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Rant: German history repeating itself...


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Today elections happened in three states in Germany. The results are... Weird. And terrifying.

There is a party from the political far right on the rise, the AfD ("Alternative for Germany"). A couple of years ago I didn't even know who they are. But apparently they were only founded in 2013.
They are essentially a bunch of racists, xenophobics and EU-critics.

Today in one state they got 23% of the votes. The refugee crisis is now putting them into the spotlight.
At the end of January their spokesperson, Frauke Petry, said that refugees who resist at the border and then try to get in should be shot. Men, women, children... Doesn't matter.

This whole situation honestly terrifies me. The Germans are not satisfied with how the crisis was handled, our current government and the EU are not capable of dealing with the crisis properly and now these people are on the rise.
During the early 20th century something very similar happened. One man took advantage of the commotion and the unsatisfied Germans. His party then slowly but surely took over.
I hope we learned our lesson and won't let that happen again...

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Thank GOD.  WWII shooters are a tired brand and the Anti-Terrorism Asymmetrical Warfare shooters that replaced them are kinda so so..  It's so bad that we've resorted to bat shit crazy near future war with robots and stuff.  Germany starting WWIII and a new holocaust is EACTLY want the game industry needs.



Edited by AshleyAshes
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11 minutes ago, Käpt'n said:

They are essentially a bunch of racists, xenophobics and EU-critics.

For the ones wondering about that list (why EU-critics is with those other things):

They started out as an EU-critical party, with the face of Bernd Lucke.

Then a far-right wing grew, having the face of Frauke Petry.

The Lucke Wing was uncomfortable. The Weckruf (Link to the open letter, German) happened, the Lucke wing going "We don't want to be a bourgeois  facade for them". It ended with the that wing leaving the Afd.


43 minutes ago, Käpt'n said:

Today elections happened in three states in Germany. The results are... Weird. And terrifying.

It is ugly, but all is not lost. And what are we gonna do besides sticking to the Freiheitlich Demokratische Grundordnung?

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Europe to the europeans. Germany is their home, if they want to deny access to unwanted guests they have every right to it. No european country is obliged to help these strangers

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Something exactly like this happened in the UK, with a little party called UKIP lead by a dick named Nigel Farage. In polls they were getting about 15% of the vote and they looked to be rising in popularity. They were on the news constantly.

People were deadly sure that UKIP would win lots of their MPs seats in parliament. In the election, out of 650 seats, they won just 1.

The UK's population is far more dumb and racist than Germany's, so Germany is gonna be fine.

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49 minutes ago, #00Buck said:

The left caused this by letting in an uncontrolled flood of refugees.

Because Füher Angela Merkel is so leeeeeeeft wiiiiiing *rolls eyes* This time it was actually the Right Wing's fault ^_^

3 minutes ago, DrDingo said:

People were deadly sure that UKIP would win lots of their MPs seats in parliament. In the election, out of 650 seats, they won just 1.

Still translated into over 4 million votes though. First Past The Post ensured that UKIP, Green Party and Liberal Democrats lost out. 6 million votes between UKIP and the Greens and they get 2 seats between them. UKIP should have more seats than the SNP under Proportional Representation.

(I don't support those Fascist assholes. Just making that clear)

Edited by Kinharia
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3 minutes ago, DrDingo said:

People were deadly sure that UKIP would win lots of their MPs seats in parliament. In the election, out of 650 seats, they won just 1.

thank god our corrupt establisment makes exceptions for parties it doesnt like when it comes to giving the people their democratic representation

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3 minutes ago, Kinharia said:

Still translated into over 4 million votes though. First Past The Post ensured that UKIP, Green Party and Liberal Democrats lost out. 6 million votes between UKIP and the Greens and they get 2 seats between them. UKIP should have more seats than the SNP under Proportional Representation.

The system works, though. Keeps out extremism.
You can't have a UK-equivalent Donald Trump just running for Prime Minister because he wants to. He'd need to become an MP through a vote, and be elected within his party.

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Just now, DrDingo said:

The system works, though. Keeps out extremism.
You can't have a UK-equivalent Donald Trump just running for Prime Minister because he wants to. He'd need to become an MP through a vote, and be elected within his party.

I don't agree with extremism but I also believe in democracy and if people want to shoot themselves in the foot then we should let them. Unfortunately we get Donald Trumps, we get Adolf Hitlers, we get Ronald Regans... Democracy should allow for all voices whether you agree with it or not.


Now if people want to remove democracy I will gladly annex the entire UK and Ireland and rule it with an Iron Fist.

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Just now, Kinharia said:

Good. We can't survive on our own any more and a single European Empire can force itself on the world again *insert sexual pun*

i dont know why young revolutionaries enjoy sucking up to a monopoly of power made of an international banking cabal/tax haven

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3 hours ago, Kinharia said:

Good. We can't survive on our own any more and a single European Empire can force itself on the world again *insert sexual pun*

why not

there was literally nothing wrong with colonialism

the only problem is we gave up to early, honestly its worth another go

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Just now, Kinharia said:

Now if people want to remove democracy I will gladly annex the entire UK and Ireland and rule it with an Iron Fist.

And I want to be the sole ruler of Italy! Immagine, a military coup and me putting these fucking degenerates in line. I often fantasize about that. Is it weird?


Speaking of democracy, it's not this super awesome thing the West makes it out to be. It can benefit a nation much in the same way it can destroy it. Case in point: the Arab Spring, the disaster that caused this mess in the first place. Sure those lands were ruled by dictators but is the current situation any better than living under whatever military regime? They guaranteed order. With them gone the entirety of the North African/Middle Eastern region has plunged into chaos. Arabland was already a dustbowl with them in charge, now it's even worse

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1 minute ago, Nova said:


We should put all racists and racists groups and terrorists on a island and see if they kill each other

Hitler's officers did not kill each other in the meeting rooms. They wanted the jews

In your case, your racists would leave the island to kill people

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1 minute ago, Snagged Cub said:

Hitler's officers did not kill each other in the meeting rooms. They wanted the jews

In your case, your racists would leave the island to kill people

Yes but the beauty of it is is this:
They are all Racists but aren't of the same race so they'll be too busy fighting for control of the island and eliminating each other to do that. If they came together to conquer everyone else then they aren't really that racist are they?

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1 hour ago, Amiir said:

Europe to the europeans. Germany is their home, if they want to deny access to unwanted guests they have every right to it. No european country is obliged to help these strangers

I find it hard to look at things that way. A country is made by the people in it; it doesn't matter who the people are or where they came from. 

Indulge me a moment. Why is preserving a culture and country's current populous important? Yes, the refugees in question are people of very different cultures that may not necessarily mix into the general population very well. But shouldn't they be given that chance? Maybe just have countries have strict regulations on the type of people who enter to make sure nothing bad happens? I find it difficult to look at the term "Europeans" or more specifically, "Germans" and think that the term has any value beyond "people who live in Germany". If a country's overall culture changes as a result of immigration, how is this a bad thing? Its the people who make up a country.

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i think anyone who can't form a shared identity of any kind are the people who can't appreciate history and the thought of continuing a legacy, be it an idea or an ancestry

rather, they are the nihilistic sort that care more for present needs, at the root of things -- buried under a shroud of utopian ideals that have failed before, whilst speaking as if they are 19th century chimney-sweeps and steel workers


Edited by Sir Gibby
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3 hours ago, Battlechili said:

 I find it difficult to look at the term "Europeans" or more specifically, "Germans" and think that the term has any value beyond "people who live in Germany".


definitely not a distinct cultural and ethnic group with unique languages and traditions dating back thousands of years


just erase them lmao

Edited by Zerig
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1 minute ago, Kinharia said:

Yes but the beauty of it is is this:
They are all Racists but aren't of the same race so they'll be too busy fighting for control of the island and eliminating each other to do that. If they came together to conquer everyone else then they aren't really that racist are they?

Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact is, unless the Nazis weren't racist, an example of racists teaming up with someone else. (And later betraying them)

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1 minute ago, Battlechili said:

Maybe just have countries have strict regulations on the type of people who enter to make sure nothing bad happens? I find it difficult to look at the term "Europeans" or more specifically.

That's the problem, they can't. If it was like a slow trickle than that's perfectly fine, I mean I don't blame people for wanting to escape from a shithole like Syria. But the problem is that there's suddenly thousands of refugees demanding access, all whom are from a part of the world notorious for harboring extremists, rapists, and all sorts of awful shit that has no place in western society.

5 minutes ago, Battlechili said:

I find it difficult to look at the term "Europeans" or more specifically, "Germans" and think that the term has any value beyond "people who live in Germany". If a country's overall culture changes as a result of immigration, how is this a bad thing? Its the people who make up a country.

Do you want truckloads of people from an ass-backwards culture suddenly flooding your country and demanding you accommodate them? These people aren't looking to assimilate and add to the culture, they want to replace it outright.

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9 minutes ago, Battlechili said:

I find it hard to look at things that way. A country is made by the people in it; it doesn't matter who the people are or where they came from. 

Indulge me a moment. Why is preserving a culture and country's current populous important? Yes, the refugees in question are people of very different cultures that may not necessarily mix into the general population very well. But shouldn't they be given that chance? Maybe just have countries have strict regulations on the type of people who enter to make sure nothing bad happens? I find it difficult to look at the term "Europeans" or more specifically, "Germans" and think that the term has any value beyond "people who live in Germany". If a country's overall culture changes as a result of immigration, how is this a bad thing? Its the people who make up a country.

it is the conservationism and the fear of change that drives people to reject the refugees. Because they are different and they will leave their mark in your own authentic culture. A good analogy would be letting someone spray paint to your garage wall. Will the paint make it look better or worse?

So I can see why people are afraid of giving the refugees a chance to peacefully integrate their culture into their own or letting refugees adopt their own culture. Because chances are, either or both of them will change, and that is what people are afraid of.

Now I am fairly libertarian in my view but sometimes, having a change is not always necessary and us Europeans are culturally doing quite fine

But do the refugees deserve change? Maybe. But it should not come in the form of a mass migration wave that we are seeing right now. We Europeans simply put cannot withstand such a sudden change. Even the police are struggling to control the newly formed population because neither the natives or migrants have adopted to a new status quo

Edited by Snagged Cub
small typo
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7 minutes ago, Battlechili said:

I find it hard to look at things that way. A country is made by the people in it; it doesn't matter who the people are or where they came from. 

Indulge me a moment. Why is preserving a culture and country's current populous important? Yes, the refugees in question are people of very different cultures that may not necessarily mix into the general population very well. But shouldn't they be given that chance? Maybe just have countries have strict regulations on the type of people who enter to make sure nothing bad happens? I find it difficult to look at the term "Europeans" or more specifically, "Germans" and think that the term has any value beyond "people who live in Germany". If a country's overall culture changes as a result of immigration, how is this a bad thing? Its the people who make up a country.

sorry m80 but i must say you have an extremely poor perspective of the past if you think the islamic cultural groups are going to enjoy a country that contains an abundance of the judean peoples

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2 minutes ago, Snagged Cub said:

So I can see why people are afraid of giving the refugees a chance to peacefully integrate their culture.

Coming from a Socialist here:

Refugees and migrants from outside Europe have no interest whatsoever of integrating into European societies. They form their own little enclave communities and seal themselves off from the rest of the native population. This wouldn't be a problem if we had a small number at a time coming into communities so that they would assimilate in instead of rejecting their host country and wanting to essentially pretend they are back in their homeland to the harm of their hosts. They should either assimilate, go back home or go to a country that has similar cultural values to them.

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2 minutes ago, Kinharia said:

Coming from a Socialist here:

Refugees and migrants from outside Europe have no interest whatsoever of integrating into European societies. They form their own little enclave communities and seal themselves off from the rest of the native population. This wouldn't be a problem if we had a small number at a time coming into communities so that they would assimilate in instead of rejecting their host country and wanting to essentially pretend they are back in their homeland to the harm of their hosts. They should either assimilate, go back home or go to a country that has similar cultural values to them.

well i must say you're up to a good start

now you just need to know the unfortunate pitfalls of most socialist ideologies

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3 minutes ago, Kinharia said:

Coming from a Socialist here:

Refugees and migrants from outside Europe have no interest whatsoever of integrating into European societies. They form their own little enclave communities and seal themselves off from the rest of the native population. This wouldn't be a problem if we had a small number at a time coming into communities so that they would assimilate in instead of rejecting their host country and wanting to essentially pretend they are back in their homeland to the harm of their hosts. They should either assimilate, go back home or go to a country that has similar cultural values to them.

I think you are primarily referring to Muslims. I feel they are so misguided by their religion and conservative leaders. To certain extent, you are right. Most of them reject our way of life and it'd much easier to teach them our ways of life if they didn't simply in such hordes

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Just now, Snagged Cub said:

I think you are primarily referring to Muslims. I feel they are so misguided by their religion and conservative leaders. To certain extent, you are right. Most of them reject our way of life and it'd much easier to teach them our ways of life if they didn't simply in such hordes

well of course its muslims, the christians got thrown out of the boats and drowned

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1 minute ago, Battlechili said:

I find it hard to look at things that way. A country is made by the people in it; it doesn't matter who the people are or where they came from. 

Indulge me a moment. Why is preserving a culture and country's current populous important? Yes, the refugees in question are people of very different cultures that may not necessarily mix into the general population very well. But shouldn't they be given that chance? Maybe just have countries have strict regulations on the type of people who enter to make sure nothing bad happens? I find it difficult to look at the term "Europeans" or more specifically, "Germans" and think that the term has any value beyond "people who live in Germany". If a country's overall culture changes as a result of immigration, how is this a bad thing? Its the people who make up a country.

Well, the thing is that these people that are being let in don't have much to contribute. They come from poor/war torn/etcetera etcetera countries, underdeveloped countries with shitty instruction. The vast majority of these immigrants are thus ignorant. Their contribution to society is likely to not go beyond manual labour. Even worse, as uneducated as many immigrants are they lack the very basic notions of civility and common living. Case in point: New Year's in Cologne. You might be thinking, but there are german criminals too. I say, I don't need anyone to add up to that. Gibby showed me videos that I don't understand why the media isn't airing. They're enlightening, you should see them too. These people are not the innocent little children the media portrays them as. Sure, they're not all savages but many are bound to be and I don't want to take any chances. Your heart is in the right place, but I personally don't see anything positive that can come out of this whole immigrant ordeal

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Just now, Snagged Cub said:

I think you are primarily referring to Muslims. I feel they are so misguided by their religion and conservative leaders. To certain extent, you are right. Most of them reject our way of life and it'd much easier to teach them our ways of life if they didn't simply in such hordes

Sikh's and Hindu's at least integrate to an extent.


1 minute ago, Sir Gibby said:

well i must say you're up to a good start

now you just need to know the unfortunate pitfalls of most socialist ideologies

Socialist shoud look after their own people first, I strongly believe that Europeans should help their fellow Europeans first and then we can worry about others.

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...No, you all are right.

As much as I want to believe that its the individual people that make up a country themselves that are important, and not the individual cultures themselves, the fact of the matter is is that such a clash of cultures would likely endanger the safety of both the refugees and those in their home countries. To allow the refugees into these countries I suppose is dangerous and is essentially inviting trouble into the country, and not only such might be dangerous for the people, but also to the political safety and stability of the nation themselves. So I suppose while I can't entirely appreciate the importance of culture itself, I suppose I was wrong to imply that refugees entering the country would be fine. The cultures would clash and cause all sorts of problems. I just have trouble thinking about rejecting people who are in need. I don't think simply rejecting the refugees and pushing these extremist ideologies that OP pointed out is necessarily the "right" solution.

Edited by Battlechili
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3 minutes ago, Kinharia said:

Socialist shoud look after their own people first, I strongly believe that Europeans should help their fellow Europeans first and then we can worry about others.

yeah, like fix the unemployment, unhealthy life habits and all the problems stemming from too elderly population

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1 minute ago, Battlechili said:

I just have trouble thinking about rejecting people who are in need. I don't think simply rejecting the refugees is necessarily the "right" solution.

It may not be ''right'', but it's necessary. Our wellbeing comes before theirs. I wish we could all get along but sadly we can't. I too wish we could simply help these people and make everyone happy but it's not possible, it's not that simple. We're largely incompatible and the incidents that have been happening all along demonstrate that

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54 minutes ago, Zerig said:

god forbid Germans want to have a homeland

filthy racists

"He who does not possess the force to secure his Lebensraum in this world, and, if necessary, to enlarge it, does not deserve to possess the necessities of life. He must step aside and allow stronger peoples to pass him by."

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59 minutes ago, DrDingo said:

The UK's population is far more dumb and racist than Germany's, so Germany is gonna be fine.

Ugh, just reminds me of a derelict building along the route to uni for me plastered with 'We voted UKIP' posters -_- Good for you Mr Run-Down-Building/Community/Shithole

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Just now, AshleyAshes said:

"He who does not possess the force to secure his Lebensraum in this world, and, if necessary, to enlarge it, does not deserve to possess the necessities of life. He must step aside and allow stronger peoples to pass him by."

so what you're saying is that we should vote trump for 2016

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2 minutes ago, AshleyAshes said:

"He who does not possess the force to secure his Lebensraum in this world, and, if necessary, to enlarge it, does not deserve to possess the necessities of life. He must step aside and allow stronger peoples to pass him by."


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