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Fat People


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How do people let themselves get into this state? It's absolutely appalling. Like don't complain when your heart checks out or you suffer medical/health complications because you can't even bother to do some basic cardio. You probs wouldn't pass out or have digestive problems if you didn't consume vast mountains of bargage. There are seriously few valid excuses. Cooking is super easy. Jogging is super easy. Following @6tails 's recommendation I learned how to cook proper. Not only do I save money, but the improved nutrition helps my overall health. And Wtf is fat shaming. All this just sounds like an excuse to be lazy and pathetic.  

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I'm pretty sure fat people already know they're fat and don't need to be told it a million times. If somebody doesn't want to get into shape it's their body and their prerogative, and if they can't get in shape for whatever reason (crippled, pituitary problems, pcos, their parents feed them shit food) then being mean to them isn't going to do a whole lot of good. You're right though, eating okay and exercising regularly isn't as difficult as whiny tumblrinas make it out to be.

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Ultimately, it's the person's choice as to whether they want to shed their fat.
Some people don't, which comes with the detrimental effects that they choose to deal with.

Bizarre as it might seem, not everyone has the same ideal body shape. I know people who want nothing more than to be really fat.

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Just now, MuttButt said:

I'm pretty sure fat people already know they're fat and don't need to be told it a million times. If somebody doesn't want to get into shape it's their body and their prerogative, and if they can't get in shape for whatever reason (crippled, pituitary problems, pcos, their parents feed them shit food) then being mean to them isn't going to do a whole lot of good. You're right though, eating okay and exercising regularly isn't as difficult as whiny tumblrinas make it out to be.

Obviously people who are actually crippled have their reasons for struggling with a healthy weight. That's excusable. Being a hamplanet that takes 2 seats on the bus and reeks of high hell is both inexcusable and my problem. The first thing I smell when I get on the bus or train shouldn't be your moldy folds. I shouldn't be cramped because you're so fat that you literally consume my personal space. And a person shouldn't jiggle like some sort of jelly monster when they walk either. I have zero control over another person's health so the best thing that CAN be done is remind them of how gross they are.

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2 minutes ago, Lucyfish said:

Guys, this is a callout thread against me. Don't give him your time. :3

Why do you think everything is about you. Please do not derail my thread you pathetic narcissist. (did you just actually admit to being a fatty)

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Because food generally tastes good and is easy to binge upon? Exercise takes effort and time whereas eating does not. It's not hard to see why there are so many obese people. Your body is your temple and by the gods if somebody wants their temple to be chock full of food I am not the one to question them. I don't laugh at them for getting fat, but when they begin spouting how being fat is healthy and all that fat acceptance bogus I start laughing at them for being stupid af. Of course you shouldn't allow yourself to get into that shape in the first place, but it's not a hard thing to imagine why it happens.

Something interesting I've noticed though. Most overweight people I've talked to are super friendly and nice, some are simply all the smile in the world manifested into a person. It's quite the contrast to the people who try to live as healthy as possible, who generally are uptight cunts about everything. Maybe enjoying life and having fun is all that matters in the end? 

Disclaimer: I am not fat, I just have a few fat friends who are just the nicest beings.

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Just now, Muugu said:

Exercise takes effort and time whereas eating does not. It's not hard to see why there are so many obese people.

This just sounds like laziness to me. 


3 minutes ago, AlexInsane said:

Also, gainer culture? Fucking creepy. End of discussion. 

There's being fat. There's being chubby. And then there's being a waste of space. I'd say these people should kill themselves but they're kinda already doing that. 

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1 minute ago, Mentova said:

Hey guys can we try and keep this from turning into a slapfight please? I see one starting up.

Just stick to discussing fat people. It can't be that hard. :V

Because this thread was made immediately after he made a bite about my weight in another thread. He doesn't care about discussing weight, he's just here to bash on "fat" people to upset those who are overweight. Just READ the OP.

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1 minute ago, Lucyfish said:

Because this thread was made immediately after he made a bite about my weight in another thread. He doesn't care about discussing weight, he's just here to bash on "fat" people to upset those who are overweight. Just READ the OP.

Not everything is about you. This might come as a surprise to you-- although I've made it ridiculously clear-- but I don't give any shits about you. You're just being hypersensitive about your weight, and interpreting that as a personal attack. If you don't like my thread go shitpost somewhere else. You're not tethered here. 


3 minutes ago, Vitaly said:

Fatty guys are hot. OP is intolerant pleb

  I think you're confusing fat blob monster with: stronk bear man. They only look fat, but are actually super strong and wrestle bears in their down time. 

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People are mostly fat due to greed, not any kinda of condition, its largely a side effect of greed and its not attractive, people should want to get out of that state, it isnt healthy, it will cost them and those around them having to compensate for their weight and eventual health care.

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10 minutes ago, FlynnCoyote said:

To be honest, I kind of agree. Mostly because of the whole seating on buses and planes issue. A few layers of fat around the midsection or whatever doesn't bother me, but these people who are big as fucking whales and don't seem to care just defy logic.

Don't forget the stress it puts on your family and friends. They shouldn't have to constantly worry about your health or if you might someday have a heart attack or stroke. This puts an unfair burden on loved ones. You could draw some parallels with people who OD themselves on drugs. Fat people are legit just being selfish and inconsiderate.

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I don't give a shit about the weight of other people unless they start trying to nitpick about me wanting to be healthy

this includes arguing with me over the fact that fat =/= healthy

fat acceptance is a fucking joke. It's extremely easy to eat and live healthier, to do this all I did was install a healthy eating app and had a little willpower

i eat like shit and I'm stingy as hell so don't give me that "eating healthy is expensive" bullshit

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3 minutes ago, Hewge said:

Losing weight is too hard! My genes don't allow me to lose weight as easily as you do! Fuck off with your discriminating attitude ! !

*Proceeds to drink sodas daily and never exercise*

It's more like "losing weight is too hard, my genes don't allow me to lose weight as easily as you!!!"

*never ever attempts to change eating habits or go for walks*

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4 hours ago, Brass said:

Jogging is super easy.

Actually, every time I jog, my body cries tears until I stop and curl up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and wishing the feeling would stop, just stop, stop just for a minute oh god.

4 hours ago, MuttButt said:

I'm pretty sure fat people already know they're fat and don't need to be told it a million times.

Actually, a lot of fat people have fat friends, so they don't have a good measuring stick. They assume average-weighted people are actually thin! My source: I am average weight, but my entire family and all their friends are fat, and they are always trying to force-feed me sandwiches until I expel them.

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Excercising isn't as hard as the internet makes it out ot be.

Stop eating like a pig in a pigsty and you'll be fine. It's a simple equation of energy in, energy out.

I don't mind fat people, but that changes if they tell me they can't get fit.



I don't go to gyms, but I sometimes hear people make fun of the fat people there. Why the fuck would you do that when they are literally working hard to reach a goal?

If you're overweight and go to a gym, good for you, and you get the Coffeecup's seal of approval.

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Here's the rule I gave myself to eat healthier:

- if the food is high in calories, sodium, carbs, or sugars (basically, if it's junkfood), I walk to get it. Healthy things = drive

If it's within walking distance and I'm not getting something I can't carry back (going to walmart or something for a cat toy idk), I walk


its not fucking hard

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I've seen the entire 'fat spectrum' for better or for worse. I've seen everything from slightly overweight to literal Jabba the Hut status and they've all had some pretty clear patterns to them. There's nothing wrong with a little chub or anything like that since it's honestly kinda natural for a lot of people, albeit not exactly "optimal" from a strictly medical perspective.

But the moment you stop giving a shit you open yourself open to reaching like 300 pounds without realizing it. So really so long as you give any kind of serious shit you should be fine.

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30 minutes ago, Sarcastic Coffeecup said:

I don't go to gyms, but I sometimes hear people make fun of the fat people there. Why the fuck would you do that when they are literally working hard to reach a goal?

because gym regulars tend to be elitist assholes

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2 minutes ago, PastryOfApathy said:

I don't know what's worse, fuckheads like that at gyms or "Lunk Alarms".

I had to look up what a lunk alarm was because I wasn't sure what it was and this just gives me more reasons to dislike Planet Fitness..

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13 minutes ago, willow said:

I had to look up what a lunk alarm was because I wasn't sure what it was and this just gives me more reasons to dislike Planet Fitness..


8 minutes ago, Sarcastic Coffeecup said:

I had to google and look up Lunk alarm on youtube. I didn't think it was real.

Holy shit it's the dumbest thing

There is nothing on this Earth quite like experiencing it first-hand, since I did go to the gym for a couple months years ago and always thought it was a prop. Boy was I wrong!

Just watching that poor, obviously annoyed and embarrassed receptionist walk out and try to awkwardly explain this shit while this obnoxious, ear-shattering blare won't shut up is one of the cringiest things I've personally witnessed outside of high school or something.

"How do we combat an occasionally obnoxious but oftentimes natural side-effect of heavy lifting? By being even more obnoxious and bringing everyone's attention to it no matter where they are!"

At least there's "Pizza Fridays!" :^)

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16 minutes ago, PastryOfApathy said:


There is nothing on this Earth quite like experiencing it first-hand, since I did go to the gym for a couple months years ago and always thought it was a prop. Boy was I wrong!

Just watching that poor, obviously annoyed and embarrassed receptionist walk out and try to awkwardly explain this shit while this obnoxious, ear-shattering blare won't shut up is one of the cringiest things I've personally witnessed outside of high school or something.

"How do we combat an occasionally obnoxious but oftentimes natural side-effect of heavy lifting? By being even more obnoxious and bringing everyone's attention to it no matter where they are!"

At least there's "Pizza Fridays!" :^)

because just ignoring the noise or wearing headphones is for filthy casuals I guess. also how do they tell when someone is judging??

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2 minutes ago, willow said:

because just ignoring the noise or wearing headphones is for filthy casuals I guess. also how do they tell when someone is judging??

Oh you CAN'T ignore it, it's part of the point. It allegedly goes off for "lunk" behavior, as in basically being at all loud with the 100+ pound lumps of metal and grunting "excessively" whatever the hell that means. It's apparently a way of intimidating people or some dumbass shit.

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4 hours ago, PastryOfApathy said:

Oh you CAN'T ignore it, it's part of the point. It allegedly goes off for "lunk" behavior, as in basically being at all loud with the 100+ pound lumps of metal and grunting "excessively" whatever the hell that means. It's apparently a way of intimidating people or some dumbass shit.

They almost never actually use the Lunk Alarm, most Planet Fitness locations have never activated it. They do prefer to ask people to stop making a scene rather than make a bigger scene themselves!

The Lunk Alarm is there as part of a branding effort to position PF as a place for out-of-shape people, specifically. They do this because out-of-shape people are intimidated by in-shape people! Fit folks are rightfully annoyed by the presence of an alarm that targets them, and therefore, will be more likely to choose a proper gym over PF.

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People are fat because it's the only lifestyle they've ever known. A healthy lifestyle is alien to them. Like they think getting a small size pizza is a healthy option and standing up to play video games counts as exercise. Sometimes they grow up with their parents stuffing their face and having massive portions is all they know, and they can't imagine eating a normal size meal. I know a guy who believes his basal metabolic rate is 3,500 calories. So, his body's calorie needs, before any exercise is undertaken that day. I told him that was bullshit but the calculator on the internet said it so it must be right D=

I dunno how you solve the problem. Some people seem to just be lying around waiting for someone to throw a miracle pill at them that will eat off that excess 200lbs without them having to go for a run or cutting out takeouts. It's kind of disturbing that some people find it easier to accept that they won't live into their forties the way they are, than go and lose the weight.

I used to be a chubby chaser. I had an amazing experience with a special fat guy. He was not your average fat guy. He was athletic, extroverted, and he was motivated enough to actually go and lose the weight in the end. At the time he moved like a guy half his size. I wanted someone who was like him in both their appearance and their personality. And my most recent partner put me off fat guys because he broke the fantasy. He showed me what it's really about and I didn't find it attractive. I didn't like putting my head on him to cuddle and my hair and clothes getting soaked with sweat.

I've never been in that situation so I wouldn't know what to suggest, it's just frustrating when people can't/won't help themselves. There's no need to be so rude though man.

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