptable to say "[Group of People] should be eradicated." as that falls under hate speech of people, but we're not going to stop users from hating ideas or beliefs. People =\= Beliefs, Ideas aren't People even if people are sometimes inseparable from their ideas and beliefs.

Please express yourself maturely, folks.

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37 minutes ago, Clove Darkwave said:

I've removed the offending content and unhid the posts that quoted it.

For future reference, it's not acceptable to say "[Group of People] should be eradicated." as that falls under hate speech of people, but we're not going to stop users from hating ideas of beliefs. People =\= Beliefs, Ideas aren't People even if people are sometimes inseparable from their ideas and beliefs.

Please express yourself maturely, folks.

Can you please quote what I said that was violation? It's gone now and I don't remember

 btw "Islam" is a religion not a group of people

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3 minutes ago, Gamedog said:

Can you please quote what I said that was violation? It's gone now and I don't remember

 btw "Islam" is a religion not a group of people

Now don't be silly I'm not going to fall for that. All that matters is I removed it and unhid your post.

And, yes Islam is a religion therefore an idea/belief. That's exactly what I said and is why I unhid two posts.

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11 minutes ago, Gamedog said:

Can you please quote what I said that was violation? It's gone now and I don't remember

 btw "Islam" is a religion not a group of people

It wasn't so much a violation as I just hid the replies to the post that was actually a violation (which wasn't yours btw) so people weren't trying to find a post that wasn't there 


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2 hours ago, Clove Darkwave said:

Now don't be silly I'm not going to fall for that. All that matters is I removed it and unhid your post.

And, yes Islam is a religion therefore an idea/belief. That's exactly what I said and is why I unhid two posts.

I'm not trying to trick you or prank you or anything, I'm actually just wondering what I said that was in violation of the rules.
What did I say that called for the extermination of a group of people??

I'd like to defend my character against this sort of accusation.

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10 minutes ago, Gamedog said:

I'm not trying to trick you or prank you or anything, I'm actually just wondering what I said that was in violation of the rules.
What did I say that called for the extermination of a group of people??

I'd like to defend my character against this sort of accusation.

You didn't say anything that was a violation. That's why I unhid your post. After removing the post you quoted that actually was a violation.

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2 minutes ago, #00Buck said:

You are free to have whatever opinion you want. 

As long as everyone else agrees with it. 

Nope.  Nobody has to agree.  I wager there are some but not all.  

4 minutes ago, #00Buck said:


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Nah, racists aren't dumb, ignorant, for sure. They were just brought up with the misguided belief that they are better than another ethnicity and have not yet learned the wisdom to prove otherwise. That doesn't make them dumb, that just makes them unknowledgeable, so pity them. 

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23 hours ago, Mr. Fox said:

Nah, racists aren't dumb, ignorant, for sure. They were just brought up with the misguided belief that they are better than another ethnicity and have not yet learned the wisdom to prove otherwise. That doesn't make them dumb, that just makes them unknowledgeable, so pity them. 

Willful ignorance should be mocked and corrected, not pitied.

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3 minutes ago, FlynnCoyote said:

Willful ignorance should be mocked and corrected, not pitied.

Is it willful if they don't know the difference between right and wrong? Their entire belief system is based around the idea that they are a superior race. If they were taught to know better they'd know that is anything but the truth.

I'd rather take pity upon those that are unable to differentiate the difference between right and wrong and mock those that could've taught them better. It all starts with families and friends, not just the individual.     

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1 minute ago, Mr. Fox said:

Is it willful if they don't know the difference between right and wrong? Their entire belief system is based around the idea that they are a superior race. If they were taught to know better they'd know that is anything but the truth.

I'd rather take pity upon those that are unable to differentiate the difference between right and wrong and mock those that could've taught them better. It all starts with families and friends, not just the individual.     

If they refuse to see reason, then yes it is willful. Now I will almost always advocate trying to educate people before anything else, but there are situations where this becomes either impossible, a waste of time or both.

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Just now, FlynnCoyote said:

If they refuse to see reason, then yes it is willful. Now I will almost always advocate trying to educate people before anything else, but there are situations where this becomes either impossible, a waste of time or both.

And that is exactly why they should be pitied, not hated. Someone needs to teach them. Otherwise it's just racism breeding into new generations. 

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Just now, FlynnCoyote said:

Pity Trump. Okay.

No. I'd rather hold him up as a hilarious cautionary tale to those who still have a chance.

Might I suggest watching American History X. It's not exactly a documentary but it does touch base on some of what I have already said. 

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