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Hey hey everyone Pluto is AWESOME.


The coolest thing about it is it's possibly still or has recently been geologically active, because the surface is pretty crater-free meaning that new surface material must have been produced recently.




And it's really fucking beautiful as well, I mean look at the mountains and everything.


Also its biggest moon Charon is really nice too. c:



Edited by Sutekh_the_Steak
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the coolest thing about pluto is its distance from the sun

So does the coolness of something in the solar system based on distance follow a bell curve where Pluto sits at the top or does it increase proportionally with distance?

This information is 100% necessary.

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So does the coolness of something in the solar system based on distance follow a bell curve where Pluto sits at the top or does it increase proportionally with distance?

This information is 100% necessary.

In terms of literal temperature it's more like an exponential function of the distance from the sun so Pluto would be way cooler than Mercury but only a little bit cooler than Neptune.

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Pluto doesn't need to be a planet. It doesn't even conform to your binary notions of orbit. Pluto and Charon are out in the recesses of the galaxy having the time of their lives and disregard your labels. Pop in every century or so to see what the inner planets think about em and head out again not caring. You go, Pluto.



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The Pluto-Charon system is the only tidally locked planetary system in the solar system. There you can build a bridge between worlds. 

But why was it active? 

If I had to guess I would say that the close proximity of the moon, Charon has a big role to play in the geo-activity on Pluto. The forces between Pluto, Charon, and even despite its distance, the Sun all play a gravitational tug of war. On Earth, this is seen in the tides. On Io, is it seen as iridescent Sulphur plumes spewing from volcanoes. Still there are other moons which have activity, One in orbit around Neptune or Uranus has slow glacial like motions where water ice behaves like lava.

I am glad to have gotten to see that a probe made it to Pluto and imaged it. It would be really cool to send another one to Saturn's moon, Titan, since it is the only moon in the Solar System with a thick atmosphere and apparent Hydrocarbon Cycle much like Earth's Water Cycle..


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Pluto is a planet, it is a dwarf planet. It doesn't have this designation because it is small, but because it hasn't cleared the neighborhood around its orbit. Essentially, Pluto needs to be less of a slob, clean your room dammit.

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Another thing that I think is really funny as that even despite being declassified as a Planet, and reclassified as a Dwarf planet, there is much resistance to it. Not only in the likes of people like us on this forum but everywhere. The last time I was in the Houston Museum of Natural Science, I saw a paint your own models of the planets kit. I have always liked that sort of thing and almost bought it but the gift shop in a Museum is just outrageously priced.

This package said: Contains all the supplies you will need to construct and paint all the planets, Mercury through Neptune, Plus Pluto.  I stood there a minute to take it in and just laughed about it. Just because NASA says it is not a planet, does not mean people are ready to give up Pluto just yet. 

Here is something else that has bugged the hell out of me since all this began: 

That is the mnemonic for remembering the order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto Without Pluto the Mnemonic breaks down. My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pies. You would be left with My Very Educate Just Served Us Nine... Nine WHAT?! 

I am actually curious to know what the new Mnemonic would be without Pluto or if the Dwarf planets, Ceres, Pluto, Makemake, et. al. are there.

And that fifth picture, or second to last picture that the Original Poster put up is the most fascinating to me. In it you can see the tenuous atmosphere of Pluto. Of course, that far out where temperatures I am sure can reach near Absolute Zero (0 degrees Kelvin) the atmosphere probably freezes right out and deposits to the surface of the Pluto like snow, only to be sublimated like dry ice once again once it is in the daylight. 

Edited by Skylar Husky
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To be fair though, it wasn't NASA that demoted Pluto to a dwarf planet. It was the International Astronomical Union who did that, when a lot of other roughly Pluto-sized objects were found in the outer solar system/Kuiper belt and they decided to define what a planet actually was (instead of just the vague "is a bit big and orbits the sun") to prevent the list of planets becoming overcrowded.

Pluto's still cool either way though. :D


Oh! I forgot to include pictures of Pluto's other moons. This is Nix:


And this is Hydra:


There are another two called Styx and Kerberos, but images of them haven't been sent back by the New Horizons probe yet.

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To be fair though, it wasn't NASA that demoted Pluto to a dwarf planet. It was the International Astronomical Union who did that, when a lot of other roughly Pluto-sized objects were found in the outer solar system/Kuiper belt and they decided to define what a planet actually was (instead of just the vague "is a bit big and orbits the sun") to prevent the list of planets becoming overcrowded.

Pluto's still cool either way though. :D


Oh! I forgot to include pictures of Pluto's other moons. This is Nix:


And this is Hydra:


There are another two called Styx and Kerberos, but images of them haven't been sent back by the New Horizons probe yet.

Cool. I stand corrected.  (But in a good way) 

Neat. They have pictures of a couple of them. I wondered. I guess this was Hubble Space Telescope imagery most likely.  

I was watching Science Channel at my parents' the night that the probe sent back photographs. It was cool. They detailed the release of the findings and images of the surface etc. I can only imagine what that must have been like for my parents when Pioneer and Voyager sent back images of the planets for the first time, Or when Viking sent back the first image of a Martian landscape.


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Neat. They have pictures of a couple of them. I wondered. I guess this was Hubble Space Telescope imagery most likely.  

Nah, those pictures are from New Horizons too. They're basically asteroids that got caught by Pluto's gravity so they're far too small be captured as anything other than faint points of light by Hubble (which is how they appeared when they were first discovered by Hubble IIRC).

I think better quality photos of Nix and Hydra are still to be sent back actually, so we'll be able to see them a lot less pixelated than this.

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I guess the team at NASA are more interested in Pluto at the moment than the satellites. This whole thing is interesting. One day we can tell the next generation or the one after it what it was like to see the images for the first time. It blew my mind what it looked like. I expected it to look more smooth and snow like.


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First off: emo Neptune lol. 

Secondly: wow, Earth. You're such a dick. 

The short woulda made more sense if Charon was Eris though. :v

I knew someone would point out the emo Neptune!

You'd be a dick too, if you were covered in parasites that were slowly killing you :v


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