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Name Your Price


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As they say, everybody has a price. So what's yours? In this game, a poster provides a challenge and the poster below them names their price for accomplishing it and then provides a new challenge!

For example, if the challenge above me was "Shave your head bald" I might reply "$5,000 plus 3 months-worth of sunscreen" and provide a challenge for the poster below! Like so:

Eat a solid oak door (no glue or metal) over the course of a year!




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This does not seem so bad. I could grind the door into sawdust, mix it with flour, and make a sort of bread. Still, I would want $10,000.

What would is cost for you to only wear wetsuits and scuba gear as clothing for an entire year, wetsuit wardrobe included? (You would still be allowed to sleep in the nude)

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An army of unpaid researchers at my disposale, a free sheet to not use any ethics what so ever (don't question it!), to have all royalty rights to this technology so that I may capitalise on it, half of Central Africa because why not?!

Stick your tongue on a Lamp Post during a very, very, freezing cold day.

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If in one of the dry spots and with a campsite, 50,000 US dollars and all medical expenses from any bites, allergies, or diseases acquired taken care of in addition to that.

Covering oneself in peanut-butter and jelly and then jumping into a pen filled entirely with foxes of various types whose favorite foods to steal are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and all of them have needle teeth :V

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£200,000, someone to teach me how to swim, someone to teach me how to wrestle, someone else to teach me how to do both at the same time, 100ccs of powerful shark sedative, prosthetic limbs supplied as necessary (for me, not the shark. I'm not wresting a cyber-shark with big beefy mechanical arms!) and a seance with the late great Steve Irwin and Sir Billy Butlin - the former to pick up shark wrestling advice, and the latter to book a nice chalet in the afterlife in case it all goes tits-up.

Eat a 250g bag of ghost pepper-laced peanuts in one sitting with no drinks or intermediate snacks.

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Those don't exist in the UK, so I guess that'd be travel costs, food and board for three months in a nice part of the US plus... oooh... $5000 spending money? Oh, and the hotel MUST have a playstation and xbox one in the room, and I'll have a top-range apple mac laptop too so I can get on with work.

Go on a camping holiday. In Chernobyl.

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Supply the appropriate Haz-mat suits, and food and water stored in containers that resist radiation, and I'd do it for $10,000 a week, plus the opportunity to produce a porno of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, which would end the careers of both of those figures. And if I was glowing afterwards, it might either be from joy, or radiation.

Walk across the Democratic Republic of Congo, on foot, with only minimal supplies, and a hunting knife.


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22 minutes ago, FenrirDarkWolf said:

Only if you doing extremely gay things after it.

Dance with a professional ballerina.

Not too into girls, but I could think of some clever things to do spinning her around on top of me.

I'd say $10,000 but I really need bus fare for next week so I'm having a sale, only $100 ... :o

Preform oral sex on a fursuiter, and you don't know who is inside.

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$60,000 and the technology to transform into - and back from - an otter.

Email your collection of furry porn (if you lack a collection, a specially prepared one will be provided) to your immediate relatives and close friends complete with undeniable proof that it's yours/coming from you.

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5 million dollars for liposuction and rehabilitation costs, the power to choose the gender of my partner and for an emotional trauma for seeing morbidly obese person live (ala 300kg).

What's the price of killing one of your parents. If you don't have parents, you need to kill someone who is emotionally very close to you


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Gack! Well, I'm gonna need some strong, powdered minty breath-mints, and water and a a citrus based cleaner (lemon juice) 'cause I ain't got that much saliva. And reimbursement for antibiotics, and a possible hospital stay, plus immunizations beforehand. But 'cause I do need money, I'd do it for between $2 to 10 million, depending on the size of the place. And a promise that I never have to go to Texas again! Or see a truck...

Eat all your meals on the floor, out of a dog-food bowl, for the rest of your life, while wearing a pretty pink collar, with at least 20% of said meals having to be eaten in busy restaurants.


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Well, shoot partner! Butter mah biscuit, we fixing to have one heck of a hoedown here, tell you hwhut! You just supply the 'shine and sammiches, and I'll host you the most rootinist, tootinest hoedowns this side of the mis'sippi!

Also at least 10 million dollars because night don't like most country music, and I know the kind of people who would go to a hoedown around here. I'll need the money to pay a good therapist. To many kissin' cousins around here... Eughh.

How much would it cost to be cast in a commercial for genital wart cream you know would air multiple times a day and be seen by your friends and family.

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Cast me as the Dr. who is suggesting it to somebody else, and I'll do it for $10,000. As the one who has the warts? I'll take $100,000, maybe less, I'm broke and need money!

Rush the stage at the RNC in a sparkle-dog fursuit, and frantically hump Donald Trump's leg during his key speech.


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I'd do it for a get out jail card and one time power to hypnotize the entire world to forget about the incident. Plus 10 million dollars for emotional pain

Name your price for having a condition which forces you to sleep on a hard concenrete/stone floor for the rest of your life

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5 hours ago, FenrirDarkWolf said:

You have sex with a bear.

I know it's not mine but... what kinda bear we talking? Because if I could fuck a clone of me, free. Hell, I'd pay for that.

Also to the question at hand- like 2 grand. You kidding me? I'd do it for free but I got bills to pay.

How much to getunreasonably drunk and show up at a police station to hit on the first cop you see?

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I have oddly good luck with the police, so I'd do it for $5,000, and maybe dinner, if they took me up on the offer, and we had a date. But I'm not really into cops, so it'd be a kiss on the cheek, and nighty-night.

Lick all the footpaws of every fursuiter at Anthrocon, right after the fursuit parade, and have it recorded and posted to You Tube...and no wearing a mask or anything to conceal your identity.

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Huh, well, so long as it's a small meal, I'd say $1,000 a day. It couldn't be that bad!

Wear a rubber puppy suit, mask and collar everywhere you go, for a year whilst wearing a collar, and being led around on a leash by somebody in a Barney costume.

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(That's why I threw in the Barney Costume! It would have been too fun, otherwise ;))

Let's see...I have some friends in Flint, and it's not quite so bad as I'd imagined. But those hours, and in a bad location...but I'd do it for $100,000/year, and a two week vacation; that amount of money would go a LONG way most anyplace in Michigan, and I was from Michigan, but farther north.

Be woke up every day at random times, by somebody blasting a trombone in your ear while you're in a deep sleep, while at the same time, pouring 5 gallons of Mayonnaise over you and the bed.





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